The Combat Jack Show Thread

Just saw Jamar and Sadat on Drink Champs. Sadat at the end was too much. "For a million dollars? Only body blows"
How drunk he was :smh:

I hate Rory's voice

Mal had good points to Joe. Joe sounds angry sometimes listening to the pod and without seeing it, it's hard to determine how serious he is. What Joe said abut Views always made perfect sense, but Drake stans can't take criticism.

I have a hard time believing Mal is in his mid 30's sometimes.

And judging a rapper just by his body of work? I don't agree at all.

Word. I get it though. Both Drake and Mal echoed the sentiment that often goes overlooked in all of that. Meek really tried to end dude's career with those tweets. In this genre, that's a claim that can slow things up for an artist real quick.

I don't think Meek was trying to end his career. I think Meek was being Meek and being emotional. Remember how Wale wasn't MMG anymore?

And that claim has been pretty much been done since Kanye's existed.
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Good point. Gotta reassess things based on Meek's character. In his eyes he probably didn't peep the potential of that tweet, but Drake took it like it was a kill shot and responded enraged.

It makes for good hip hop. I'm with all of it. :smokin

because actual lyrical skills and influence should matter. Albums should be a component no doubt, it's why IMO Jadakiss and Fab are no where near my top 20, 30....

In the NBA they don't say Bill Russell was the best because he won the most, Kareem scored the most, Wilt the most dominant

It's other factors placed in to being the best.

Say blah blah is the most consistent.
I was blown away when they said Ross was top 25, 30. His music is WAAAAAAAAY too repetitive. Same flow, same production and all that. It works though, not knocking it but he wouldn't make my top 50.

It's funny Mal said top 20 but then he argued Wayne was top 10 and then he EASILY listed 10 rappers he had ahead of Wayne but got tight and said he still top 10

Only got halfway through it today, Soundcloud wasn't working on my phone for some reason so I got to it late. It was interesting hearing the Drake and Ross conversation. It made me want to hear the Drake album, I had no intentions on hearing it. I don't agree with Joe apologizing. I never thought what he said was a big deal about the album the first time. Said it wasn't good and he was uninspired, when the media blew it up and Drake acted like a broad, then Joe started to put on a show. It's a podcast, why can't he call an album or movie great or trash? it's just convo and I wish more rappers and celebrities would do it. Drake should have never said anything and it wouldn't have been a big deal, he gave it fuel.
I was blown away when they said Ross was top 25, 30. His music is WAAAAAAAAY too repetitive. Same flow, same production and all that. It works though, not knocking it but he wouldn't make my top 50.

It's funny Mal said top 20 but then he argued Wayne was top 10 and then he EASILY listed 10 rappers he had ahead of Wayne but got tight and said he still top 10

Only got halfway through it today, Soundcloud wasn't working on my phone for some reason so I got to it late. It was interesting hearing the Drake and Ross conversation. It made me want to hear the Drake album, I had no intentions on hearing it. I don't agree with Joe apologizing. I never thought what he said was a big deal about the album the first time. Said it wasn't good and he was uninspired, when the media blew it up and Drake acted like a broad, then Joe started to put on a show. It's a podcast, why can't he call an album or movie great or trash? it's just convo and I wish more rappers and celebrities would do it. Drake should have never said anything and it wouldn't have been a big deal, he gave it fuel.

Ross is definitely moving up the list. His catalog is as strong as anybody's from his generation. New album is great.

Just like Joe to apologize. :lol:
Chance is not independent but I don't understand why people care and why he lies about it.

Joe didn't apologize. Drake had a line about come talk to me, don't share it with world and so he basically said was I wrong? Should I have talked to him directly, should I apologize.
He's said to be an industry plant by his detractors. If he was found to be lying about this, it would give credence to that rumor.

The result would be people as if they were fooled and all his charity and kindness would seem fraudulent from a being organic perspective.

I just had the thought that Chance could be backed by a church or christian group and will eventually become a gospel artist. whoa. I'm about to go make a YouTube video. brb.
Sheesh, does this dude Mal just **** ride everything that's popular? Nicki now Drake. Joe podcast is real boring, these dudes are boring to listen to.
Apple is the biggest record label today. If they make a deal with you to promote you and help your album sell, I don't see how you can say he's independent. Everyone was talking about that album and how you could only get it from Apple Music.
Labels don't give artist $500,000 as advances and to record albums anymore. Maybe Kanye. I find that number odd for just a two week exclusive.

I think Chance is using technicalities, because Apple isn't a label per say. But Apple is one of the largest music services and half the people have an iPhone. It suggest albums for you to listen to. It's suggesting to millions of it's users to listen to this album and it comes up with streaming playlist.

It's like when Apple downloaded that U2 album free on peoples phones and people were upset.

The conversation got kind of old to me, but I don't understand how Rory and Mal don't see it.

And Mal keep using "people believe" and "people say" Joe said, who do you talk to? And why does it matter what they say. He also seems upset when people say something negative about him and that's why he does the non-stance thing.
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Apple promoted the hell out of it. The exclusivity made people want it more, created more hype. They were the label and they pushed it. There were commercials and everything for it. That's promo from a label. Apple is a label now, it's just not called Apple Records. They made money off it and paid for it. I agree with Joe, it's that simple. There's no grey area or confusion

I don't understand why people want him to be independent so bad. If I was a Chance fan, I wouldn't care. Reminds me of when Drake fans were arguing that Drake put that album out to get off Cash Money which was incorrect. Why do you even care if you like the music?
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Charlemagne literally just said the podcast has been ****** because Andrew just likes to argue [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

How long before Andrew is gone ? Every week Charlemagne has been getting pissed
Welp. :lol:

It's about time. ****. Even Schulzy has to see the **** himself.

The episodes with Angela Rye were straight up disgusting. Couldn't even finish em.
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Last week this dude was trying to argue that Trump wanting more paycuts for the rich were justified because if you own a business your adding more jobs to the economy, while withholding that tax cuts for the wealthy means more cuts into things such as education, agriculture, science etc etc which means less job available and less skillbuilding.
Charlemagne literally just said the podcast has been ****** because Andrew just likes to argue [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

How long before Andrew is gone ? Every week Charlemagne has been getting pissed

I told y'all boys that damn near a year ago

and people argued me down saying arguments are better for ratings

i also stick to my stance that genuine disagreements come off way better and that you don't have to argue to make it more "interesting"

you can agree and still come up with more points or angles that the other person didn't speak on
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I'm not going to listen to someone just argue to argue to be the contrarian like it's entertaining. His points are always stupid and he never concedes he's wrong. It's a pointless circle. He's not even funny, so there's no entertainment in it.
The episode was cool. Much needed dialogue. I remember when I first began listening to podcasts, tbi was cool in my book. But ever since last Summer, Schulz has been on that contrarian stuff that I can't get with. Literally stopped listening to some of the episodes. Hopefully they get back to producing good content. I can always respect someone who is willing to accept constructive criticism and admit their faults when in the wrong.
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Rory and Mal are bugging on the chance thing. You get the support and a rollout from is that independent?

And I love Chance, but come on now.
Welp. :lol:

It's about time. ****. Even Schulzy has to see the **** himself.

The episodes with Angela Rye were straight up disgusting. Couldn't even finish em.

I saw some video on youtube was titled "Shultz hits on Angela while CTG tries to interview her"

The thought of listening to his racist *** thirsting over a black queen. :x
I got a timestamp for the drama on BI. I only listened to 18 minutes of it cuz that's all I could take. And CTG was still like "Oh you my friend, you my dude". He ain't kicking him off.

Then CTG said that Shultz asked Angela to prove that her ancestors were raped by slave masters. Somebody to beat this dude ***. :smh:

CTG real funny style. I don't see how you sit and have friends like this. How much racist **** does somebody have to say for you take to them for what they are?
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