The 30 and Over thread

Just turned 32, feelin pretty good about life. Professionally, I'm set and happy for the first time in my life. Financially, I'll be good and on track to retire early (until family/kids). I don't go to the gym like I used to, but I have old man strength and can still bench 150+, do 10+ pull ups etc. I've always had a baby face, so it's finally working in my favor. 30s have been flying by, lots of work and responsibilities make it all go so fast
I’m turning 35 this year and the biggest change physically has been recovery from working out. I’ve been doing Jiu Jitsu since I was 28 and I can’t go 3-4 consecutive days like I used to. I need at least a day in between to recover. I rely on a lot more post training / workout activities now (foam roller, yoga stretches, massage gun).

Also- I cant do 3 day music festivals anymore. Too draining and I can’t stand these damn kids attending for everything but the music.
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31 And Two Thirds...

It's Def Different From My 20s Across The Board, Getting Use To It.

this really is turning into a washed thread. “My body is breaking down” :lol

Come on guys don’t throw in the towel yet, head over to the fitness thread and we’ll get you on the right track.
Just turned 36 on Monday.
I've always been in good shape and taken care of myself but I'll keep it real with you guys right now. After having a kid 3 years ago and going through some hardships due to both my wife and I both getting laid off, I'm in the worst shape of my life :frown: Just went into grind mode to take care of my family and put everything else to the side. With that being said, things are looking better this year and I want to get back to working out and playing basketball which I really love to do and really miss playing. Use to play several times a week and I really do miss hooping.

Looks wise, people still thing i'm in my mid-late 20's. Im losing a little bit of hair but I got no greys on top or in my beard. My brother on the other hand (38) is salt and pepper all over. When I do lose weight it helps even more and I look even younger. Helps that I have good skin as well.

My advice to the youngins, stay away from alcohol. It will really mess you up. You will get to my age now and looked so washed. I get friends that been drinking since High School and they look much older than me. Skin all messed up and they just got that old looking face. Even cats in their early 30's that drink. Also keep a young mind. If you are into anime, comics toys whatever pursue that and don't worry about friends the same age or what family think. I think it really helps with your overall well being and how you act and You just never feel old or take yourself too serious. In certain things in life its ok to be child-like not childish.
turned 34 a few days ago and if you asked me 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought I'd be enjoying life this much. I'm in a career i appreciate, my mental and physical health are in sync, a house in the bay area, all while soaking in the amenities of bachelor life. i might not have an unlimited bankroll and my hairline is pushing back like a marshawn stiff arm, but **** it, i wouldn't trade my current situation for anything (with exception to being an NBA player). not trynna brag or puff my chest out but feeling like i have my **** relatively together feels great. knowing that i have stability in my life and can do/go as I please is a liberating feeling. the 30s is appreciated fam :pimp:

one thing i was never told was that your circle of friends becomes incredibly small and that you start to really filter the people with whom you care to see and invest your time with.

I forget my age at times.

I'll never allow myself to be physically out of shape. Never.

But this is essentially the Washed Thread with a positive spin? :lol:
Definitely the washed tread. Dudes in here flabby n sick.

I’ll be here in 2 years tho
Hit 35 a couple months ago. Been slacking in the fitness department the last few months. My job, genetics, and good fortune doesn't allow me to be fat, but, my waning metabolism and 27 year old me is giving me the side-eye right now lol. Aside from that, i'm so blessed.
Would state how old I am, but I would never hear the end of it. Over thirty, over limitations. Grateful to my ancestors for providing me with the best, those who made it through the Middle Passage, slavery and Jim Crow, those who fought to get to the North from the South. I thank them for the opportunity to succeed, as I have exceeded all of my hopes and dreams, considering where and when I grew up. I am grateful to have twin daughters, both of whom are successful, Black women, then being the spitting image of their paternal grandmother. Life is good, then am still striving for more knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Renewing my vows to my Goddess in the spring, doing them in Guinea, where my family was stolen from back in the mid 1600's. It is a beautiful thing to have seen, know, and then to look forward to learn and then experience new things, then anticipating that beauty which is upon the horizon.

Black Is Beautiful.
Turn 33 this year. Physically in pretty good shape. I'm close to being the best I've ever looked. Definitely hitting weights in the gym I never have before.

I also let the beard grow out this past year and it's kinda been a game

The only thing that's been on my mind for a few months now and it feels like it kinda came from nowhere is the urge to have a child.

Solely because I don't wanna be too old when I have my kids. But it's whatever

But on the flip side, Lord knows I love my freedom and independence. At this stage the financial freedom to do lots of things is really great too.

Was single all of 2019 and still am. Kinda miss the ex sometimes. But I've been doing decent work with the womens. I plan on traveling quite a bit this year too.

30s not bad at all. Better than 20s. Hopefully it just keeps getting better.
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