THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Good but not great IMO. The last 45 minutes or so was great though. I hated Bane's voice, I had a hard time understanding him at times
On Bane

Bane was the terrorist bad *** that I wanted him to be for 90% of the film until the end where he was shedding tears and it was revealed that HE DID IT FOR TALIA. I also didnt like how he just got murked out of nowhere by Catwoman followed up by some joke by her that pretty much turned his death into a punchline. Pretty anticlimatic and a disservice to his character.
It just seemed like a big stretch even for Bruce Wayne. He was a broke man left with nothing. The goons basically had Gotham closed off and isolated, no one was allowed in or out.
Lol, People are really trying to justify massive, massive, inexcusable and just plain lazy plotholes...

First of all: I have a tremendous respect for Christopher Nolan and what he has done with his movies. 

When it's all said and done, his Batman trilogy of films will be remembered as the one of the greatest trilogies of all time... 

The Dark Knight Rises isn't a bad's actually quite good. But the plotholes really hurt this thing. 

No exaggeration: that whole Batman going from a prison in the middle of nowhere to Gotham City within a couple of hours might be the biggest stretch in serious-movie-making history. 

It was utter nonsense, I expect better than that from Nolan.

Also, even though the movie was long, everything just felt rushed and abbreviated. They tried to do too much.

And matter how flawed the script was...the movie was still great, just amazing to look at and there were some really cool things going on there. It's just The Dark Knight Rises is the worst of the three. 

Also, I went to the screening that showed all three of the movies, and there was something that bothered me about the trilogy.

In all three movies, the city looks completely different. Batman Begins is the only movie where Gotham City looks cool and completely unique. In The Dark Knight the city looks like Chicago and in The Dark Knight Rises the city looks like New York...Not a big deal, just something i noticed that irked me. I wish they would have kept that look from Batman Begins. 
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Bane just had no regard for human life, dude was pretty terrifying.

Bane was just great. No care. Straight brute force. No regard for nuffin. I knew it was CURTAINS for when he was trapped in the sewer with Bane. Then when he resorted to those gadgets, it was all down hill :smh:. I'm thinking like man this guy is not some normal villain. That's not going to work.

Real talk though. Why was Bane THAT strong? He picked Bats up like he was a child. :lol: I gotta get strong like Bane :nerd:
No exaggeration: that whole Batman going from a prison in the middle of nowhere to Gotham City within a couple of hours might be the biggest stretch in serious-movie-making history. 

Bigger stretch than a billionaire playboy who dresses up as a Bat at night?
He didn't sound like Sean Connery. Nothing like him. Bane sounded like Henry Kissinger.
Do we know it was only a couple of hours? Or was it just an undetermined amount of time?

It was undetermined. They do keep mentioning the timer and such so someone must know the last time they mentioned the time he was in prison to the next time they mentioned the timer when he got back to Gotham.
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Do we know it was only a couple of hours? Or was it just an undetermined amount of time?

It was undetermined. They do keep mentioning the timer and such so someone must know the last time they mentioned the time he was in prison to the next time they mentioned the timer when he got back to Gotham.

Spoilered that just in case.

I think that the last time before Bats escaped was with 12 days til the bomb went off. I THINK. Not completely sure.
It just seemed like a big stretch even for Bruce Wayne. He was a broke man left with nothing. The goons basically had Gotham closed off and isolated, no one was allowed in or out.
Lol, People are really trying to justify massive, massive, inexcusable and just plain lazy plotholes...

First of all: I have a tremendous respect for Christopher Nolan and what he has done with his movies. 

When it's all said and done, his Batman trilogy of films will be remembered as the one of the greatest trilogies of all time... 

The Dark Knight Rises isn't a bad's actually quite good. But the plotholes really hurt this thing. 

No exaggeration: that whole Batman going from a prison in the middle of nowhere to Gotham City within a couple of hours might be the biggest stretch in serious-movie-making history. 

It was utter nonsense, I expect better than that from Nolan.

Also, even though the movie was long, everything just felt rushed and abbreviated. They tried to do too much.

And matter how flawed the script was...the movie was still great, just amazing to look at and there were some really cool things going on there. It's just The Dark Knight Rises is the worst of the three. 

Also, I went to the screening that showed all three of the movies, and there was something that bothered me about the trilogy.

In all three movies, the city looks completely different. Batman Begins is the only movie where Gotham City looks cool and completely unique. In The Dark Knight the city looks like Chicago and in The Dark Knight Rises the city looks like New York...Not a big deal, just something i noticed that irked me. I wish they would have kept that look from Batman Begins. 
Agreed on EVERY point.

The MASSIVE stretch in plot holes should have just been covered and handled properly by making the movie longer. 

I mean how the hell did he get back on the island? 

And whats up with Miranda Tate's AWFUL acting when she dies? That was the worst on-screen death i've ever seen.

There were some really lazy decisions made with this movie. Don't let the hype get to you. 
Rises asks you to suspend disbelief more than begins and TDK. Which bothered me because this whole trilogy got huge because of Nolan's realistic approach to Batman.

More stuff to nitpick at in Rises when you sit down and think about the movie. Talia going out in the truck was awful acting yeah i dunno where that came from

But some movies are more about an experience. Rises hit me more emotionally than the other two. And I was in awe so much of the time. It just kept getting more epic. A very good conclusion to the series..
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Originally Posted by MilkmanDead:

Lol, People are really trying to justify massive, massive, inexcusable and just plain lazy plotholes...

First of all: I have a tremendous respect for Christopher Nolan and what he has done with his movies.

When it's all said and done, his Batman trilogy of films will be remembered as the one of the greatest trilogies of all time...

The Dark Knight Rises isn't a bad's actually quite good. But the plotholes really hurt this thing.

No exaggeration: that whole Batman going from a prison in the middle of nowhere to Gotham City within a couple of hours might be the biggest stretch in serious-movie-making history.

It was utter nonsense, I expect better than that from Nolan.

Also, even though the movie was long, everything just felt rushed and abbreviated. They tried to do too much.

And matter how flawed the script was...the movie was still great, just amazing to look at and there were some really cool things going on there. It's just The Dark Knight Rises is the worst of the three.

Also, I went to the screening that showed all three of the movies, and there was something that bothered me about the trilogy.

In all three movies, the city looks completely different. Batman Begins is the only movie where Gotham City looks cool and completely unique. In The Dark Knight the city looks like Chicago and in The Dark Knight Rises the city looks like New York...Not a big deal, just something i noticed that irked me. I wish they would have kept that look from Batman Begins.

I'm going to have to agree on all the points made here. I really REALLY respect what Nolan has done as a director and a writer but these items are flaws. That's not to discount that this is still a GREAT film. It is just not "The best 160 minutes I've spent in a theater" as others are touting it to be. I put Inception ahead of this film in Nolan's catalog.

Things of note are like how quickly he got back, the passage of time throughout the film, the overlooking of his initial injury(s) at the start of the film, and the USB drive with the "Clean Slate" that just got given away. They all just felt way too convenient and rushed. The biggest downfall of this film is that it has too many "moving parts". Like I said, this is still an amazing film and I adore the ending for actually being a satisfying culmination.

I'm watching it again in legit IMAX tonight so I'll ponder this a bit more.
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Rises asks you to suspend disbelief more than begins and TDK. Which bothered me because this whole trilogy got huge because of Nolan's realistic approach to Batman.

More stuff to nitpick at in Rises when you sit down and think about the movie. Talia going out in the truck was awful acting yeah i dunno where that came from

But some movies are more about an experience. Rises hit me more emotionally than the other two. And I was in awe so much of the time. It just kept getting more epic. A very good conclusion to the series..

If I was the director, I'd have yelled CUUUT

That **** was TRASH. 
I noticed how all the complaints are about the director/timeline and none about the characters.....

I thought EVERYONE was very believable as the character. Hardy, Oldman (actor of the series IMO), Anne, Coltiard and JGL were :pimp:
Bane's dialogue in the first fight with batman is :smokin . "The shadows betray you because they belong to me"
It just seemed like a big stretch even for Bruce Wayne. He was a broke man left with nothing. The goons basically had Gotham closed off and isolated, no one was allowed in or out.
Lol, People are really trying to justify massive, massive, inexcusable and just plain lazy plotholes...

First of all: I have a tremendous respect for Christopher Nolan and what he has done with his movies. 
When it's all said and done, his Batman trilogy of films will be remembered as the one of the greatest trilogies of all time... 
The Dark Knight Rises isn't a bad's actually quite good. But the plotholes really hurt this thing. 
No exaggeration: that whole Batman going from a prison in the middle of nowhere to Gotham City within a couple of hours might be the biggest stretch in serious-movie-making history. 
It was utter nonsense, I expect better than that from Nolan.

Also, even though the movie was long, everything just felt rushed and abbreviated. They tried to do too much.
And matter how flawed the script was...the movie was still great, just amazing to look at and there were some really cool things going on there. It's just The Dark Knight Rises is the worst of the three. 

Also, I went to the screening that showed all three of the movies, and there was something that bothered me about the trilogy.
In all three movies, the city looks completely different. Batman Begins is the only movie where Gotham City looks cool and completely unique. In The Dark Knight the city looks like Chicago and in The Dark Knight Rises the city looks like New York...Not a big deal, just something i noticed that irked me. I wish they would have kept that look from Batman Begins. 

I get your point about how the city changes but the way I see it is
Bat beg- city looks dirty and dark because of all the crime until bat cleans up the city
Tdk- city looks cleaner because of bat and remember how in the movie all the mob bosses were scared cuz of batman and also Harvey dent was getting the criminals
Tdkr- bat put in work from the past and cuz chief Gordon

So as the crime slowly lessens the city slowly improves. I think that's why the city changes
im not gonna go thru this thread cuz i already know dudes are tryin to give some type of Jeff Van Gundy breakdown of the movie. make unnecessary comparisons, find flaws to justify it not being worth it...w.e.

i saw it this morning and all i will say is that it was an excellent end to the trilogy. everything tied in, and anne hathaway was great as catwoman. michelle p from batman returns, she was not. but those movies were different. i wish she had a whip tho lol. the movie did great keeping you into it the whole time and yes they're were some minor issues with plot sequencing (prison escape > gotham). you have to watch it to get what i mean.

what threw me off was the rerecording of bane's voice. as per complains of the prologue, it was redone so that people can hear him well. however this is only apparent if you watched the prologue. if not, you wouldn't have noticed anything diff. i got scared at first thinking they destroyed the movie. but you quickly got used to it and it worked out.

bottom line, movie was crack, easily best movie of the year so far for me. im not comparing it to other comic book movie esp marvel movies as they're not the same...too different.

tickets for imax will be copped for next weekend lol :pimp:
does anyone know where I could get an mp3 of the prisoner's chanting 'rise' as he's trying to climb out of the pit? Those parts gave me goosebumps

EDIT: nvm, i found it.
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if you nitpick this masterpiece like a prick then you're obviously an ******* who has never had a creative bone in your body or thought you had but never made anything of it. Having said that, EVERY movie has its flaws even The God Father Part 2, yeah i said it so go **** yourself. This trilogy has given the audience Justice, Joy, Satisfaction and most importantly...Closure (whether it's open ended or not). We have witnessed the best damn adaptation of a Comic Book into a feature film with the utmost of reality given to it without ever questioning the motive from director/actors/screenplay writers until the very last end of its chapter. It is IN MY OPINION safe to say that this piece of cinema is our Truth. Many of us regardless of generation have looked up to Batman (or at least the Character) as a symbol of inspiration or motivation to always do/be a better version of ourselves and this trilogy defines the motive of a True hero. I know I will be banned after this post but **** it. If you don't appreciate this film for what it truly is which is a work of art then you're just an internet cocksucker who'd rather project negative feedback rather than appreciate hard work from people who just want to tell a legendary story in their wonderful perspective because they love the world of creativity and want to invite you into something that actually makes you feel like you're a part of something that is Honest. Good Night.
if you nitpick this masterpiece like a prick then you're obviously an ******* who has never had a creative bone in your body or thought you had but never made anything of it. Having said that, EVERY movie has its flaws even The God Father Part 2, yeah i said it so go **** yourself. This trilogy has given the audience Justice, Joy, Satisfaction and most importantly...Closure (whether it's open ended or not). We have witnessed the best damn adaptation of a Comic Book into a feature film with the utmost of reality given to it without ever questioning the motive from director/actors/screenplay writers until the very last end of its chapter. It is IN MY OPINION safe to say that this piece of cinema is our Truth. Many of us regardless of generation have looked up to Batman (or at least the Character) as a symbol of inspiration or motivation to always do/be a better version of ourselves and this trilogy defines the motive of a True hero. I know I will be banned after this post but **** it. If you don't appreciate this film for what it truly is which is a work of art then you're just an internet cocksucker who'd rather project negative feedback rather than appreciate hard work from people who just want to tell a legendary story in their wonderful perspective because they love the world of creativity and want to invite you into something that actually makes you feel like you're a part of something that is Honest. Good Night.

It's not that serious
Sooooo are we just going to overlook the fact that Wayne did NOT get to GC overnight?

The bomb was set up to blow in 5 months. Isn't it feasible that he found a way there or had at least been plotting it since he's been locked up. Remember, the bomb is the only thing that has time tied to it so it's all ambiguous. It never crossed my mind that Wayne got there overnight, simply because it's not that big of a deal.
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