That Hookup Appreciation

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Sep 1, 2007
As sneakerheads, most of us have found that manager or employee that makes sure we get our pair(s) no matter what. I love nothing more than knowing I got my pair, often a couple of weeks before they drop.

This really just came to mind thinking about the madness for the Concords next week. I been blessed as a sneakerhead to not concern myself over a RD for the past couple of years.

I got one chick at a shoestore out in the burbs. She makes sure I get my pairs and always tells me when something for my girls drop. Now my boy is a store manager and he holds me down. My cousin is my last resort, but he came through last year with the CGs.

Beautiful ain't it???  Who are your hookups? and how long have you had them?
must be nice

havent had a connect since my junior year of high school. i graduated in class of 2011
gotta line up for concords
I no longer have a connect not that I had great ones. My local finishline used to let me pay a up to a week in advance for GR and I'd just stroll in any time the day of release to pick up. Then they stopped that about 3 years ago so now I just pay hype prices from sellers here or ebay. I'm not standing in line
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

What happened to your connect? Are you in college? if so, where?
he graduated a year before me. he knew someone that always had pairs about a week or 2 before release. used to get kicks a little under retail and early sometimes
I can find plenty of other things I love more, but with this huge question mark that is the concords release the reassuring piece of mind of having a solid connection is probably priceless. I prefer the midnight internet hunts myself, with the added challenge of ordering as fast as I can to beat the rest of the country that share my size! It's like getting a trophy in the mail when the shoes arrive 3-4 days later if you can click fast enough!

Adrenaline rush!!
Have had a connect in Footlocker for going on 7 years now. My homeboy just came back from Panama about 3 years ago and took over the local Footlocker but before that he would ship me the shoes directly from his store...before that i hooped with the manager and two assiatants so its been NO LINE NO WAIT for years now. But in addition have gotten in cahoots with the Footaction to get the Quickstrike drops and i got a homie with a swoosh account and well as connects at HOH locations...
It's hard to find connects lol. They're scared to lose their job, or they hog the pairs up themselves. Womp womp.
I met my connect thru my friend while we were in college. 4-5 years now I think.
I get a call or bbm if I need to hold down a pair or when his next EA taking place.
Since then I've branch out to his store manager and other people.
Just in case he doesn't come thru. So far its been good.

One thing I learn from meeting these people, they love sneaker as much as you, if not more.
Sure they are some that are there just for the pay cheque and all.
But if you take the time to talk to them and know them, you'd be surprise.

I know some people pay their connects on the side, but I guess I'm old school.
most of my hookups have left the company and moved on to bigger and better things, and im happy for them for that.

i got a manager im cool with but ever since he got transfered to a smaller store, i've been on the outside looking in because his longtime friends and family get priority first on things and we both wear the same size so must stuff i want is gone already now that he's at his current store.

i understand completely though, i'd hook up my close friends and family first as well if i were him and he's held me down numerous times in the past so i'll take what i can get now.
I got connects on almost all the J's execpt the XI's release. Sad to say, I have been passing on them during the past years.
Im grateful for my connects. I actually have two. One is my brother (not my blood brother, but we've known each other since I was 1st grade and he was in 2nd. I also grew up with his brother, who was in 3rd grade). He's a manager at DTLR and holds me down on pretty much everything good that comes through his store. Thanks to him, I've had no problems getting major Jordan releases for the past 4 years (NO PROBLEMS whatsoever with getting any of the XIs..not even this year's Concords) and has let me use his discount multiple times. I don't pay retail on most Jordan and Nike releases. He has my back and got his. #feelsgoodman 

My second is one of my best friends who has grown to be a sister to me. She just got hired at Niketown over the summer and looks out whenever possible. Between the two, I never stress out over missing out on sneakers anymore.
if life's greatest joy was rubbing elbows with athletic store employees, i would probably put a bullet in my head.
Never had a connect. I always had to go line up, either i get the pair in my size or i don't. Wish i had a connect though. lol
as an international, my only connects are on nt. they know who they are and how i feel.
I need a connect. I have always relied on and Finishline.
I am in Los Angeles too.
I need to start meeting people.
My connect wont be getting the kicks at his store, so I am gonna have to line-up or try online at midnight.
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