THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Just saw the film last night. I was overwhelmed by the powerful presence Bane had in this film.

Ra's Al Ghul started off the trilogy perfectly. Moving in the shadows, going under the radar, preparing Gotham for what was only in store for sequels to come.

Jokers performance was brilliant and pulled a sense of suspense out of you in TDK. The Joker's twist on terror made TDK a favorite of mine and a classic.

While Bane's performance struck fear and chaos. Brilliant. The first fight scene in TDKR with Bane and Bats was chilling. Bane was a total badass.

This series has easily beaten out any other series of movies for me. I love the Transformers and also Star Wars, but Nolans interpretation of Gotham's Caped Crusader is second to none.

The burning Bat symbol on the bridge was chilling....
I was practically inspired to tears at many of the scenes.
Watching the cops go at it with bane and a tank and fighting regardless
Batman's rehabilitation, and the climb. jesus that was inspiring.
catwoman the entire film was exactly how I remembered her and better.
joseph gordon taking the steps of faith across the bridge to be denied by the army regardless.
batman's sacrifice.
the whole thing was just so inspiring, especially since half the movie was just evil prevailing in complete dominance, and yet a select few refusing to quit.
this movie is miles ahead of TDK.

The exact same way I felt as I sat there watching. Got chills running down my spine. I wouldn't say miles better than TDK but definitely sits right next to TDK as one of the best stories/movies I've seen.
anybody else notice Bill Cowher on the rogues ...

movie was great , alittle long but great ........
at first I thought she was a lesbian, not that theres anything wrong with that. Her and the blonde girl were a little too close. But then she was making out with Brice, So i guess she does swing both ways.
As for the bane mask, I understood the overall reason, to stop pain. But I mustve missed how the mask did that

The blonde was Holly Robinson, she's like a sidekick to Catwoman.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think in the comics the mask didn't really serve much of a purpose other than keep having the venom injected into Bane through those tubes in the back.
They should have made a bigger bane even though it was good acting
I felt like the first fight batman could have won bane wasn't that terrifying
Best movie ever? nah
TDK > This

He didn't say it was the best movie ever, he said it was the best movie he's ever seen.

You guys really have to stop pitting once chapter of the story against the other. Its not a competition...
On top of it all he gave us the Inception like ending...smh

How? We were told right before that scene that the autopilot had been installed and why would Alfred see Bruce with Selina? What other proof did you want?

I think the ending is pretty clear. :lol:

I have the urge to watch this again, really enjoyed it. :smokin
I need to know how this movie was better than the TDK you can't even understand what the hell Bane is saying half the time :lol:

People just want the new thing to be good

This movie was a 7/10 at best.

One more thing.

Its absolutely absurd to me that a city of 12 million people can be captured and kept hostage by a small guerrilla army.

Threat of nuclear explosion or not somebody would have tried something especially because they were murking people anyways.
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With no cops and criminals joining up with Bane's men, what chance did the average citizen have. Out of 12 million you can't expect a large portion of the people to be willing to rise up and fight. The elderly, children, parents might not risk it, many women, then men who were afraid. That 12 million shrinks quickly and these people STILL have to go against an army that blew all but one bridge, trapped the cops, and instituted marshal law. Plus you saw how hard it was to organize resistance on the surface with Blake and he's got cop resources and was shown to be more than an average joe. For all we know small bands of people did try something but its not a stretch at all to assume they were put down easily.

Its one thing to be a blind defender of the movies faults and its another to need every possible thing to be explained in great detail. Some things can be assumed or go without saying because we can infer the answer from what the movie DID give us.

Also, Inception ending? If Alfred looked up and we didn't see what he saw, then that's an Inception ending. But that didn't happen. They clearly showed what he saw and there's zero reason to believe its fake.
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I think most of my concerns would be addressed in having a longer movie. It felt very rushed.

They had too much money and didn't know how to use it, it seems. 
With no cops and criminals joining up with Bane's men, what chance did the average citizen have. Out of 12 million you can't expect a large portion of the people to be willing to rise up and fight. The elderly, children, parents might not risk it, many women, then men who were afraid. That 12 million shrinks quickly and these people STILL have to go against an army that blew all but one bridge, trapped the cops, and instituted marshal law. Plus you saw how hard it was to organize resistance on the surface with Blake and he's got cop resources and was shown to be more than an average joe. For all we know small bands of people did try something but its not a stretch at all to assume they were put down easily.
Its one thing to be a blind defender of the movies faults and its another to need every possible thing to be explained in great detail. Some things can be assumed or go without saying because we can infer the answer from what the movie DID give us.

Pretty much.

I think most of my concerns would be addressed in having a longer movie. It felt very rushed.

They had too much money and didn't know how to use it, it seems. 

You sound as if you could have a better idea of how it should have gone. Or at least someone in mind who could have guided this film in a better direction, in your opinion?

How do you think it should have played out? I for one don't have too many problems with the film outside of the lack of venom in Bane. But what direction do you think this film should have taken to close out the series?
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Just wanna post this again since nobody replied to it,

I want to know how much Bane truly believed in what Talia and him were doing. Was it really just for her? Did they both truly think that gotham was evil and it's time was up an dmust be destroyed? I felt like I understood Ra's motivations much more clearly. There were so many 99% references... did they truly care about wealth disparity? was that a main reason Gotham failed? I just have no idea what either really cared about. Just fufiling Ra's goal but what did they feel about it?

did anyone else think about that? maybe I'm just thinking to much about it. Need to hear Talia's speech about her reasoning again. I just don't get some of their motivations. they had to have been pretty persuasive to have henchmen ready to diie for their cause. But we didn't get a glimpse of that

I think I'm just gonna have to buy that most of what was done, was a personal assault on Bruce Wayne. Make him watch his city crumble and that Bane hated Wayne because of the dent act and Talia
Well I'm pretty sure they said Bane got recruits who were too extreme for the League, so it would make sense if they had the same beliefs.

So they're followers of Bane, and Bane still believes in the Leagues message plus he's fulfilling Talia's wishes and getting revenge for her.
Just came home from the 12:40 showing. WOW, loved every minute of it.

-Hardy was a dope Bane. On screen, he came off a good size for the role.
-Anne Hathaway pleasantly surprised me, thought she did a great job.
-When Bruce made the jump successfully and out of the pit, I got goosebumps.
-I knew Blake was Robin all along, was just waiting to see how they officially announced it.
-Nolan sure does know how to successfully end any of his movies.

When I get the chance to see TDKR again, I'll most likely confirm my belief that it was better than TDK.
Well I'm pretty sure they said Bane got recruits who were too extreme for the League, so it would make sense if they had the same beliefs.
So they're followers of Bane, and Bane still believes in the Leagues message plus he's fulfilling Talia's wishes and getting revenge for her.

i canr remember. I do remember the little kid telling Blake that guys who age out go find work under the bridge. So i figured those were some of the recruits. And I'm wondering what he did to brainwash em. I guess when you are desperate and alone it wouldn't be hard.
How dumb can some of you dudes be to think Nolan gave us an Inception-esque ending.

Gordon saw the Bat signal was fixed at the end. Lucious found out he had fixed the auto-pilot 6 months ago. Alfred saw Bruce and they acknowledged each other but didn't say a word like he what he wanted to happen.

If there was going to be an Inception style ending all you would've seen was Alfred appearing to look in that direction and maybe almost a smile or a smirk until it's cut off to the credits.
Sidenote.. At the trilogy marathon, everyone was amped and cheering anytime the Joker did anything cool or funny.. The second he appeared they went nuts. But when he had the video of the fake Batman that he was torturing and he said "Look at me!" In a deep and serious voice.. Not a single sound came from the audience. No cheering or clapping, people were silent. It was just awesome because everyone there was a diehard and probably seen TDK 5 times at least, but they were STILL captivated by Heath's performance.

Everyone in the theater was laughing when Scarecrow was the Judge.

And Off rip when I saw how much screen time they were giving Blake I was like son is gonna be Robin or Nightwing or something, I don't follow the comics, just watched the cartoons as a kid.

With them introducing blake though I was like, this can't be the totally last flick, just can't be.

Like I said early I reeeeeeeally wanna see Johnny Depp star as Jigsaw and have folks in some Jigsaw type traps.
I think most of my concerns would be addressed in having a longer movie. It felt very rushed.

They had too much money and didn't know how to use it, it seems. 
You sound as if you could have a better idea of how it should have gone. Or at least someone in mind who could have guided this film in a better direction, in your opinion?

How do you think it should have played out? I for one don't have too many problems with the film outside of the lack of venom in Bane. But what direction do you think this film should have taken to close out the series?
The plot holes were too large for me to be comfortable with. I was sitting there with my cousin basically just laughing at the massive leaps in logic from time to time. 

I don't have any better ideas for a "plot" because there is no actual "plot," its just up to whatever the directors etc decide to make it.

However, the transition in the story was straight up awful from time to time. Many things could have been smoothed out with a decision to make the movie longer.
saw it last night in IMAX and i must say if you guys havent seen it like that, you have not truly seen this film, as most of it was shot with IMAX cameras.
-I still think TDK is better but not by a large margin, in fact I think this had more of a summer movie vibe to it than TDK did. I feel like TDK would've done the same numbers in any season of the year it was released(had been released in nov-dec,2008 it would've been nominated). The writing in TDK was top notch, no superhero script has even tried to go there with their villains, where you actually understand where they are coming from and see their point of view. Just INCREDIBLE.

the TDKR i feel was a direct sequel to batman begins and TDK was a sort of "side mission" for batman. Which isn't a bad thing at all, both are classics in their own rights. I almost feel like the order should of watching the films should be after you watch rises, you'd be like "what's harvey dent all about??" "how does he fit into this??"
-I felt the beginning was very slow, i understand it and know why it was there but i think this movie was one where the hype got the best of it. I mean in the trailers after seeing bane talking to bruce mask off telling him "when gotham is in ashes you have my permission to die." lol i felt like i was literally waiting for that moment and every moment that came before that moment and after.
-I still wasn't impressed with catwoman, love anne hatheway, love the idea, but felt like she was super under developed(as with most nolan female roles) I feel as if anne could have been added to maybe batman begins and the dark knight it would've been pretty dope. Maybe another love interest for bruce in BB, but bruce obviously goes for rachel. and maybe a short cameo in TDK. I feel like they shoulda done catwoman like they did the scarecrow, he's been in all three films and i honestly felt a better connection with cillian murphy(a now veteran batman thespian than hatheway)
-Bane was everything i hoped for, and he def upped the ante more than the joker, trapping the police, blowing up ANY exit route out the city, making gotham an anarchy. Batman finally meeting his match physically was great to see. Up until now we just saw him beat up thugs and obviously overwhelmed league of shadows henchmen. Everything you needed to know about banes thinking was greatly brought out during that first fight scene between him and batman, that fight was pretty epic Great stuff.

All in all i have to see it 2nd time but i DEF LOVED IT and am glad that batman was done right for a change. I also hope that other movie studios take this approach to make the comics as close to the film in tone and story, then people will show up. I'm not a big superman fan but i do hope this man of steel(nolan produced) will kinda have the edge people have been waiting for. If anything Noal has def left his impression on the comic movie world for sure. Can't wait to see what he does next
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