That feeling when you think about what happens after death

Dude think about it this way, do you worry what happened before you were born? No, you don't know and don't care.

So why would thinking about what happens when you die be any different? You're just wasting your energy thinking about something that's irrelevant to what we are doing right now.
i wish there would be a way of you seeing how people you knew are affected by your death
It's a good feeling for the most part. I'm pondering the wonderment of the unknown, the mystery of existence.

I don't fear or dread it so there's no reason for me to downplay it. I'm actually looking forward to see if there's something that happens after death.

That feeling when you think about what happens before being born :nerd:
:pimp: Now that tends to blow my mind.

Praying 5x daily helps me cope with the inevitable

False sense of security, telling yourself everything will be okay cuz there's some higher power that will take care of you because you think you're worth being taken care of after you die.

Praying in that situation and the multiple times at that is clearly a coping mechanism so one is not overwhelmed with the fact that you do not know.
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I've definitely thought of this type of stuff whenever I'm laying in bed at night. It makes me sit straight up and makes my heart race, and makes me feel like I could have an anxiety attack :x


I hate it. I scare myself at night and hate when I think about it. I tell myself to go back to thinking about my day to day 'problems' which become irrelevant at this point. My heart drops and I feel queezy and nauseous. It's when I think "I have to die, as crazy as it seems, it just has to happen, which is ridiculous!" It's hard to take in. As much as I can explain as difficult as it is. The weird part is, I only get the feeling at night when I'm alone laying in bed. When I think of death in the day or any other time, it doesn't phase me very much, like this particular moment for example.
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It's a good feeling for the most part. I'm pondering the wonderment of the unknown, the mystery of existence.

I don't fear or dread it so there's no reason for me to downplay it. I'm actually looking forward to see if there's something that happens after death.
:pimp: Now that tends to blow my mind.
False sense of security, telling yourself everything will be okay cuz there's some higher power that will take care of you because you think you're worth being taken care of after you die.

Praying in that situation and the multiple times at that is clearly a coping mechanism so one is not overwhelmed with the fact that you do not know.

Prove that is it false. Prove that a higher power/god doesn't exist. Your so high and mighty yet you cannot control your eyelids.
I would rather have my last moments be in prayer than anything else but that's just me.
Whats wrong with you guys getting nauseous and **** :rofl:

Whatever happens, happens. Ill deal with it when it does.
I think about how I want to die way more than I think about what happens after I do die. No point in stressing the inevitable.
Death is easily my biggest fear. I think what scares me the most about it is that its inevitable, no matter what I do to try and stop it its going to happen. I hate thinking about death, I feel like I'm gonna go crazy if I keep thinking about it. 
I just assume it's like falling asleep forever.

When it happens, it happens. I hope it'll be peaceful and in the much too distant future, but I'm not worried about it.

This. I pretty much imagine that it's like a dream-less eternal sleep. I don't fear death one bit, and only hope that the way I go out is as painless as possible and that it doesn't happen any later than 65-70. I have no desire to live to 100 or any **** like that.
I think about it sometimes, usually I get sad after so I try to keep it at a minimum. Also realizing my grandparents are getting to that age and I feel I don't have anyone after their gone.

I hope one day to leave some kinda of impact on a music genre or something before I die though.
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