Texas Teen Could Go to Prison for 8 Years because of Sarcastic Remark on League of Legends

He shouldn't be in jail or have to go to jail. But seriously who the hell says "I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’.. even if you are joking that's still a sick *** thing to say.
I don't know man, it's not too far from some of the stuff NTers say when being sarcastic. I can see some dudes on here saying something like that, as a sarcastic remark, after being called crazy. You see some the mess dudes post when beasting over these chicks, lol.
I see how what he said was wrong but if they wanted to scare him they should have just given him community service. Putting him in jail for even a day is exaggerated.
I guarantee eminem and bizarre, along with hundreds of other rappers have said things ten times worse with no lol j/k. Government is a joke sometime. Overly sensitive about the wrong things, and allowing the true danger to take place right under their noses. Just because people have "rights" doesn't mean what their doing isn't wrong.
He shouldn't be in jail or have to go to jail. But seriously who the hell says "I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’.. even if you are joking that's still a sick *** thing to say.
I don't know man, it's not too far from some of the stuff NTers say when being sarcastic. I can see some dudes on here saying something like that, as a sarcastic remark, after being called crazy. You see some the mess dudes post when beasting over these chicks, lol.
 That's real. Maybe I just can't relate because I wouldn't type nothing wild like that.
Signed the petition.  You have to be kidding me man, lady in Canada showing some real b**** a**ness for that.  Probably left out the "LOL JK" when she reported him too.  I understand people are on high alert because of the recent shootings and bombings that have gone on, but there's an obvious difference in sarcasm and actually meaning it.  If she had half of a brain the context clues would tell her that, I mean he did say "LOL JK," but even if she missed that, it's game and I'm sure he and others had been saying **** like that in the heat of the moment.  She's setting a precedence that we have to be politically correct online because you never know who will call the cops and have you thrown in jail
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I hear sarcastic remarks like that all the time, I see worse on Facebook on a daily basis. Why is this an issue,but not the fact that somebody stalked this kid?

Some people that get attempted murder charges spend less than 8 years in jail
I understand that he made a duechebag remark but its nothing to ruin the young man's life over.
Its a lose lose for the coppers so they had to arrest him BUT the possible sentence is way too much, I think mandatory psychiatric counseling would have sufficed.
I get called the N word on xbox live AT LEAST 10 times a day, and my life threatened.

If they want to start really cuffing dudes, all they need to do is to hop on duty.
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As long as he white then I don't care

I got issues with some but I can't cosign this :smh:

Now if he was actually planning some **** then yea lock him up for awhile...but him joking should = admitted to a behavioral health unit to be further evaluated
That's ridiculous. There's a ton of crazy comments online, if he goes to jail for that then a ton of other people should be in jail too
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