The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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You know how people always say it's hard to win with young players?

Kyrie and Dion are an example of this saying. They're trying to establish themselves in the league while now playing next to All-NBA talents trying to win in May and June.

Seriously though, can anyone think of a team that's won a title recently that had more than 1 rookie to 3rd year player in the regular rotation? I can't.
i know dudes in here always preaching about how talent always win in the NBA but that always happened when the players linked in, had led their teams to a good amount of success and that team the joined, always had an A1 coach. This Cavs team doesn't have either.
LeBron James [emoji]10004[/emoji] @KingJames

In the words of the great @AaronRodgers12 "RELAX"

2:44 PM - 6 Nov 2014
LeBron James [emoji]10004[/emoji] @KingJames

In the words of the great @AaronRodgers12 "RELAX"

2:44 PM - 6 Nov 2014
bron reading NT huh
nah, he's listening to Jim Rome right now.
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i know dudes in here always preaching about how talent always win in the NBA but that always happened when the players linked in, had led their teams to a good amount of success and that team the joined, always had an A1 coach. This Cavs team doesn't have either.
Plus, the experience that Wade brought to the table...along with the championship pedigree associated with the Heat's organization.

Think about the force of Pat Riley...all of that was a factor. 
Pretty much. Early overreaction is early.

If d Rose is healthy No way do i see them beating Chicago.

1 rookie Head Coach, 3 Starters who've never been in a playoff game...... & the elephant in the room Lebron is 30, coming off of 4 straight final appearances, he isn't a robot & he will have to play significantly better in the playoffs this year than he did with the Heat during their playoff runs.

even more of the pressure is on him to perform every night because as EVERY NBA player can attest playoff basketball is much more intense and a different style of ball, and he has 3 guys around him who haven't been there. Hell i wouldn't even be confident with them beating Washington in a 7 game series.

People have got to realize they lost the first year & Prime D-Wade>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kyrie right now. I think they will have the second best record in the East maybe even 1st if they add another piece, but come playoff time they are gonna be FOOD.
Talk to me about the cavs after the all-star break. If they are still under .500; time to panic. This is simple growing pains. They'll figure it out. That team is too talented not to.

Agreed, people get too caught up this early. I wanna see failure too, but I'm not kidding myself.
Kyrie and Dion are both following Lebron's commands at this point. But as soon as one of them begin to dismiss Bron's leadership and teachings, the panic button will be pushed. But I legit don't see that happening.

And to Kyrie's defense, watching the game last night - there were 5 or 6 good times where Kyrie fed the ball to the players down low perfectly for them to score, only for the recieving player to fumble the pass or just completely blow the shot. Than he became frustrated and begin to drive and slash to the basket himself, and that put us right back in the game again. So it appeared as if he took matters into his own hands.

The coaching rotations suck though, I'll say that - and if Blatt doesn't get this team more involved starting with the 1 - than his clock will be ticking.

You don't get assists from just making the pass; someone has to make a shot too. Dudes acting like he didn't pass to anyone all night.

* This whole Lebron is sacrificing wins to let everyone get on the same page as him is crazy though. Can't believe editors and producers are letting this type of stuff get on the air and printed.
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