TAY: thread about yambs...

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if your comfortable in the gym, (famb said gymB. :lol: :lol: ) then spit at the gymB.

Me personally... i'm not the swollest cat, and never will be... I can just hoop hard... shaking and baking like vintage Baron Davis...

But I dont feel comfortable lifting weights at the gym. That's just me.

You'd be plain stupid if you dont think chicks not peeping your physique... you gotta bring it when you step to a bird in the gym...

as far as approaching them, you have to look for the signs... chicks going hard w/ the headphones? no go.

chicks kinda wondering around... going slow and checking their phone a lot.. go (learned that from Patty Melts)

I'm just not the swoll type so i dont feel comfortable in that environment. as far as yoga class, they all know why you're in there... but i can tell you that more women between 21-35 are single than you think.

so outta 20 girls, there have to be atleast a couple that are actively looking for a cool guy. the key is being a COOL GUY....

we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...

we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...
I can't just randomly approach a girl...  doesn't really make much sense to me cz all that's doing is chasing appearances. Attractive women are everywhere. Should you approach them all?

Interaction should happen if it happens.
It's legit rick , never doubted you would deliver >D. although I sort of knew this in general, but not quite as thought out as you got it though :lol:

But now I'm thinking if this theory is applicable to grocery stores, what about gyms? any average - good looking female in a gym on a friday/sat night has got to be single :nerd:

I'll be scouting the local gym this week :smokin

only problem with gym is that women are the same as men when it comes to that. they don't want people all in their grill while they work out.
now its a slower process at the gym (I've pulled this way) just go up to em.. what u training for.?
you should try out......
alright have a good work out let me know if u need a spot....
you then walk away...next day you see her just be like how that new exercise work for yo u..then start up convo then be like I need a partner today. trying to workout with me...
she says yes then u start the convo and get the number so yall can be workout partners

Ask a girl if she needs a spot or a work out partner and she's gonna think your a nut job, the last thing a female wants is to be under or over your sweaty *** staring at her sweaty ***, no offense but u clearly don't know proper yambsnabbing gym etiquette. lol at work out partners... Most women don't even do work outs that require a spot, and they defiantly don't do work outs that would require a male partner, unless your 135 lbs and built like a ballerina.

Women don't wanna be bothered at the gym, period. That's why most women wear headphones, to discourage men from trying to talk to them. I've actually had girlfriends in the past that wore fake engagement rings to the gym because they were hit on so much.

I've seen a lot of discussion about getting yambs in non-traditional places ie grocery stores and at the gymb and I have a theory of my own on the latter.

As mentioned a few posts earlier, the thing about the gymb is that both parties went there with the intention of getting a good workout so no matter how attractive or swole you are, yambs may not eem notice you because they're too far in the zone. However, I think I've come up with a way to change that.

Classes. So most gymbs offer various classes such as yoga, spinning, Zumba, etc that are filled with bottomless yambs. These classes tend to operate on a schedule and yambs attend them regularly as apart of their weekly routine. My theory is that yambs can be gotten at using a 3-class method.

Class 1: Pick whatever class tickles your fancy or you think will have the most yambs. Don't go into the first class with your head on the swivel, tryna blatantly catch glances of da mass or create eye contact. Just go in, do your thing and leave immediately after.

Class 2: Return the following week and do the exact same thing. Handle your business and leave without spitting game or scoping the other yambs in the class super hard.

After the second class, whether the girls go back to the locker room and discuss amongst themselves or not, they will at least internally wonder "Who is this guy and why is he not 'mirin? Why is he coming to this class full of women in yoga pants and booty shorts and just taking care of business then leaving?". You'll seem so damb mysterious that they'll want to figure out your story. They will want to figure you out and will want to tell their friends that they are the one that figured you out. Note: It helps if you are in good shape and/or moderately attractive as this will help with their intrigue about you.

Class 3: By this point, you should have drummed up the curiosity of at least a few yambs. Crush the class as you normally would then afterwards maybe take a little longer to pack up, chop it up with the instructor or something of this nature and then afterwards you can strike on the yamb of your choice.

The fact that you are in the same class as them makes them think you already have one thing in common then the fact that you seemed overly hydrated and not eem a bit thirsty will also allow them to let their guard down which will make it even easier to approach, assuming one of them doesn't approach you by the conclusion of Class 3.


Rule # 1 Don't approach women while they are working out, ever...that being said
this is actually good advice and a very legitimate way you could successfully nab some gym yambs, repped. This dude knows what he's talking about... A few things u forgot to mention, Just be careful cus yoga sounds like some easy ****, but it's not lol advanced yoga sucks...it's hard and you get sore as **** after. And you better be able to dance and be super musculane if you enter a Zumba class, hell even yoga...or the yambs will def think you're gay. If u have no rythem stay away from Zumba also cus ur just gonna look like a jackass.

Another really good public place to meet/converse with women is tanning salons, could be a self contained store or one that's in a gym with a waiting area, u can start up a convo there. Same basic idea as the gym, without the uncomforabtle traits that make it difficult apporaching women at the gym. Doesn't work so well for you darker brothers tho, lol.

Long story short the gym is an excellent place to see hot girls in yoga pants, the downside to the gym is, it's not the easiest place to pull yambs. Unless your a personal trainer and you train people at that gym, those dudes get so much ***** it's ridiculous.
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In random places? Feel like im on the spotlight others will be watching my attempt and id get played. Or that id just be annoying bothering her. I hate annoyin people so i try to avoid being one. Otherwise just stage fright like interrupting er shopping i feel like she might be busy or if i stop her and the convo dries up fast it'll be awkward.

I talk to chicks though just not as often as i should
I have always had problems approaching girls in a random setting like grocery store, gas station etc

Combo of not having a great opener and being hesitant bc it's not the typical place to pick up women personally. Also lack practice because until recently lived in a whack suburb where I would never see yambs out

In situations where spitting is expected like the bars/clubs I have no problem going up to yambs. I don't even use any lines, I just introduce myself and/or start dancing.

All my yambs have been from school, mutual friends, going out, or online game. I don't think I ever pulled a random off the street
Man I need to get the balls to start a convo. Never liked confronting a chick first cuz I don't want to come off as thirsty. I'm the type that likes to be friends first then hook up. Off that best friends make the best relationship type crap.

But obviously, my way has not been working for me. So got to force myself to do it y'all's way.


What you scared fo cuh? she's a stranger doesn't matter if she rejects you. I give no dambs these days, but I'd take rejection from friends harder than from some unknown.
See, if she pulled that little refusing to pay attention, keep walking ish with me I woulda just gave her the "Well have a nice night sweetheart". Next yamb I come up on in public i'll try pushing the issue a little and seeing how it goes.
How would her not knowing how to cook cause her to have hurt feelings though?

You ever played big bank take lil bank and been the guy with no bank

Same feeling you get in that scenario is the same feeling girls get when they can't cook

As a guy you might joke it off and say "damn dawg yall balling lemme hold something" totally ignore your pride and humiliate yourself

But a female will take it as a shot to her womanhood and feel insulted or disrespected

Like I said females deal in emotions once you figure out how to push her buttons and control them you home free
Ya'll know what's terrible having to wait for some yambs like they going to be all good and then when you finally get the yambs they be subpar. :smh:
And for the gymb, the end of classes is a great time to talk, the chicks always seem open, smiley and chatty and scoping dudes out when they're done.
Ya'll know what's terrible having to wait for some yambs like they going to be all good and then when you finally get the yambs they be subpar. :smh:
Them time wasting yambs :smh:

And the biggest thing imo when you trying get at chicks in random places is just really not care or think too much...when i see one that i want i go straight up to em and just say whatever pops up on my mind to initiate convo..no thinking, second guessing none of that
And for the gymb, the end of classes is a great time to talk, the chicks always seem open, smiley and chatty and scoping dudes out when they're done.

I'm saying....especially if you build up the hype after attending two classes and not spititng game.

I know I used yoga in my example but as mentioned, it ain't necessarily easy :lol: Same with Zumba but they were just examples. I know my gymb offers over 100 courses so it's just a matter of figuring out which one you could actually do and there are yambs.

Ricky, you ain't gotta be the swollest dude in the gym to get yambs there. Just get on your cardio and ab workout grind and you're good :smokin
Lol anyone can pull a broad..and I smash on the regular I'm just talkin bout the joints in the black thread...those the chicks i want
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I'm saying....especially if you build up the hype after attending two classes and not spititng game.

I know I used yoga in my example but as mentioned, it ain't necessarily easy :lol: Same with Zumba but they were just examples. I know my gymb offers over 100 courses so it's just a matter of figuring out which one you could actually do and there are yambs.

Ricky, you ain't gotta be the swollest dude in the gym to get yambs there. Just get on your cardio and ab workout grind and you're good :smokin

The majority of smashable yambs are in Zumba and yoga tho. Specially yoga because you have to be fit and athletic, rhinoyambs can't do yoga. Zumba you get your fatties trying to lose weight and old people trying to ride the trend, but there are still plenty of yambs for the smashing. Some Zumba classes are 50-75+ people tho, and there are actually mad dudes, so be prepared for competition and/or the occasional awkward situation explaining your not a homo.

we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...

I am scared of being let down/rejected tbh, but I've been working on that and just going with the flow of things and not sweating chicks. The less I sweatem the more I seem to get, ot they atleast be interested.:smokin I will say that I am a very passive person and have let my fair share of potential chicks slip thru my hands cause I was "just chillin".
if ya goofy like me, corny jokes sometimes work
examples? please.

for example today i went to by yeezus and theres this cute chick at the register and heres our convo
her: oh this came out today
me: yeah but it leaked on friday
I give her money and she has trouble counting so i help her count it only like 11 dollars the one dollar bills had her confused
me: wow i thought you would be able to count money *sarcasticly*
her: laughs and says yeah i just messed up a lil.

got her to laugh and giggle but didnt pursue

ricky you setting da bar too high on everyone else. 

I can tell she had a phatty thru the Jordan shorts though...

:rofl: this part had me :rofl:


we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...

like i just said above i can make em kinda comfortable but im just not good at asking for the number. after i made her laugh a lil i wasnt sure what to do next thats where i get a lil stumped.
for example today i went to by yeezus and theres this cute chick at the register and heres our convo
her: oh this came out today
me: yeah but it leaked on friday
I give her money and she has trouble counting so i help her count it only like 11 dollars the one dollar bills had her confused
me: wow i thought you would be able to count money *sarcasticly*
her: laughs and says yeah i just messed up a lil.

got her to laugh and giggle but didnt pursue
like i just said above i can make em kinda comfortable but im just not good at asking for the number. after i made her laugh a lil i wasnt sure what to do next thats where i get a lil stumped.

You had her on the hook and just didn't reel her in threw her back in the water

Happens all the time

When I get stuck I go with compliments hair,nails,clothes etc can't go wrong

Anything to keep convo going til you feel comfortable enough to score
they way it is now in 2013 tho, the baddest chicks is beyond gassed up, they dont listen to what you have to say or check for your game..they care bout what you got or can do for em

Nah can't agree with that don't let a couple birds make you think that. It's a lot of cool chicks down to cooperate out here, if you about something in life.
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