I'm starting to like this Engineered Mesh more and more. I'm drooling!!!!

higuy - Nice greystones! Saw that pair on fb, materials are on point! :nerd: at that size tho!

andrew - Thanks man! I'm using Canon40d+50 1.8 combo.

chris - Great pickup on the DW stabs!

lemon - Clean laser blues!

aneks - Nice! Is the blue pair an ID?

for some color:



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Love that stash 95 shot where the focus is on the shoe in the background.

Aneks... Clean blue clots! I almost did a similar pair. Seeing the final result, I'm mad I didn't.

Eat... Nice pick up.

Lemon... Clean pic as usual.

The red/white OG-ish colorway on the EM AM1 isn't too bad (I'm prob the only one on here that feels that way :\ ) but that maroon pair :x naw I'm good.
MSGT: Yes the blue pair are an ID from 2009.  great pics. Especially the 95s

Highguy: was talking to the guy who is selling them. He seems cool, works as an intern at Woei in Rotterdam. Has a buttload of pairs for sale in sz12 !
^^ wow.
question guys, anyone know the style code # or even the color code for these hybrids?
i probably would've bought them if i saw it back in the day, but dont think i ever did.
probably next to impossible, but i would want to track a pair down and then attempt a sole swap.
i messaged the seller for details, but i dont think he's gonna get back to me because i have no intention of buying them (size 15) and also a possible language barrier. thought maybe someone here might own or know...

these are the original slate am 87/90 from 92? or 93? as for the style code...i cant remember unfortunately.
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thanks guys, guess i wont be able to search for them by style code, just gonna have to randomly bump into them. i love how they look and just want to touch that material so bad lol.
yea man, i had the style code posted on the old opium website but that has long been since discarded of. but i feel yah, would love to have these babies in my hands. theyre extremely lush and one of the hardest/longest pairs ive been after

damn those are beautiful

Msgt great snaps! love the color
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Andrew - maybe you didn't notice I posted those Safety Oranges - which used to be yours! haha.

higuy - mighty clean pair of greystones, there. very nice, that's a pair I wish I had found when prices were still reasonable.

Wei - sweet colorway on the hybrids. I was never a fan of the look of the hybrid really, but every time I see one I think they would be awesome with a regular 87 sole swapped back onto them. eastlaswapshop? haha.
Very nice stuff guys! 

Those Hybrids are just stunning Wei. The quality on those are just insane! 
Wei! Very nice man!
Jay! I wouldn't mind getting those hybrids too.
Great shots msgt16!

Thanks to Chris for the amfam shirts and the stickers! Especially the speckled fam sticker. We should have a shirt like that
What's up Fam! Finally decided to apply as a member of the team!:smile:

Lemon - always with the good shots and dope wears! :smokin
Doodadeee - dat mass on those pimientos!

these today:
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Andrew - maybe you didn't notice I posted those Safety Oranges - which used to be yours! haha.

I didn't. That's hilarious. My old Safety's are all over the FAM now. Kev's got a pair and you.

And now I'm without any. Boohoo. :lol:
Enjoy em my friend. I know you do.

Have a great weekend all.
Msgt16- Very nice shots and I will say it again, those drurys are flawless! 

Lemon- Very nice JD 90's 

Doodadeee- Nice pimentos 

Today. Signs of stress cracks on these toward the forefoot units. But the mass is holding up! 
Hello Fam...

Thanks for the compliments fellas.

More OG shoesssssssssssssssssss:

more and more and more :lol:

More pickups soon ::lol: :lol:
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