Thank GOD for Sea Glow. My Cool Grey XI's are Re-Born, PICS Inside

Originally Posted by nine point five

why don't people ever take these pics in identical lighting so you can really tell the difference? putting flash on the "after" pic n #%%%

i guess people are blinded by the after photos showing the great results. Im not buying it as a world changing event. this is likely as good asany other seaglow job. dont be fooled by the sun shots. I can make my yellowed shoes look less yellow too in the sun.

btw, this stuff can be found at a lot of boat supply/dealership type places. so if you live by a lake, river, or ocean, likely a place will have some of thisaround.
I'm sure the pics have something to do with that. The first set looks like phone pics in a dark room and the second ones are outside bright as day witha digital camera. It's amazing what a little LIGHT can do for kicks.

WallyHopp wrote:

Originally Posted by nine point five

why don't people ever take these pics in identical lighting so you can really tell the difference? putting flash on the "after" pic n #%%%
i guess people are blinded by the after photos showing the great results. Im not buying it as a world changing event. this is likely as good as any other seaglow job. dont be fooled by the sun shots. I can make my yellowed shoes look less yellow too in the sun.

btw, this stuff can be found at a lot of boat supply/dealership type places. so if you live by a lake, river, or ocean, likely a place will have some of this around.

For you man, I will take identical lighting pics next time
Originally Posted by cnoriega

I'm sure the pics have something to do with that. The first set looks like phone pics in a dark room and the second ones are outside bright as day with a digital camera. It's amazing what a little LIGHT can do for kicks.

Same goes for you too man, I will post pics with identical lighting next time, I am a beast when it comes to seaglowing though, dont want anyone to think I ama fraud
How long did it take?

That is a amazing job, I used a full 4 oz bottle of SeaGlow on my CDP 5s with minimal results.
Originally Posted by nine point five

why don't people ever take these pics in identical lighting so you can really tell the difference? putting flash on the "after" pic n #%%%

exactly, OP failed hard with this thread, trying to fool people or something? I dont get it, for what? pics taken out in the sunlight with flash will look alotbetter on the soles
My Cool Grey's right now are not even yellow, they're brown.
Barely any sun in nyc to seaglow
Came out dope, i need info on how to do this. Need to sea glow my V's. Holla at me with some info please
its quite simple actually
materials..jumbo cotton ball, small paintbrush,toothbrush, or sponge brush(whatever you call it)..scuff pad(which should come in with the sea glow)
scrub your soles with hot water and dish soap.Do this like a day before you wanna sea glow(so it will for sure be dry)
Find yourself a small cap, like from a water gallon, pour some sea glow in, and set it to the side.
get yourself a cotton ball and squeeze some sea glow on.wipe the bottom sole(try not to get any on the non clear area)
get your scuff pad and scuff it up
get your toothbrush or whatever your using and dip it into the sea glow and spread it on the sole.
Do the same to the other shoe as well.
let it sit in the sun until the shine starts to dull, then re-apply sea glow.
NOTE!!!Always clean your shoes with soap and hot water when your done EVERY TIME!Also , if your in cold weather, its probably better to wait until you haveweather around 80-85 degrees.TAKES A LOT LONGER IN COLD WEATHER..word of advice PATIENCE!
Originally Posted by SNSD

My Cool Grey's right now are not even yellow, they're brown.
Barely any sun in nyc to seaglow
I've heard you can do it inside w/ the correct light....
Originally Posted by sneakerphile42

Originally Posted by F0OD STAMPS


I dont want any of you young kids having access to my grails. EVER.

Wow, is it really that serious?

Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by sneakerphile42

Originally Posted by F0OD STAMPS


I dont want any of you young kids having access to my grails. EVER.

Wow, is it really that serious?


...Id be fine with JB releasing them just know that the newgeneration of sneaker collectors would be getting garbage and we'd have the release with quality.
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