The 2009-10 NBA Casual Wear Thread - MVP James - Pg 61

Originally Posted by CP1708

Good lord Denver's cheer chicks do nice work.
Quoted cuz it's true.
A.I. dresses the same way he did in 1996. Wow. He really needs to letsome helium out of those jeans.
At least A.I is consistent and doesn't change with trends.

Could say the same about his career..
Man at least A.I stays true to himself and doesn't jump on every bandwagon out, even if his clothhes look bad.
So what's the difference between being 'behind the times' ("I'm so three-thousand-and-eight; you're so two-thousand-and-late")and being 'consistent without changing with the trends' or 'staying true to yourself without jumping on every bandwagon out'?

Genuinely curious on this one.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So what's the difference between being 'behind the times' ("I'm so three-thousand-and-eight; you're so two-thousand-and-late") and being 'consistent without changing with the trends' or 'staying true to yourself without jumping on every bandwagon out'?

Genuinely curious on this one.
This is actually a really good question and I don't have an answer. All I know is that MJ and AI consistently look like damn fools.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So what's the difference between being 'behind the times' ("I'm so three-thousand-and-eight; you're so two-thousand-and-late") and being 'consistent without changing with the trends' or 'staying true to yourself without jumping on every bandwagon out'?

Genuinely curious on this one.

I look at it this way, being "behind the times" means wearing Sean John jeans that are 4 sizes too big along with a big short sleeve button up while"staying consistent" and being "true to yourself w/o being a hypebeast" means wearing straight leg jeans that isn't skin tight with ashirt proportionate to the body. I mean we really have all been part of the trend whether we admit it or not. I guess you can take Jay Z as an example, hisjeans were way bigger back then while sagging to almost his knees. Now, he is still wearing baggy jeans but not as big and doesn't sag as much. He kept thefitted and sized down on the shirts without being overly tight. I believe that is staying consistent while also adapting to the times. If you see a pic ofJay-Z and how he wears his clothes now, it has a hint of his old style but you won't necessarily say it was him back in his old days.

Those who wore baggy jeans back then that still wears baggy jeans now were part of the trend too except they didn't change while some just choose tochange, others just tend to take it to the extreme. It's like when the baggy jeans trend started, it become a contest on who could wear the baggiest andthe same with the skinny jeans trend, it became a contest of who could wear the tightest jeans. It's as simple as finding the middle ground and what works.A polo shirt will always be accepted, now it depends whether a person wears a polo his size of 3 times too big or 3 times too small, I think that is a goodexample of a trend. I admit, i'm a victim of this too, I bought Fubu polos that were ill-fitting back in high school but if I just bought a well fitting RLpolo, I would still probably wearing that today and the rest of my life. It all comes down to finding clothes that won't go out of date (ie: polo, oxford,jeans) and that fit well w/o going in aforementioned extremes and people should have clothes that will last a long time, barring weight gain and weight loss ofcourse.
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