That one dude in the gym unappreciation

I've been told that I'm one of those dudes.

Originally Posted by ErickM713

When I used to hoop at the gym one guy always took it upon himself to let his son play too....I swear this kid would stand in front of me and make me knock him down on purpose so I could get fouled day daddy left him in there while he went swimming and worked out....I told kid lets play street ball rules.

I was crossing kid and pushing him down

He got up twice...third time I made a shot over him and he started crying....I had to take the oppritunity and got in his face and screamed at him "STREET BALL ##@@% AIN'T NO CRYIN ON MY COURT"...crossed him and knocked him down again then he ran off crying saying he was gonna tell his daddy....I just thought "Oh #*+#" and left the ball and took off running....his dad looked like he could rip my head clean off.

And then there's always that one prick who stands in front of you while you work out and just stares you down and than they say "Wanna switch out broski?"....I have a routine and this dude saw I was working out...I like messing with them by standing up and acting like I'm about to leave then just sit down again
hahahah i hate how people say "ski" imo
i remember a guy wearing his work shoes.. not slicks on the bottom but a textured rubber. your typical lowcut type boot shoe.. He marked up the court so spots everywhere.. he could ball out of his mind. imagine what these guys could do with real gym shoes
Came across this type of guy just last week.
Dude had on some Jorts and hiking boots.
yea those dudes are definitely UNAPPRECIATED!
The worst dudes to me though are the old dudes who don't have nothing left but a jumper who foul the $#!* out you to keep up!

I tell em straight up like "yo duke you foul me and hurt me we fightin because this is how I pay for school," and they usually chill out!
Looks can be really deceiving, There was this old asian guy about 45 and he had on some asics(sp) and this even older asian dude like about 55 and he had onthe OG XIV and was a really good coach for some league or school but anyway, the 45 yr old asian dude wasn't in anyway spectacular in ball movement but hecould hit shots from everywhere... and make it
, dude was such a ball hogger
but the other team and including myself would just shake our heads indisbelief.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

After I was done lifting I seen some fellas I knew hooping and they asked me to run with them. Teams were made and what not and they were 1 short, I really don't try to hoop after I lift but I was like whatever. Anyways I am guarding a dude that looked like Fez off that 70's show sounded like him too, dude straight torched my team, I asked to switch on him then he torched me
looks being deceiving FTL
Dont hate the playa, hate the game... You gotta step your game up son
I am pretty low key with my shoes and always with my outfits at the gym or parks but at 6'3, you cannot really sneak up on people and when I play great itis expected and if have an off day my teammates act like I let them down or something.

I like the guys who can ball, guarding them is a challenge. Defense was my strong point in high school and I love guarding the best scorer for the other team.

The guy who I hate is the "immovable fat guy," not when he is on the other team but when he is my teammate and he camps out in the lane. He takesaway everyone's ability to finish and post down a notch. Since he sets up right in front of the rim, I have no room on the block, at least post on theother side of the paint.
I played with this indian dude that had the turbin on and everything. Dude balled like crazy but the worst part was this fool stank so i had to keep mydistance.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

sounds like OP can't even ball

I played in highschool, and in college
I would hoop you easy ....Nice try though.


Come on OP don't ignore the request

Most of these comments are halarious!!
I've pretty much cameacross every type of dude that has been described.
I was just hooping the other day and this short, stubby Assyrian dude was hit'n three-point shots way ahead of the the line...pratically half court. Put ahand in his face and he still hits! Another short dude from there...had to be 5 foot and he was driving and finishing against some grown, athletic dudes...hadeverybody
i swear i though this thread was gonna be something along the lines of "that one guy whos always watching when i change or shower"unnapreciatoin
What foods start with the letter Q?


We goin sizzler, potato sandwich eating, you shooting for the sudan etc etc...
Originally Posted by air max 87

dudes are the worst, one cat had on jeans, pumas and a mesh tank top, dude scored 15 points EASY i was like
, seen another cat in AM95s take one dude to the basket, put it around his back and touch of the glass in one sweep motion
WORST one ever, duke musta been 40+ had on some sacounys with short shorts
he had a shawn marion type release and was hittin 3s clean, %$$$ didnt it even look like it was touching net
This happened to me when I was 17 or 18. I consider myself to be pretty athletic and quick. So I decided to have a cool down game and take iteasy. Saw 2 Japanese men in their 40's shooting around. Ask for a 2 on 2. This man had on some cut off sweat shorts, with a tank top full of holes andwent to go grab his goggles. I was thinking alright, this is gonna be smooth sailing. Maaaan, I couldn't get pass this dude's defense for nothing. Hewasn't playing basketball, dude had me on lockdown like a goalie in soccer.
So I started to get rough and try to use my post game, dude would just bump outhis chest and elbows, and I couldn't get pass him. His mid-range game was tough. We got beat 15- 6. After that day, I swear to God, I never judged anyoneon the hoop court no matter how old or how funny you dressed again.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by air max 87

dudes are the worst, one cat had on jeans, pumas and a mesh tank top, dude scored 15 points EASY i was like
, seen another cat in AM95s take one dude to the basket, put it around his back and touch of the glass in one sweep motion
WORST one ever, duke musta been 40+ had on some sacounys with short shorts
he had a shawn marion type release and was hittin 3s clean, %$$$ didnt it even look like it was touching net
This happened to me when I was 17 or 18. I consider myself to be pretty athletic and quick. So I decided to have a cool down game and take it easy. Saw 2 Japanese men in their 40's shooting around. Ask for a 2 on 2. This man had on some cut off sweat shorts, with a tank top full of holes and went to go grab his goggles. I was thinking alright, this is gonna be smooth sailing. Maaaan, I couldn't get pass this dude's defense for nothing. He wasn't playing basketball, dude had me on lockdown like a goalie in soccer.
So I started to get rough and try to use my post game, dude would just bump out his chest and elbows, and I couldn't get pass him. His mid-range game was tough. We got beat 15- 6. After that day, I swear to God, I never judged anyone on the hoop court no matter how old or how funny you dressed again.

There's always this group of Guatemalan dudes at the gym that straight up ball it up

Oh another thing, they don't play with anyone else but their little group..... Don't know why.

All of them must be 5 feet or shorter but they never miss a shot
nah dude i'd rather play against some guy that can actually ball rather than waste my time with guys that don't do anything but talk like they'rebasketball gods
i thought u were talkin bout that one meathead that always tries to bag girls, but they r all just scared of him
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