Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so many things wrong with that video
so many things wrong with that video0]

If you're referring to the AALs song, don't tell me he's not the only one that has thought about doing death metal growls on one of their songs. I've contemplated it several times, but I didnt want to tear my vocal cords. :smokin

If you're referring to the other vid, no argument. Why is one of them playing bass in a suit? :nerd: Brutal death metal videos aren't supposed to make sense.
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2nd video really
adding that the fact he's on an electronic drum set just is depressing. Every dude is dressed as if their playing in a different genre

but the AAL one... let that boy cook, I know people probably fantasize on singing their songs or dream about which singer who'll put in work on that song given a chance

I'm just too amazed by the guitar work everytime to think about singers

singer did die a while ago, only saw them once. RIP, too soon man only 28
Last night was ******g awesome, it's been forever since I've been to a proper death metal show, I didn't even mosh this hard at Summer Slaughter.
Saw Cerebral Bore, Cattle Decapitation, and Dying Fetus, easily one of the best shows I've been to this year, which is saying a lot since I went to Fun Fun Fun Fest last month.
Not many good pics because I spent most of the night moshing and headbanging


Went and saw Eluvietie, Wintersun, and Varg on Saturday. Other than the crowd sucking, in size and attitude, it was a damn good shot. The lead singer to Varg signed off with, "Goodnight, thank you all! I want to have sex with all of you beautiful people!" :rofl:

But wow at this :smh:
We knew it was coming! A few weeks ago, we reported that a Czech prosecutor recieved a report from the Czech police with their filing on the Blythe case, and the prosecutor had to make a decision. Today that decision was made, Blythe is being indicated.

The Lamb Of God vocalist is being accused of (what amounts to) manslaughter, based on allegations that he pushed a fan at a 2010 show in Prague, and the fan suffered injuries from that push that eventually led to his death. Blythe was held for five weeks in a Czech prison, until being let go on $400,000 bail. Any footage released from the show does not show the incident.

A new report from states that the State Attorney's office in Prague has officially indicted the Lamb of God frontman on a manslaughter charge this past Friday (November 30th). Update: Lamb of God's management released an official statement on the indictment. Read the statement in full the moment Blythe was released, he has stated he would return to stand trial. If Blythe is convicted, he may spend up to 10 years in a Czech prison, which is something he would not look forward to. When speaking to Metal Hammer magazine earlier this year about the possibility of going to jail, he said this:

"Ten years with no time off for good behavior. For my particular charge — we're saying manslaughter, but it's assault in the fourth degree with intent, resulting in the death of this young man — the sentence for that is five to 10 years with no time off. So the worst-case scenario is that get out when I'm 51, 52 years old. It's not something I really try to dwell on too much, because it's scary. I don't want to go to prison, I don't want that to happen, but the fact of the matter is it could happen. I will deal with it as it comes, that's all! can do. If you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you're pissing on the present. And right now, all! have is the present so I prepare myself the best I can. My band is behind me and my family's behind me and we're gonna do our best to prove my innocence. But worrying about a nebulous uncertain future, or being super-bummed out that l went to prison for 37 days does me no good."

There is still a trial to be had and Blythe could be vindicated. Let's hope Randy has good representation. Lamb Of God is currently wrapping up their first US tour since Blythe's release. Dates here.

Perhaps this is also a good time to mention this is not an open invitation to spew prejudice remarks about the Czech Republic. This decision does not represent the country as a whole, only their legal system and to spout rhetoric about how the "Czechs suck" is not doing anybody any favors.
My tweet convinced you Erick? dope

I saw Yellowcard on Friday with We Are The In Crowd, The Wonder Years and The Sandlot Heroes(opening and didn't get there early)

they were dope and for the first time I drank and moshed which I learned isn't a good combo. had to take a breather in the slow songs
I'll post the video of Ocean Avenue that I took asap
My tweet convinced you Erick? dope:lol:

Yeah :lol:
I closed today so I figured "What the hell, I got nothin else going on tonight minus whale"
Had mad fun tho :nthat:
The Cattle Decapitation shirt I bought at the show

Saw a guy stage dive and land on his head and knock himself out, he had to be carried out the pit, stuff gets real sometimes in the pit but for one night everyone's united by the music and look out for each other :pimp:
HELOOOOOOOOO this thread is dead

Sevendust is in town tonight and I didn't know about it till last minute. A friend of mine recently started up a business and gets into shows free but I didn't want to be "that guy" to ask him for a handout.
can you guys put me on to some good melodic death metal bands...
Kind of an oxymoron bro. But Led Zepplin , Graveyard, Deftones, Mastadon have melodic/groove sounds. Pantera is hard as **** but Dimebag  has riffs that are so groovy and cut to the soul.That sound mixes so well. Sleep is like if the Black Keys took acid and there sound is great. Check those out.
^^^ i was referring to the music that has a hard *** metal sound to it but also has good sounding vocals at the same time, not just yelling..

if that makes any sense.. 

those bands you recommended look good though, i'll definitely check them out.

i'll rep you when i'm under the limit again.
Just realized you said death metal. None of those are death metal but do have melodic sounds so yeah. But after reading your last comment you are looking for more groove metal and similar styles. It sounds stupid but dudes get really picky and upset what category you put them in. If you have a spotify account it can help you break into certain bands and sounds. I am sure many others will weigh in to give you a good recommendation once they read. 
well technically you said melodic "death" metal so what I'm gonna say will be different from what albooboo told you. My choices will be newer but I'll just throw them out there

Darkest Hour is probably gonna be the lightest example I'll show you with not much screaming but at least understandable yelling, solid band

All That Remains... lil heavier as noticed by the drums but vocals are still there to bring you in

Salt The Wound... more like bro metal in which college metalheads decided to form a band when altogether they have about 5 years of music experience, prolly turn u off

At The Gates... gods in my eyes but getting heavier further down my post, understandable vocals and voice is unlike any other. also the oldest group posted (1994)

The Black Dahlia Murder.... heaviest ill post but all of these are still in the melodic death metal category. My current favourite band that is great all around for me but vocals are most aggresive and screaming so you'll won't understand them the most. actually just wanted to post these guys up

forgot to post these guys... kinda like Darkest Hour posted up already, 2nd video is a cover of Dio's Holy Diver which i think is still better. Dio is like our Biggie or Big L
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