** The Diadora Thread ** - Concepts "Rat Pack" N9000

What size did they have?
honestly couldn't tell you, not a lot anyway - IIRC, US7.5, 9 or 9.5, possibly an 11... never really looked, just grabbed the 7.5... I don't expect my order to go through though, was pretty slow in checking out as I was waiting for google translations...
honestly couldn't tell you, not a lot anyway - IIRC, US7.5, 9 or 9.5, possibly an 11... never really looked, just grabbed the 7.5... I don't expect my order to go through though, was pretty slow in checking out as I was waiting for google translations...
What time did they go live?!  They must have flown  cuz I refreshed their page often and I didn't see **** LOL 
What do ou think, are any of the stores that didn't announce release times likely to drop the Ferros at midnight?
I know most do that but one or two didn't say instore first/only. But I shouldn't get my hopes up.

This is the first pair since the Saturday Specials I'm after so I don't want to miss out on any (small) chance.
only to france tho 
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