Teens Against Porn

Originally Posted by luxurious24

too much of anything is a bad thing, my question is, is watching a porn tape u did with say your husband or wife a sin?

I guess it is a "sin".
Shouldnt sex only be for the purpose of procreation? The bible geeks can correct me on that if Im wrong.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

I have a personal beef with porn cuz I can't get off from bop alone..
..... I blame "mental and physical desensitization"...

no ayoo but me too son...its a gift and a curse....mainly a curse
double no ayo but same here... i hate that ##%! sometimes
As a guy, I look at gay porn. I can not remember the last time I saw regular porn. I believe there are two reason for this. One: deep down, when I see the women in porn, I know it's fake. They are fake and disgusting, not like a true women. This is a turn off to me. In gay porn, it's harder to tell, in my opinion, it's fake, mainly because it's hard for me to imagine someone having a gay relationship not just for sex(I know there are, I just can't imagine it). I know I am still attracted to women, just not ****ty ones in porn. Two: gay porn is different. I have seen how this addiction has grown. At the beginning, I was disgusted at the thought a gay porn. But as I became numb to the porn, things got old and boring. I wanted change. So I looked at gay porn. And now I'm addicted.

The devil(I'm not putting blame on him. I'm to blame for my choices) has tempted me. It started out with just porn. Then I was forced to lie to my parents. Now, when I look at porn, I commit even more sins, sins that are specifically listed in the bible.

I know I'm rambling, but with my new commitment, I thought I would let everyone on this site, not just the guys, know about my struggle. Thanks for reading.
Originally Posted by Diego

luxurious24 wrote:

too much of anything is a bad thing, my question is, is watching a porn tape u did with say your husband or wife a sin?

I guess it is a "sin".
Shouldnt sex only be for the purpose of procreation? The bible geeks can correct me on that if Im wrong.

bible geek says: no...it's for pleasure as well...just within the boundaries of marriage.
I have to agree with the dude that said the actors' jobs are to make it look like there's more going on than there really is.

And I used to worry about the whole desensitization part, until I realized that pr0n is fictional and has no true basis at all.
Originally Posted by JPioneer

As a guy, I look at gay porn. I can not remember the last time I saw regular porn. I believe there are two reason for this. One: deep down, when I see the women in porn, I know it's fake. They are fake and disgusting, not like a true women. This is a turn off to me. In gay porn, it's harder to tell, in my opinion, it's fake, mainly because it's hard for me to imagine someone having a gay relationship not just for sex(I know there are, I just can't imagine it). I know I am still attracted to women, just not ****ty ones in porn. Two: gay porn is different. I have seen how this addiction has grown. At the beginning, I was disgusted at the thought a gay porn. But as I became numb to the porn, things got old and boring. I wanted change. So I looked at gay porn. And now I'm addicted.

The devil(I'm not putting blame on him. I'm to blame for my choices) has tempted me. It started out with just porn. Then I was forced to lie to my parents. Now, when I look at porn, I commit even more sins, sins that are specifically listed in the bible.

I know I'm rambling, but with my new commitment, I thought I would let everyone on this site, not just the guys, know about my struggle. Thanks for reading.

As a guy, I look at gay porn. I can not remember the last time I saw regular porn. I believe there are two reason for this. One: deep down, when I see the women in porn, I know it's fake. They are fake and disgusting, not like a true women. This is a turn off to me. In gay porn, it's harder to tell, in my opinion, it's fake, mainly because it's hard for me to imagine someone having a gay relationship not just for sex(I know there are, I just can't imagine it). I know I am still attracted to women, just not ****ty ones in porn. Two: gay porn is different. I have seen how this addiction has grown. At the beginning, I was disgusted at the thought a gay porn. But as I became numb to the porn, things got old and boring. I wanted change. So I looked at gay porn. And now I'm addicted.

The devil(I'm not putting blame on him. I'm to blame for my choices) has tempted me. It started out with just porn. Then I was forced to lie to my parents. Now, when I look at porn, I commit even more sins, sins that are specifically listed in the bible.

I know I'm rambling, but with my new commitment, I thought I would let everyone on this site, not just the guys, know about my struggle. Thanks for reading.

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by Hankzilla





We believe the Holy Bible is the only written word of God. Though
written by men, we believe it was written under the inspiration of God
through His Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is inerrant and the final
authority on the topics to which it speaks.


We believe there is only one God, the God of the Bible. We believe He
eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the
Holy Trinity).

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. We believe
that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.

He was conceived through the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a
sinless life, sacrificed Himself on a cross to atone for the sins of the
world, was bodily resurrected, and ascended into heaven where He is
today, making intercession for those who are His.

We believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the one and only
means by which man can be saved from eternal death and separation from


We believe that the world was created perfect and without sin. Sin
entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve and brought
the curse of sin, sickness and death upon every person and the earth
itself. We believe sexual immorality is a resulting expression of this

We believe the only remedy for all sin, including sexual sin, is a
vital relationship with Jesus Christ. We try to point to the Person of
Jesus Christ and His teaching through the Bible.

We do not believe that it is possible in this lifetime to be
completely free from the effects of sin in our lives. We look forward to
the return of Jesus Christ when all things will be made perfect and all
sin will be removed from creation once again.

Satan and Demons

We believe that Satan is an angel who was created by God. Satan was
banished from Heaven when he attempted to exalt himself over God. We
believe that demons are also angels who followed Satan in his attempted
coup against God.

We do not believe that Satan nor any demons are omniscient,
omnipresent or omnipotent. We believe that God is immeasurably more
powerful than any demonic force.

We do not blame Satan or any demonic forces for our sinful behavior.
We believe that demonic influence may be involved in temptation, but
that ultimately we as individuals bear the responsibility for our sinful
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real mature my man.

For real. Why so funny?
Good for whoever these teens are, although some of the reasons are a stretch.
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