The 58th GRAMMYs 2-15-16

I don't like ye or bey to begin with

Ye gave her free publicity and america came to her defense cuz racist america had to save her white womanhood from a menacing negro that didn't know his place

Taylor would have ran her course and faded by now if kanye hadn't interrupted

You can't possibly believe this.

Even if you don't think she should have beaten Beyonce for that award, she was nominated.

For an award for a song that was already a massive Pop song.

I don't disagree that it was a conflict that played in her favor.

I've actually seen the numbers though. The album she had out when that happened had already done 3 mil. Had a small spike the week of the Kanye incident (though realistically, albums always spike after award show wins), then went back to doing the same units it was doing before the incident.

Various people (myself included) have constantly tried to explain this to people, and yet it never gets into their heads. All they've heard was "Kanye ma..." and their heads explode. Kanye interrupting her on stage made Swift go from simply a very popular singer to a very popular sympathetic American hero that also sings.


I aint know what a Taylor Swift was til Kanye did that. Kinda wonder how history woulda changed if he didnt do that

And how much of her music have you bought since then?

That incident definitely helped expose her to an audience that probably didn't know her.

The same way ODB rushing the Grammy stage did for him.

But I don't know that any of those people bought her music anymore then......or now. I know I haven't.

There's a difference between something being a momentary media spectacle and something that has some kind of qualifiable or quantifiable result.

Just like there's a difference between "garnering sympathy" and "Kanye ma..."
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Just came across this

2 highest points of interest in Taylor are when 1989 came out and when she was interrupted by Kanye

(For the record I don't think he made her famous)

That seals it. He made that *****. She owes him sex...

Kanye aint make her, I mean he rushed her when she was gettin an AWARD/recognition of acheivement in front of millions.
But he sho as hell took her celebrity to another level.
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Yall coming at me with logic right now but im still pissed off so that **** dont matter to me lol. **** her & the Grammys
Various people (myself included) have constantly tried to explain this to people, and yet it never gets into their heads. All they've heard was "Kanye ma..." and their heads explode. Kanye interrupting her on stage made Swift go from simply a very popular singer to a very popular sympathetic American hero that also sings.
I don't dispute this. She's good at playing to the sympathy. That whole speech tonight was pandering. Lots of people with limited world views, living in their narrow mind buy into that act.

On the other hand, it's an awards show. Since when did substance ever win over style or other non-talent related things? Beyonce SHOULD have won that; that's not the argument. Kanye acted like he just discovered this brand new thing about how mainstream awards shows work. Dude has points. He's just horrible at making them.
Can't believe this is still something people are discussing. Happened so long ago.
I'm still curious as to why she was even nominated when her album came out in October 2014...everybody else was in 2015.
I didn't even notice it came out in 2014 :lol: it felt like a mid 2015 album based on the rate I saw her
You're curious about something you supposedly know the answer to?


Why does 2+2=4? I know why but I'm curious.
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Don't you have something else to be totally wrong on at this time of night?
Idk why you guys continue to do this to yourselves. Every year it's the same thing with the Grammys it could all go how you want it to except for one thing, and then that one thing ends up being what's fixated on and it's back to "The Grammys are dumb"

You were going to cry about something unless this went 11/11 which he had zero chance of doing. Just let it go, the person who was obviously going to win won.
Why does Taylor always act surprised at everything

Because her act is crafted and calculated by her entire team to be the naive, All American girl who still supports everyone else. She's a vulture that uses people for her benefit (Kendrick Lamar) then tosses them to the side like Alabama trash. It has been like this for years and people fall for it hook, line and sinker. There is nothing authentic about her; its all a facade.

Did Kanye make Taylor? Absolutely not. I heard about her my sophomore year of college when I was chilling with a female classmate. What Ye did in 2009, only propelled her because of said crafted image and the hulking Black man attacking an innocent white woman on an international stage. White America sympathized with her and she's become bigger ever since.
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During her acceptance speech :rofl:

Because her act is crafted and calculated by her entire team to be the naive, All American girl who still supports everyone else. She's a vulture that uses people for her benefit (Kendrick Lamar) then tosses them to the side like Alabama trash. It has been like this for years and people fall for it hook, line and sinker. There is nothing authentic about her; its all a facade.

Did Kanye make Taylor? Absolutely not. I heard about her my sophomore year of college when I was chilling with a female classmate. What Ye did in 2009, only propelled her because of said crafted image and the hulking Black man attacking an innocent white woman on an international stage. White America sympathized with her and she's become bigger ever since.
I can't say I disagree with a thing said
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