Originally Posted by Mr KBiZZLe

Like DS sz 11 2000 cocoa snakes?
Hmmmmm maybe!!?!? Check your PM please
Originally Posted by Mr KBiZZLe

Wow .. I honestly did not see that coming. Am I seriously being labeled as a sell out because I want to advance in my personal status? You should know opening a store .. wait .. opening a DOPE store takes some serious quap. I still plan on opening a store there is no doubt about it. It will probably come a lot quicker now considering I will be playing with a much wider range of capital for building.

It may have taken me awhile to stock up on alot of the shoes I did have. I already started letting everything go a few months ago. When you are financially blessed, dude it is so easy to get what you're looking for.

Please don't question my loyalty towards sneakers because I am right there at the top with anyone else. I am keeping everything that I know I won't be able to replace, and everything else I can buy again once my money is right. As far as the other posts you speak of, I don't even know what you're referring too because I hardly come around here anymore. That does not mean I lost my love for shoes, I am just tired of spending so much time dreaming, instead of acting.

You shouldn't be taking shots at me either .. you should be wishing me good luck.

I definitely respect what you are saying and best of luck. Housing market isn't so bad in texas right now so if I had the money I'd do the same.People think it's a bad time with the housing crises, but actually great if you have the money. The people with foreclosure have to go somewhere right.

I spoke with a few people about this and it seems like a lot of people are moving on. A time comes when you just have to take a step back from all this andre-evaluate what you are doing. That doesn't mean you don't have the passion because we all had great experiences which we will never forget. It'ssad to say some people get so caught up in this that they start to forget priorities. My time come is coming, but I don't think I can ever fully step awaybecause I'm sure I will buy stuff here and there that I really like. I have to say I became a feen pretty early
considering I'm only 19. I'm sure some people thought I was a lotolder. I think I probably have like 2-3 years before I take the same route as KB. I was actually looking for condo's since houses are waaay out of myleague in nyc.
hahaha just cus I don't post anything doesn't mean I dont have some nice stuff sitting in storage.

I will be waiting for you to post. I thought you were done a long time ago.
Mr. KB, you f_____ my whole world up! And I was supposed to be chillin' for a while. Doesn't look like it'll be happening.
Originally Posted by xilegacy

considering I'm only 19.

damn. that's mind-bottling (for you general peeps). at19, i was flunking out of college, tryna scrape enough cash together to buy some beer and hards everynight. i prolly had a rotation of 3 pairs of shoes - allfor skateboarding. owning shoes that cost more than $200 was out of the question.

props on any of you young folk tryna get ahead in life the smart way. i have my condo here in hawaii and mortgage prices are insane. responsibilitiessuck.
good luck on your endeavours kbiz.
damnit KB .. I was going to get some JD AMs and now your posting all this stuff.. decisions decisions. I'm sure you'll do well in whatever you chose todo, you seem to have your head on straight. Good luck!
i thought un-ds meant the shoe was worn for the first time not the 10th time.
haha sike but nice carbons
Thanks for the good wishes it is def appreciated .. zs05wc I don't have anything your size but I can get my hands on a couple of things in that range forAF1.

I never imagined this was going to be a 3 day process .. still not finished just another pic.
ahhh kb i see a lot i like in that pic....grey suedes? cones? i hope theyre my size

lol and sharp C that is the first time ive worn them
KB: good luck with everything.

wish those 3m jewel mids were a 10 or 10.5
look forward to seeing you put up for af1s in those sizes
KB, I see you thinkin outside the sneaker box. Wish you well on all your endeavors. On another note, those Black Albums in the backround are whatsize?!?!?!?!?
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