Teen wins lottery>Spends Money on Expensive stuff x coke > Ends up being broke.

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by Jabawokee

I'd still hit it...

She can get the business.
On the real though...if you have $300 and cant save money, you'd be the same with $3 mill because your expenses are higher.
Hmmmmm....need moar
If you think about it, shes still in better shape than most 22 year olds. I dont think I know any 22 year old with 32k in the bank. Use that money to go toschool, or start a business. You had one hell of a time, now its still not too late to get your life back on track.
(CBS) In Todd County, South Dakota, one of the nation's poorest places, the Wanless family struggled more than most.

"They were just so darned poor," said family friend Jim Colombe.

The sign to their ranch is broken, showing just how hard financial life's been lately.

The family was barely getting by selling scrap metal -- and they're reportedly behind nearly $4,000 in property taxes.

Just when it seemed things couldn't get worse, they got a whole lot better, reports CBS News correspondent Bianca Solarzano.

"I need some time to let this sink in …" said Neal Wanless, 23. Wanless was on his way to buy livestock feed when he decided to give luck a shot. Hepicked up Powerball tickets in the nearby town where he was born -- a place named Winner!

"I'd like to thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity and blessing me with this great fortune," said Wanless.

After a lump-sum payment and taxes, Wanless takes $88.5 million back to the ranch. And that's where he'll stay, he says, buy some extra land, keepworking - and start helping.

"My family has been helped by the community and I intend to repay it back many times over,'' he said.

"That's just the way it is in this part of the state, people help people, we know one another,'' said Timothy Grablander, mayor of Mission,S.D., the tiny town where the Wanless ranch is.

On The Early Show Monday, Grablander described the Wanless family as a "typical ranch family" for that neck of the woods, "very down-to-earth,rural people.

Grablander said he's "sure" Wanless will keep his word and give back to the commnity.

A down on his luck cowboy who won big in a town called Winner -- is Hollywood listening?

Just a conter story. Some people can do right with the money. Im pretty sure i would at my age now, but if i would of won like a year or two ago, i would ofprobably been one those tragedy story. When i was 19 & 20 i lived a pretty wreckless life, a lot of partying, imagine putting 30 mil on that. House partyin a lambo, only weed shrooms and beer though havent done anything else.
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