The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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70 game season.
No more back-to-backs.
Start the season the last week of October to second week of April.
Increase divisional games.
Reduce the first round to best of five.

The end.
That would work the best, but I'd be shocked if the league cut the schedule. Too much greed.
70 game season.
No more back-to-backs.
Start the season the last week of October to second week of April.
Increase divisional games.
Reduce the first round to best of five.

The end.

this would probably extend lebrons/durants careers :nerd:

less wear and tear
70 game season.
No more back-to-backs.
Start the season the last week of October to second week of April.
Increase divisional games.
Reduce the first round to best of five.

The end.
I like this...maybe except for the first round being best out of five
leave playoffs as is, that where teams will make money with 7 game series

just shorten the season
Mike doesn't have an issue w/ 82 games because he's a ******* owner! More games, more money in his pocket.

That's not necessarily true for teams that lose money because it would also cut down on their expense significantly. But less games would definitely be bad for teams with big local TV deals and that sell out every game.
How about...the league is fine as it is?

82 games, 48 Minutes per, Best of 7 each round...sometimes things don't need to be bothered at a certain point. Shortening the season to me does more harm than good.
players taking less than their market value is on them. they ain't displaying any more "loyalty" or are any more of a team player than a proven high profile player who wants to get paid. that's some bs thrown down by the ownership to keep the players in check and shame them into asking for less than their value

Disagree. You are basically discrediting the players who take less than market value. Maybe they want to be on a competitive team and it is not something ownership uses to get them to sign for less.

Either way the owner will be spending the same amount of money, whether most of it goes to the all-star or if there is more to spend on quality role players.
How about...the league is fine as it is?

82 games, 48 Minutes per, Best of 7 each round...sometimes things don't need to be bothered at a certain point. Shortening the season to me does more harm than good.

Really. Where is this movement for significant changes coming from anyway? Have people really been complaining that much about the current structure of the games/season?
dont change the number of games, force teams to hire interns to help players carry bags

problem solved 
Whats the point of a 82 game season when most players dont take 30% of the games srs

Less games = every game counts

LOL no. Even if it's 70 games, you still don't think players would take irrlevant games less-serious?

Can't even believe you have NBA fans in here waging for less really, you guys want less action for your money...:smh:
Whats the point of a 82 game season when most players dont take 30% of the games srs

Less games = every game counts
LOL no. Even if it's 70 games, you still don't think players would take irrlevant games less-serious?

Can't even believe you have NBA fans in here waging for less really, you guys want less action for your money...
Its not so much that, but moreso that people woudl sacrifice seeing more basketball for more quality basketball. Less games lessons the chance of being hurt, makes games worth more in regards to seeding, both of which lead to more competitive games. 

I'm on neither side, what I do think is that at some point less games is going to happen.
LOL no. Even if it's 70 games, you still don't think players would take irrlevant games less-serious?

Can't even believe you have NBA fans in here waging for less really, you guys want less action for your money...:smh:

Less action :lol: theirs still gonna be games on everyday & most teams season is over by late january,

why not make it somewhere in the 60's so every team has a legit chance at making the postseason & make things more interesting so teams wont have to take irrelevant games less srs & ppl wont complain about players "resting"
Less action? Nah...

There will still be marquee games every night. I don't want to catch LeBron as a fan on the second night of a back to back dogging it on defense. Fans play to see guys at their best, this would at least help with the wear and tear that prevents that.
I'm 1/2 way through and this is a GREAT read....

1st hand account of dealing w/ Donald Sterling as told by Blake Griffin

The Boss

Donald Sterling had me by the hand. You know that thing elderly women do where they grab the top of your hand with just their fingers and lead you around? That’s what he was doing. We were in Malibu for his annual White Party, and it was the first time I was meeting him since the Clippers had drafted me in the spring of 2009. He led me through the house to the balcony overlooking his tennis court. The whole party was set up out there. White tents. White umbrellas. White cloth. I showed up in all white. Everyone showed up in all white. Then there was Donald, standing on the balcony overlooking it all, wearing all black. “Isn’t this just fabulous?” he said.

I was hoping to escape down the stairs, find one of my teammates and blend in with the rest of the crowd. I tried to pull my hand away. Nope. Things were about to get weirder. Two blonde models showed up on either side of me. They had clearly been hired for the event. I knew this because they were wearing size XXXX-L Clippers T-shirts tied at the stomach. I looked at Sterling. He had a big dumb grin on his face. I looked at one of the girls, as if to say, “Uhhh, you don’t have to do this.” She looked back: “Uhhh, yes I do.”

So I walked down the stairs with the two girls arm-in-arm, hoping that was the end of it. That was not the end of it. At the bottom of the stairs, Donald grabbed my hand again. I tried to do the old shake-and-release move. No dice. He kept holding on. “Blake, isn’t this fabulous? I need to introduce you to everyone.”

Donald Sterling literally introduced me to everyone. Here’s how he did it, every single time, to every single group of people, while holding on to my hand:

“Everyone, have you met our newest star? This is Blake! He was the number one pick in the entire NBA draft. Number one! Blake, where are you from?”

Then I’d say I was from Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma! And tell these people what you think about LA.”

Then I’d say it was pretty cool.

“And what about the women in LA, Blake?”

It was the same conversation with every group of people. When he would start having a one-on-one conversation with someone, I’d try to slip away, and he’d reach back and paw my hand without even breaking eye contact with the person. Whenever he didn’t have anything left to say, he just turned around and walked us over to the next group.

“… Have you met our newest star?”

It went on like this forever. At one point, a guy who had clearly been to a bunch of these parties turned to me and said, “Just keep smiling, man. It’ll all be over soon.”

Rest of Article in Link
I love the NBA... but it's a long season.. and then half the league makes the playoffs.

Logically if you have that many games, you don't need half the league making the playoffs when the best teams usually separate themselves. So shorten the season a bit like PMatic said, 70 games is reasonable. You're still getting your NBATV/TNT/ESPN/ABC games in primetime, youre still getting a ton of basketball every night. It's also not about "Those poor millionaires playing on back to backs", I don't particularly care about that other than not wanting to see guys take off games for rest. I'm sure they still will, but it should reduce it a bit.

It's about it being a ton of basketball... and by the end of the season, I'm just waiting for the playoffs.
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