Early Jan nike only drop here. Shoot me the usual mike if you cant find. And check your fb im....
diggin those but will wait for non-edited, crappy phone pic to get a better representation of shoe and decide if it's a "need". That pic looks like the saturation was turned way up. lol
Hey all, long time lurker here. Really respect what you all do. And as I'm re-scrolling from page 1, I can't help but ask myself, where do you all find your pick ups? Do you all have a main source? eBay? Yahoojp? 
May you all continue to be blessed .......HAPPY HOLIDAYS FAM!

- Mike TAK / ol'man / AM Man / Taklberry / Sheriff / olbastid TAK / nvrenauf
Happy Christmas Fam!!

Happy 8fth Anniversary too.

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Happy boxing day to me already! Off to check the sales for this holo swoosh 90s. Electric blues next week i hope...
Hey Fam-holiday types.

Might be chilly up there but nice and warm down here. Just going through some of the plain old mesh colours as I am old and have been told that simple shoes look better on grey haired folks.
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