Thanks for the years, NT.

Ok look, I'm only a suicidal drug addict who has made it to the age of 27. Take advice from me about drugs, depression and suicide with caution and understanding. Other than that:

Eat good food with a good diet and your body will fight the things that help to pull you down. Physical exercise and a truthful mind will keep you aware of mind in relation to the world around you. There is not a lot that can defeat that combination. Stay true to yourself and your conscience; it won't fail you.

Labyrinths and hiking have always helped me. If you can find a good labyrinth near you, look into the psychology behind it. It's good for thinking things through. You can make your own as well. Hiking exposes you to nature which is proven to help you properly balance your serotonin levels and fight depression/suicidal tendencies. The change of air pressure when hiking at higher altitudes has a clearing effect inside the mind/body. The push-pull of the changes in air pressure are like mini exercises to parts of your body/inside your head that normal exercise can't reach. It's a nice challenge with a rewarding effect.
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|I well done man! go see a doctor and tell her/him everything.
dont leave nt as its one of your bright spots. hope to hear from you soon man. keep us updated.
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Glad to see OP is straight. Those pills will **** your brain chemistry up real bad. I have a couple friends in rehab dealing with some deep issues caused by drug use. Get help immediately
To OP: go see your doc and get a second opinion (from someone licensed, and not that holistic medicine garbage) if you must. Glad to see you're still around man.

To everybody else: don't give OP medical advice. You're not his physician/psychiatrist, you don't know his condition and, chances are, you aren't trained to treat duke's condition. Telling him to go cold turkey on his meds is probably the worst advice

For emphasis.
I'm not sure what kinda drugs he's taking, but cold turkey is a sure way to tip someone into a depressive-suicidal state. Op I know its tough, but you need to do yourself a favor and check yourself into a treatment facility. We are going to be here for you, you can even use an NT thread as your own personal recovery journal. This is a no judgement zone, you may even be able to help someone else going through the same thing with your experiences. Think about it.

Stay strong homie.
Stick to the green bro... didnt u jus cop a new whip? Havent caught up on this thread but u always seemed to be a put together young lil homie... PM me if u need some life advice my dude.
Can we start a poll for meth to change his name to WhatsWinningLike?....that has to be a step towards the positive...if I was in his area is try to link up with him....let homie know he's not alone....
That's not a good idea seeing his name is in the form of a question, and changing it to "What'sWinningLike" would imply that he is a loser who has never had a taste of victory. He should probably stick with his current name. 

Don't let the door hit you on the way out 

I know over the years we have had a few fallen members and a slew of those going through all kinds of struggles from all types of backgrounds and walks of life.

Maybe Meth can get some sort of Member Relief/Support Group/Fund going?
 I like this idea, but at the same time I'm curious on how it would actually work out. It can't be a fund, because if we pay one NT'er who is going through tough times, we would be inclined to pay every NT'er who is going through a tough time. Making that a pretty large fund, or very minor sums of money to pay to people.

A support group would work, but only to a certain extent. We could have a great band of people ready, willing, and able to help anyone in need. But how would we get to them? There is no lawful way to find a person like that. 

I'm all for it, but it really needs some thought. Maybe provide e-mail addresses of those willing to talk?
I'm straight fam. I just go into serious depressive moods and I have no ******g idea why.

Think I'm gonna get some counseling...
Counseling is a great idea. Stay away from drugs and keep yourself busy with work, cleaning, and exercise. My PMs are open if you need them. 
"Making more than most people my age sitting on my *** making beats and playing 2K." #youngentrepreneur
— XaviorJordan (@XaviorJordan) September 13, 2013

Sounds like you have a lot going for yourself with that tweet bro. If you need to take some time away alone, please do it. Nothing better like separating yourself clearing your mind.
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