THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Dark knight > Mask of the phantasm > Dark knight rises > BB > Batman beyond: return of the joker > all those crappy 90s george cloony films...
It is really hard to take that huge article seriously. The author stated on more than one occasion that he couldn't get/understand TDK even after multiple viewings. He needed TDKR to understand it? I completely understood TDK the first time I saw it, it really isn't as deep as he is making it out to be. The Joker and his intentions were clear, the same with Batman and Gordons decision in the end of the film. I feel that he is just reaching to prove a point or to make his argument about the trilogy more solid.
It's the grumpy, longwinded approach to saying TDK films are smarter and more serious than other comic book movies. :lol: He mis-characterizes and conflates people...takes basic elements from each movie and twists it into something, but I kinda see where it's coming from.

And it's not Ebert, it's one of his little proteges. And it's probably in response to all the criticism TDKR got as opposed to Avengers, where I was one of like 2 people with anything bad to say about it. >D
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Enough of the, "This little thing bothered me..." about TDKR. There are plenty of those kinds of things that can be found in all three movies.
1. In Batman Begins, the weapon used by the League of Shadows is a microwave emitter that vaporizes water. The human body is made up of over 50% water. Why is it then, that the emitter doesn't vaporize any human within a reasonable distance? Does it some how have compassion on the people around it and it spares their lives?
2. In The Dark Knight, Batman jumps out of a freaking 60-story building to save Rachel and they fall onto a car, both completely alive, well, and without blemish. WTF happened there? Also, what about the Joker he just blew by to save Rachel? He's just up there hanging around in Bruce's penthouse party-room, enjoying a beverage with the guests? And you mean to tell me that the Chinese government wouldn't mind a plane flying around Hong Kong in what I'm assuming is pretty restricted airspace? I guess they felt scrambling fighter jets to shoot it down was too much of a hassle. Then there's the bank heist...the Joker drives a bus OUT OF A BANK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY and nobody notices? Gotham must be full of the biggest ******s in the DC world... And the whole "sonar goggles" are ridiculous as well...
But you know what? I don't let those things bother me because in the scheme of things, it's stupid to focus on those small, minor details that otherwise, don't really matter to the main plot. The Dark Knight Trilogy is so much more than those tiny parts of the plot. I truly believe if you want the movie (The Dark Knight Rises) to be great then it will be. Yes, the Joker and Heath's portrayal of him in TDK is mesmerizing and possibly the most memorable villain of the 21st century, but TDK wasn't perfect either; it had it's own little plot holes and things that didn't add up, but you guys don't seem to be bothered by that.
Enjoy TDKR for what it is: an epic conclusion to an epic trilogy. Don't let the little things bother you so much that you're blind to the amazing acting, cinematography, action scenes, and characters in these movies.

Awesom post. At the end of the day we need to remember all these movies are of adults playing dress up. Flaws, plotholes whatever have you, all can be surmised by remembering they're comic book characters.
A lot of people complained about Two-Face because they killed him off "anticlimactically" (people were convinced he wasn't dead "just" from falling)

I for one didn't mind. I mean I wasn't expecting Two-Face to act like a "villain" at the level of the Tommy Lee Jones Two-Face or anything...

People can complain about anything and harp on how it ruined the experience. People can't just take a step back, realize how well-made the films were, and appreciate it.
One thing that bugged me continuity wise was they left the stock exchange and 8 mins later it is pitch dark
Finally got around to seeing TDKR last week. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Action sequences were :smokin

I think people expected waaaaay too much out of this movie. Sure, it wasn't as good as TDK. If you thought it was going to be, then it's your own fault if you were let down IMO. It was a great ending to the series.

Bane's death had me with the
face though :rolleyes
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i thought overall the movie was good. I may be one of the few but i think TDKR was just as good as TDK. its almost comparing apples and oranges though because those 2 villains arnt suppose to create same chaos as each other.

side question does anyone have an invite to comicbt i could get?
Without question TDK had more "substance" than the Avengers. To me it really comes down to what is more important to you: a deep and well developed script or phenomenal special effects. Obviously to me, the script is more important so I have to go with TDK. This discussion actually reminds me of the G.O.O.D Music vs. YMCMB debates. 
Sorry to bring up the age debate again but I was rewatching Batman Begins with my homegirl the other day and (have no idea ow I missed this) during a scene before Bruce's birthday party there is a big '30' in balloons on the add that that 9 years to the point of TDKR and that would make Bruce Wayne almost 40 years old....

end debate.
Finally saw the movie.. Now it's safe for me to enter this thread again..


personally i think they rushed everything after the break..... he came back wayyyy to quick & bane took over wayyyyy to quick .... maybe ill think different when i rewatch it

but to me TDR is leaps & bounds better than TDKR
tdkr could've used an extra 30-45 minutes to really wrap everything up beautifully but that would've made the movie too long so i understand and am fine with them rushing things. hopefully the director's cut has what we want in it.
Enough of the, "This little thing bothered me..." about TDKR. There are plenty of those kinds of things that can be found in all three movies.
1. In Batman Begins, the weapon used by the League of Shadows is a microwave emitter that vaporizes water. The human body is made up of over 50% water. Why is it then, that the emitter doesn't vaporize any human within a reasonable distance? Does it some how have compassion on the people around it and it spares their lives?
2. In The Dark Knight, Batman jumps out of a freaking 60-story building to save Rachel and they fall onto a car, both completely alive, well, and without blemish. WTF happened there? Also, what about the Joker he just blew by to save Rachel? He's just up there hanging around in Bruce's penthouse party-room, enjoying a beverage with the guests? And you mean to tell me that the Chinese government wouldn't mind a plane flying around Hong Kong in what I'm assuming is pretty restricted airspace? I guess they felt scrambling fighter jets to shoot it down was too much of a hassle. Then there's the bank heist...the Joker drives a bus OUT OF A BANK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY and nobody notices? Gotham must be full of the biggest ******s in the DC world... And the whole "sonar goggles" are ridiculous as well...
But you know what? I don't let those things bother me because in the scheme of things, it's stupid to focus on those small, minor details that otherwise, don't really matter to the main plot. The Dark Knight Trilogy is so much more than those tiny parts of the plot. I truly believe if you want the movie (The Dark Knight Rises) to be great then it will be. Yes, the Joker and Heath's portrayal of him in TDK is mesmerizing and possibly the most memorable villain of the 21st century, but TDK wasn't perfect either; it had it's own little plot holes and things that didn't add up, but you guys don't seem to be bothered by that.
Enjoy TDKR for what it is: an epic conclusion to an epic trilogy. Don't let the little things bother you so much that you're blind to the amazing acting, cinematography, action scenes, and characters in these movies.

these were the things that I questioned while I was watching them but
I chose to be taken away by the movie. not criticize it. It's like choosing the
blue pill.
will most likely watch again for the final and 4th time before they take them down.
I love Nolans Batman. classic.
tdkr could've used an extra 30-45 minutes to really wrap everything up beautifully but that would've made the movie too long so i understand and am fine with them rushing things. hopefully the director's cut has what we want in it.
pretty much.. could have easily just split it into 2 movies and fleshed things out more..

still loved the movie.. just think it could have done with more

for example, just could have 'ended' the first one with bane leaving batman in the prison (after his says "then you will have my permission to die").. or hell just after the fight right before he takes him to the prison
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I'm sure it's been mentioned before but I just noticed Bats kills the truck driver alongside Talia.
finally saw it tonight and I just thoroughly enjoyed the whole movie and Anne Hathaway really surprised me with her performance also Hardy's everything was very well done :pimp:
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