Terror Attack In Paris

No it doesn't. Did you read your own article?

This argument is so tiresome and dishonest. Orwell would be disappointed.

I'm in favor of a non-interventionist foreign policy, don't hate Muslims, think Bush and Obama are war criminals, think the West is complicit in the rise of Islamic terrorism dating back at least to WW1, don't want tax dollars supporting Israel, etc etc etc. But this dishonesty is so pathetic.

What's dishonest?
It's war so I don't give a **** what either side do...they both have their rights
OKC bombing wasnt done in the name of christianity. He did it becauae be was anti govt

There is a big problem with artists/writers/satirists being killed for detaming mohhamed or islam. That is really really scary. You cant just brush that off as racism when people point it out. Maybe when its the south park guys or bill maher being killed NT will change its reaction.
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This educated, intelligent, respectful woman put it really clear

Insecure, NT trolls, with poor self-image ALWAYS want some very serious incident to be race, skin color, or other general traits a human being possesses, related.

Completely ignoring the issue at hand and what these "bad eggs", or "radicals" whom should not reflect an entire race or skin color, are causing in our world. It's sad really. They even go as far as to DEFEND these people. Seriously?

I'm almost sure none of these Google-educated, keyboard warriors will EVER have an open discussion about topics they feel so strongly about with anybody, in person. I'll bet you $10grand not one will man-up to one. And no, screaming like a broken record, violently, while avoiding any form of discussion does not count.
The irony of YOU calling others "trolls" slays me.

1.  I haven't seen anyone in this thread discuss race.  Or skin color.  Or "other general traits a human being possesses".  Except you.  You were the first person to bring that stuff into the equation. 

2.  I haven't seen one person defend these terrorist.  If you did, please point them out.

So your entire post is moot.  Yet you're going to stand at the mountaintop and scream what you think because you're arguing with some perceived foe who really isn't even there.  Literally NOBODY even came close to doing what you described.  

And we're the trolls?  
RIP to the victims.

"I prefer to die than live like a rat." - Stephane Charbonnier (Editor, Charlie Hebdo)
Do you ever get tired of stirring the pot?

12 people are dead and you can't wait to post this?  Not a "damn, that's messed up" or a "RIP".  Nope--straight to the politics for you.  

You sir, are a sad individual.  

You're a sad individual if you don't think this was done by Muslim extremists.
He flew his plane into a building from what I read killing 2 people...is that not an act of terror?


The title is Worst Attacks by Christian and Far Right terrorists.

Stack was anti-capitalist. NOAM CHOMSKY said he had legitimate gripes and spoke to a portion of the American psyche.

So, two people murdered by a leftist is included on the list of 10 worst attacks by right wing Christians. Doesn't exactly help your point, does it?
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Couple observations:

1. This paper has a history of mocking Islam.

2. If they were mocking Jesus, and some Christians got pissed and shot up this place, they would not be labeled "terrorists".

I'm a huge proponent of free speech, but you should understand the consequences of actions when you mock the world 2nd largest religion.

RIP to the innocent loss of life.

I cant agree with that line of thought. So if the mormons blew up the theatre district you would shrug your shoulders and say they had it coming? Simple consequences?

Jews didnt murder mel gibson over the passion of the christ

Russians didnt murder the screenwriters of terrible steriotypical 80s movies

You cant make the mistake of normalizing the "consequences".

Does anyone have any articles of the supposed "dishonor?

The title is Worst Attacks by Christian and Far Right terrorists.

Stack was anti-capitalist. NOAM CHOMSKY said he spoke to a portion of the American psyche.

So, two people murdered by a leftist is included on the list of 10 worst attacks by right wing Christians. Doesn't exactly help your point, does it?
That's a slight on Alex Henderson...everything else in his article seems to be on point.

What about the other 9 points?
Actually it was done in the name Christianity

Tim was apart of the Christian Identity Movement

And it was defined as terrisom by the United states

Timothy James "Tim" McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Commonly referred to as the Oklahoma City bombing, the attack killed 168 people and injured over 600.[5] According to the United States Government, it was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the 9/11 attacks, and remains the most significant act of domestic terrorism in United States history.

Why wouldnt it be terrorism?

He didnt blow up that building in the name of jesus. His own damn words.

"What the US goverment did in Waco and Ruby Ridge was dirty. And i gave dirty back to them in oklahoma city"

Dishonest half truths seem to be pushing the "so much chridtian terrorism" angle

Son of sam was raised by jews. Does anyone think that he murdered people to please his jew god? No.
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OKC bombing wasnt done in the name of christianity. He did it becauae be was anti govt

There is a big problem with artists/writers/satirists being killed for detaming mohhamed or islam. That is really really scary. You cant just brush that off as racism when people point it out. Maybe when its the south park guys or bill maher being killed NT will change its reaction.
I understand what you're saying, but people are sometimes naïve enough to think they are THAT SPECIAL to represent themselves as an OUTLIER.

What I don't understand is people using and arguing about justification.  If someone killed in the name of Christianity, or any religion, is it acceptable?  I would say in today's world, it wouldn't be.  History has shown how 'ruthless' religious sects can be.  With that said, we can find correlations of human behavior in the past and present.  The 'history repeats' itself sayings makes sense and is a very safe 'generalization'.

I think with the terrorist doings, regardless of any justification is unacceptable.  I don't think there is a need to argue either.  If you fall into that generalization, then you just have to live with it.  It's as simple as that.  Yeah, it is rough!
This educated, intelligent, respectful woman put it really clear

Insecure, NT trolls, with poor self-image ALWAYS want some very serious incident to be race, skin color, or other general traits a human being possesses, related.

Completely ignoring the issue at hand and what these "bad eggs", or "radicals" whom should not reflect an entire race or skin color, are causing in our world. It's sad really. They even go as far as to DEFEND these people. Seriously?

I'm almost sure none of these Google-educated, keyboard warriors will EVER have an open discussion about topics they feel so strongly about with anybody, in person. I'll bet you $10grand not one will man-up to one. And no, screaming like a broken record, violently, while avoiding any form of discussion does not count.
The irony of YOU calling others "trolls" slays me.

1.  I haven't seen anyone in this thread discuss race.  Or skin color.  Or "other general traits a human being possesses".  Except you.  You were the first person to bring that stuff into the equation. 
2.  I haven't seen one person defend these terrorist.  If you did, please point them out.

So your entire post is moot.  Yet you're going to stand at the mountaintop and scream what you think because you're arguing with some perceived foe who really isn't even there.  Literally NOBODY even came close to doing what you described.  

And we're the trolls?  
I'm glad I stopped it before it could turn into one.

But seeing that this isn't about a "certain" race, but rather a specific religion, it hasn't gone downhill yet.
Please point out where I was "the first to bring that stuff into the equation". And what exactly is this equation you speak of?

I want to know where I pointed out race, religion, skin color, or anything. Take a look at my first post. Try to read it slowly.

When you interpret both of my posts, and comprehend them a little better, then you can try to form a better response. Rather than making up your own stories.
Yeah, not even going to go back and forth with someone not bright enough to realize that their SECOND post in this thread brought the aforementioned things into the discussion.  Nobody had even approached those subjects, yet you took it there.  

I can see that you're itching for yet another debate over the usual topics, so I'll step aside and let you continue to show your *** yet again.  

Carry on, troll.  
Liberals refuse to acknowledge the difference between a Muslim killing infidels in the name of Islam, and a Christian killing someone because he is a homocidal maniac. There is a huge difference. Motives of murderers are important.

Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian and never claimed to be.* He was obsessed with the “violent, race wars” book called “The Turner Diaries” by William Pierce. “…He slept with it under his pillow…”
(*Being sprinkled as a baby in a Catholic church doesn’t make someone a Christian)
Do you ever get tired of stirring the pot?

12 people are dead and you can't wait to post this?  Not a "damn, that's messed up" or a "RIP".  Nope--straight to the politics for you.  

You sir, are a sad individual.  
You're a sad individual if you don't think this was done by Muslim extremists.
Eh, at least you're consistent with your leaps in logic.  I'll give you that much.  

But as usual, you avoid and deflect like a pro.  
I cant agree with that line of thought. So if the mormons blew up the theatre district you would shrug your shoulders and say they had it coming? Simple consequences?

Jews didnt murder mel gibson over the passion of the christ

Russians didnt murder the screenwriters of terrible steriotypical 80s movies

You cant make the mistake of normalizing the "consequences".

Does anyone have any articles of the supposed "dishonor?

Not normalizing consequences, but you are knowingly provoking a small group of people.
Liberals refuse to acknowledge the difference between a Muslim killing infidels in the name of Islam, and a Christian killing someone because he is a homocidal maniac. There is a huge difference. Motives of murderers are important.

Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian and never claimed to be.* He was obsessed with the “violent, race wars” book called “The Turner Diaries” by William Pierce. “…He slept with it under his pillow…”
(*Being sprinkled as a baby in a Catholic church doesn’t make someone a Christian)
Yeah...and the Crusades was a missionary movement.

Liberals refuse to acknowledge the difference between a Muslim killing infidels in the name of Islam, and a Christian killing someone because he is a homocidal maniac. There is a huge difference. Motives of murderers are important.

Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian and never claimed to be.* He was obsessed with the “violent, race wars” book called “The Turner Diaries” by William Pierce. “…He slept with it under his pillow…”

(*Being sprinkled as a baby in a Catholic church doesn’t make someone a Christian)

Finally someone gets it.
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