The Bourne Legacy (2012) Trailer - Jeremy Renner,Edward Norton

I like Renner, but IMO, this isn't the best vehicle for him. No matter how he does, his performance will be compared to Damon's. Maybe he got tired of taking a back seat in some of his recent films, but he should have chosen a truly original project to star in.
Originally Posted by swooshallday

hopefully this movie is connected to a new one where matt reappears
the only reason I'm ok with it existing

Will watch for free.

IMO Renner doesn't have the gravity, the nuance or the magnetism to make this work nearly like Damon did. Not by himself in a lead role.

This only gets saved if the good Edward Norton shows up, if even. At best, I think he'll do as well as Eric Bana in Hanna.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Why don't they just call it a completely different movie?

I think they wanted to take this route for possible cameos/future films. Renner and Damon as co-leads? 
I'm still going to see it but no matter how good it is it will not be better than the previous 3.
Jason Bourne>>>>
They're still shooting most of the film here in the PI. I think they wrap up on the 25th.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by v8rman

These are the kind of things that ticks me off with hollywood. Even the reboot ideas are wearing thin.
People just aren't happy with anything nowadays.
Make a side story, and people complain it's not  a sequel. (bourne legacy)

Make a sequal, and people complain they're trying to milk the series and everything is getting old (hangover 2 & 3)

Make a reboot and people complain it's too soon for a reboot (spiderman) 

jesus christ guys just be happy the franchise is doing well enough to give you more entertainment with a proven history of kick asss films.

No. People are complaining that they spunoff the best action trilogy of the last decade when the main star still wants to be involved, but they chose the writer who put in a hack job and bailed on the production for the last film, over Matt Damon.

Then people are mad that they didn't even try with The Hangover. They literally just stole from themselves and the audience and called it a day, when everyone was ready to buy their tickets when the last film ended. Things like that are why ticket sales keep falling and the box office made less last year than the year before. You keep selling a %%%$%! product and people will take less risks and trust you less with their money. And it's not the crappy film that vacuumed up stolen money that suffers, it's the good to great ones that come after that no one gives a shot.

All the crappy MMA movies that people gave a chance and got burned on helped Warrior to make almost no money. People get burned on X3 and Wolverine...X-Men: First Class makes less money than any X-Men movie. The studio $+#+# Sam Raimi into changing and ruining Spider-man 3 with Venom, no Spider-man 4 and we have to reboot. The Dark Knight Rises hasn't even come out and they've already been planning the Batman reboot.

You say it's ok as long as movies keep coming out. I don't think that's good enough. It's ok as long as the talent that made this big budget miracle happen are allowed to come together and do it again. Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. basically improv'd Iron Man and put together a very good film, but then the studio just upped the budget, set a release date in 2 years without even having a script, started shooting without a finished script, forced Avengers stuff on them and wondered why Iron Man 2 made less than 1.

It's not enough to just get by on all of these. Not after proven success. You can steal an opening weekend and get hype on whatever you want, but you're basically saying enjoy it while you can...much more will come, but it'll never be that good again, we guarantee it. Actually nah, you're probably right. Green Lantern 2 should be the fast track, so watch out.

This is gonna be the Toyko Drift of the series. (Not too bad, but can we get the real people back now)
Rachel Weisz is in the film as well. She got Daniel Craig sneaking in and out of the PI, too.
Yeah it just didn't have the same feel as the others. Felt so cheap, pacing wasn't the same.
I dont think the movie was terrible as much as it just had some huge shoes to fill.

Im glad i'm not the only one who loved the series tho
 Thought I was a dork. Everytime someone says who'd win a fight "Batman, superman or" i cut them off and say Jason Bourne. This new dude, not so much
Yeah this wasn't very good but not terrible. I just thought the ending was whack as hell. There was next to no action in this one. C'mon Matt Damon, take on the next script!
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This one should of never existed. I'll admit I have a bias because I really like the original 3. So I might of been more critical than the typical viewer.

I also think Jeremy Renner is one of the most boring people to watch on screen. I don't even understand how dude just came out of nowhere. He's not a good enough actor to carry a movie in my opinion. Universal probably felt the same way because they had to have my man Ed Norton in the movie to help sell it. Even though it will already have an audience just being a Bourne movie.

They should of never done this with Renner. This guy has a corny wannabe grindhouse witch hunting movie coming out soon. You would never catch a higher caliber actor like a Matt Damon, Denzel Washington, or George Clooney in some garbage like that.
Larx and Cross didn't even duke it out :smh:

Cross and Shearing didn't even bang :smh::smh:

That was the most abrupt ending ever. :rolleyes

I didn't see why this movie had to be made honestly. It would've been nice if Bourne and Cross somehow managed to cross path in this movie and there was a story plot based off of that. Maybe in the next movie.
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