Texas Tea you know what I'm talkin bout

Feb 8, 2008
Well it's been about a year since I've done it I chilled with it after I couldn't stop with my one cup a day habit.Well all I remember is the slowfeeling and it was one of the greatest feelings I've had with the sleep right after.And well I'm thinking there's a party next week at my homieshouse and he says he's gonna have Lean and he wants to do it one last time for old times sake.And well the question is should I do it again risking theaddiction again or should I just go and chill with some old friends?
Just do it...

btw, Texas Tea
dont get back into its not worth it especially if you know how tempting it will be for you to do it again.
Originally Posted by joshhassolex

what are the effects when your on it?
been wanting to try it.......

It just slows you down........wayyy downnn!
It's not worth it though if you do it too much.....well just look at Big Moe and see how big he is that's what it does to.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by joshhassolex

what are the effects when your on it?
been wanting to try it.......

It just slows you down........wayyy downnn!
It's not worth it though if you do it too much.....well just look at Big Moe and see how big he is that's what it does to.

or Pimp C...
Originally Posted by texasreppin713

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by joshhassolex

what are the effects when your on it?
been wanting to try it.......

It just slows you down........wayyy downnn!
It's not worth it though if you do it too much.....well just look at Big Moe and see how big he is that's what it does to.

or Pimp C...

R.I.P. To the greatest legends of the south
if get addicted to lean, you weak kinfolk.

Drank has been a popular subject on NT lately.
in my opinion, if you have to ask a bunch of people you dont know if you should do it again or not then you dont really want to kick the addiction, you'rejust lookin for a reason to justify your actions so you dont end up with the regret...again, just my opinion.
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