The Adidas "Futurecraft"

Wow, first time Adidas EU releases a 4D on their website. Very curious if you have a 0.001% chance to cop online …

Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-09 um 11.34.59.png
Could we possibly see this hit ADC US as well? Not that it would matter much with the 30 pairs of stock they have lol. But it’d be nice to at least get a chance to try for a 4D shoe that’s not the AlphaEdge.
Could we possibly see this hit ADC US as well? Not that it would matter much with the 30 pairs of stock they have lol. But it’d be nice to at least get a chance to try for a 4D shoe that’s not the AlphaEdge.

It’s definitely possible, I’m sure stock is still super low but these Arshams seem to be dropping at a lot of the same places that got his previous two shoes & I believe they both dropped on ADC as well.
all this time and they still only make less than 2 dozen pairs? adidas, what is you doin baby

the low number is only for the Adidas Online release. There are many retailers (mostly Consortiums) that release the Arshams too, so on the whole i´d say around 300 to 400 pairs – like the Footpatrol or the SNS 4D stock
I really want these as well as the other Consortium 4D's, but the chances of getting them so low that it's really turned off my interest, even on the resale market. I rank them:

Daniel Arsham
Why even bother with a release of a couple hundred pairs in a limited size run?

Such a cool design/concept but as usual a huge failure for Adidas... They’ve ruined 4D for mostly everyone
yup, waste of the whole marketing thing for just a handful of pairs

we're like 10 months in since the first 4D drop, and been a few releases in already as well. They're just going to keep on pumping these double digit number pairs? It actually irks me seeing wex's IG
Couldn’t agree more... I’ve actually never even saw a pair of 4D in person... Adidas has had so many opportunities to right the ship and they continue to fail at every turn... Wex needs to hire someone who knows something about marketing...
Couldn’t agree more... I’ve actually never even saw a pair of 4D in person... Adidas has had so many opportunities to right the ship and they continue to fail at every turn... Wex needs to hire someone who knows something about marketing...

I have the AlphaEdges. 4D sole is the coolest part. Uppers are meh.
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