The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

-I am overly critical from time to time.
-I don't trust many very people.
-I jump to conclusions.
-I can be very overbearing.
-I spend way too much $$$ in general.
-I am a procrastinator.
-I don't live up to my potential.
-I'm selfish.
-I'm rude.
-I'm confused.
-I'm indecisive.

I haven't said enough....
-one day in middle school after school was over I threw a rock in the air and it came down and hit a chick in the head
-when I was 18 I went out with a 15 year old for a month then found out she lied about her age

-I voted Nader
-I'm currently on a 10 month drought

-I want to start a massive fight (like hundreds of people)
-I don't like my dad's side of the family, and some on my moms
-I stopped watching porn three months ago
i wish i was normal

i'm not doing #$## with my life[besides cupcaking and sleeping].. and i think the only thing that'll snap me out of it is my moms or brother dying..since they're the ones supporting me.. though i'm pretty sure if it ever came to that i'd off myself

i don't have any real friends.. just a girlfriend, associates and relatives

i really wish somebody would seriously injure my little brother..lil #!%%$ swears he's untouchable

it bothers me that so many people confide in me.. i could tell you 15 different life stories right now.. if i were a gossip.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Kelly78dogg, arent you 13?..and you already drinking and smoking? drunk at just off myself now to avoid the inevitable failure in life. what i just said there should tell you to stop doing what you are doing. how you destroying your body when its at the stage of growing still? where are your parents?
-I don't talk to my Dad and haven't seen him in almost a year and do not care one bit
-I disrespect my Mom sometimes (I am working on this hard)
-I am 21 with no job for almost 6 months
-I just feel like I am going through something I have always had a job and was always trying to make $ until this year
-I feel like someone needs to beat my little bros @#$ so he can learn some lessons
-I put myself in way to many messed up situations
-I've never really had a girlfriend and never plan on getting one
-I want to find a fine @#$ girl and inpregnate her (not now in the future) just so I can have a kid because I never want to get married
-I have no motivation to do pretty much of anything lately
-I only have maybe 3 real friends
-I lost a friend a couple months ago over an agrument about a girl at a club lol (you learn you are your true friends overtime)
-I probably drink to much

Man I've named to many and can think of more.
Originally Posted by jordanandkobe4life

-I don't talk to my Dad and haven't seen him in almost a year and do not care one bit
-I disrespect my Mom sometimes (I am working on this hard)
-I am 21 with no job for almost 6 months
-I just feel like I am going through something I have always had a job and was always trying to make $ until this year
-I feel like someone needs to beat my little bros @#$ so he can learn some lessons
-I put myself in way to many messed up situations
-I've never really had a girlfriend and never plan on getting one
-I want to find a fine @#$ girl and inpregnate her (not now in the future) just so I can have a kid because I never want to get married
-I have no motivation to do pretty much of anything lately
-I only have maybe 3 real friends
-I lost a friend a couple months ago over an agrument about a girl at a club lol (you learn you are your true friends overtime)
-I probably drink to much

Man I've named to many and can think of more.
me dos
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

That's not funny.

I get paranoid.
me too at night after mid-night, while driving by myself, but that's only because I had a bad experience once
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i wish i was normal

i'm not doing #$## with my life[besides cupcaking and sleeping].. and i think the only thing that'll snap me out of it is my moms or brother dying.. since they're the ones supporting me.. though i'm pretty sure if it ever came to that i'd off myself

i don't have any real friends.. just a girlfriend, associates and relatives

i really wish somebody would seriously injure my little brother..lil #!%%$ swears he's untouchable

it bothers me that so many people confide in me.. i could tell you 15 different life stories right now.. if i were a gossip.

man...i be thinking i had it bad but
i'd say thanks for making me feelbetter but that be rude. keep ya head up and push come to shove you could always write a book.
- I have OCD it used to be real bad but it's gotten alot better.
- I used to have Panic attacks because of my OCD.
- I smashed my Supervisor at my current job on a couple occassions.
- I've been smashing this married chick for 9 months and I'm catching feelings.

- I lost my virginity at 13.
- I can't stand my dad I don't talk or haven't seen him in years. He treats his step kids better than me and I'm his only biological child.
- I'm shy but I still get women.

More later.
it's cool I'm pretty open about most things anyway. plus, its a confession thread, what else would I be doing? Above all else, I will probably never meet any of you, so what do I care?


-I haven't had a job since may

-I get paranoid at night after mid-night, while driving by myself

-I hate scary movies, I can only watch them in the morning
-I smoke once but did not get high (
at smoking)
-I drink but never been drunk
- I really like my best friend of 2 years now, and talk 2 her everyday, everybody says we would look good together but idk sometimes i feel like i like herother times not so much

-I feel like I might be a lil addicted to smoking weed, but i might stop 4 my bestfriend mentioned above because she hates when I do it

- college is becoming way to expensive just in the sense of going out on the weekends, I want to go out but drinks, cab rides, food = empty wallet

-Lately I've been deppressed and/or having mixed feelings about everything, I really just think i need a girl, word to diddy n usher

-Im a real funny guy but it sucks because even when im trying to be serious people still think im joking around

-Im happy about the school I go to and like the friends that I have in it, but I feel like my old friends arn't as close as the ones that are in college

-I really need to tell my best friend how I feel about her it eats at me everyday and I just need to man up and ask her.
Originally Posted by Mr James To U

- I really like my best friend of 2 years now, and talk 2 her everyday, everybody says we would look good together but idk sometimes i feel like i like her other times not so much

-I feel like I might be a lil addicted to smoking weed, but i might stop 4 my bestfriend mentioned above because she hates when I do it

- college is becoming way to expensive just in the sense of going out on the weekends, I want to go out but drinks, cab rides, food = empty wallet

-Lately I've been deppressed and/or having mixed feelings about everything, I really just think i need a girl, word to diddy n usher

-Im a real funny guy but it sucks because even when im trying to be serious people still think im joking around

-Im happy about the school I go to and like the friends that I have in it, but I feel like my old friends aren't as close as the ones that are in college

-I really need to tell my best friend how I feel about her it eats at me everyday and I just need to man up and ask her.
lots of ppl usually feel like this. part of growing up
* I read like 14pages of this before deciding to post

* I haven't worked since March 3rd(enemployment FTW)

* I write every shoe I wear in a calendar

* I only have 3DS pair of shoes now started the year off with like 11...CDP FTL!!!

* My room mate and my best friend *&^% basically my brother has let his mother and sister live with us for 14months out of the last 18 and they don'tdo anything but make my life a living hell...they don't pay rent they make our house look hella sloppy and they've ruined my sex life for thelongest...chicks are afraid to scream when they're here...smh...his mom is like 50something and I don't work but make more money then her by siting my$%& at home all day...his sister is 24 and she's never had a JOB how do you not have a job ever!?...she just got her son took away from her and herdumb %$# went out to the club last night and came back here mad loud @ like 2am...I'm so stressed cuz of this cuz this dude is my brother we do anythingfor each other@#$! and I'm the only child technically so I don't like sharing space with people that's not my %$^&ing family she alsohas the cutest little girl but she is loud as hell and ruins my if homie can't get his family out by Feb. I'm outta here...they can pay myend of the rent can't take this %$#@ anymore lived with them all of last year and we got a new place and they came right back "can't have them onthe street" is what he says I understand that but jesus christ they are grown $#% women and they don't wanna contribute why should I pay rent everymonth with NO JOB and support their living expenses anywho I'll continue to try and stay positive and pray about it every night...

* Married @ 18

* divorced @ 24

* loving the HOOD the one after FATHER

* have a hugeeeeeee commitment issue prolly cuz I married my first love and after we seperated I became a male W&^

* think I may have found the one...but she's hella stubborn and she's away at school all week and at times I don't know if its worth it right nowbut we've been thru a lot and I'm going to remain optimistic

* Almost over Procrastination

* was drug free for 24years went to Cali in Sept. Smoked weed now I do it often...never paid for it my room mates girl gets it for free FTW/

* Addicted to girls who catch it in their mouth I mean who isn'

* Me and my significant other don't use condoms I mean I want another baby but my pockets don't...

* I love listening to Joe Budden hugeeeee stress reliever

* I cry at times when I listen to "All of Me"

That's all for now I feeL better going to the gym
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