The 50 Hottest Women of Sports.

That Romi Bean chick is sexy.

Michelle Wie?
The order of the list is off...there are some really hot women on the list and then there are some who do not belong at all.

Which black female athletes would you guys include?
Gina at 43, and then saying she sucks cuz of a loss to cyborg. Outta here with that
Originally Posted by rcdp

Gina at 43, and then saying she sucks cuz of a loss to cyborg. Outta here with that

the geniuses are out in spades tonight.

the site didnt say she sucks.

one of the top female fighters in the world. Being a fighter, she isnt still that flawless because she sucks.

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

gonna get a bunch of pissed dudes in here telling you sharapova isnt hot because she doesnt look like a middle linebacker and that serena should be on that list, preferably in the top 5.

great thread, btw. personally anna k is my numero uno...but i wont argue with the list.
This list lost all credibility after the second girl. Jennie Finch number 49? Are you effing serious? I mean, there are some HOT HOT women in this list, butthere are NOT 48 hotter women in this list than Jennie. Period.
every time i see that picture of Stokke i get all depressed....because she's way outta my league
this is an old list... i remember this.. it was also posted here....i just dont know how old though
were the people responsible for this list women, cuz the order of this listing as well as a couple of spots seem like they rated them based on natural beutyand accomplishments.

This whole list is outta order only a couple really hot ones on it.
The only African-American that I think should be on the list is Candace Parker
...anyways nice list but there were some that didn't belong.
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