TAY: thread about yambs...

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That's one of my biggest problems.  I hate initiating it almost as much as I hate people making small take with me.

I moved to this area in LI a few years ago but kept going to school in Brooklyn, spent weekends in Brooklyn, and didn't see any activity my age in the area.  Not sure how to get them babysitting yambs.  Talk about the kids?

You can talk to her about anything really, As long as you keep it light, and make her laugh or smile a little. idk if talking about the kids is gonna get u far, lol. Just talk to her like she's any other regular ugly girl you would be having a convo with...the rest should come natural. But you gotta say hello, that's the first step. Ask her if she's from Brooklyn, Talk about the weather, that your glad it's summer, College, what is there to do in the area... Breaking the ice is the tuff part, the rest is self explanatory. I can't really tell you what to say, just be casual and don't act thirsty.

I have another theory...

So I have ashamedly goofed two opportunities in under an hour and I need help.

1.  My lil brothers next door friend's baby sitter.  Just saw her for the first time today while she was walking their dog.  Pretty white girl with decent rear (dem leggings doe 

).  We just smiled at each other and said hi as I walked by going to the supermarket.  Kinda wished I spit some game. BUT WHAT TO SAY?

2. As I came back home from said trip to grocery store this interesting latina walked passed also walking a dog and we both gave each other the look up and down and the look back behind the shoulder as I walked up to my house and she kept going on her way. Again, didn't say a word.

NT Fambily, what do I say?  How do I say it?  Gaah, I've been hopeless without my liquid courage.  My spit game is nonexistent when I'm not sipping on something.

gotta step it up. you not always gonna be ready to holla, but S!!! you gotta holla.

when i miss an opportunity, i just tell myself "next one, i gotta say something"
I realize that man.  But I just don't know how to get a conversation going and then get the digits (specifically with girls I don't know)

just say somethin about the weather, surroundings or something, if she's receptive, go from there.

-"finally gettin some sun huh?"

-she responds in agreement

-hopefully stays like that till the weekend....and just small talk
That's one of my biggest problems.  I hate initiating it almost as much as I hate people making small take with me.

Not all P is gonna just throw itself on ya lap. gotta go get it. learned that over time.
I'm pretty sure I have yellow fever. My last 3 new yambs have all been Asian and working on another one - half Chinese, half German.
I'm pretty sure I have yellow fever. My last 3 new yambs have all been Asian and working on another one - half Chinese, half German.

I've yet to touch one, how did you come up on them?

Club, store what?

2 were in Vegas. 1club, 1 pool party. 3rd was a friend of HS friend (HS was majority Asian).

The one I'm working on is from ok cupid.

Due to my HS being hella Asian I come across a lot just from mutual friends. Also my profession gives instant credibility a lot of times where they may not be down with a black dude normally
I'm pretty sure I have yellow fever. My last 3 new yambs have all been Asian and working on another one - half Chinese, half German.

I've yet to touch one, how did you come up on them?

Club, store what?

2 were in Vegas. 1club, 1 pool party. 3rd was a friend of HS friend (HS was majority Asian).

The one I'm working on is from ok cupid.

Due to my HS being hella Asian I come across a lot just from mutual friends. Also my profession gives instant credibility a lot of times where they may not be down with a black dude normally

is humor the most important attribute that womens look for at first?

if so anyone know any good lines? Easy ways to make a girl laugh.

also any help on my previous situation? since then ive talked to her, i always catch girl looking my direction from the coner of my eye, but dont know what to do. Any help will be appreciated.
humor is a good card to have. but women like to know a dude is serious. and goal oriented first and foremost.

good joking one liners. if u know a tv show she likes that usually helps
most of my humor is sarcasm and it usually works, you just gotta make sure you crack a smile after you say something sarcastic so she knows its a joke. The most important attribute? Doubt it.

1. Looks
2. Goals/Career
3. Sense of humor
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is humor the most important attribute that womens look for at first?

if so anyone know any good lines? Easy ways to make a girl laugh.

also any help on my previous situation? since then ive talked to her, i always catch girl looking my direction from the coner of my eye, but dont know what to do. Any help will be appreciated.

if ya goofy like me, corny jokes sometimes work
I'm pretty sure I have yellow fever. My last 3 new yambs have all been Asian and working on another one - half Chinese, half German.

I've yet to touch one, how did you come up on them?

Club, store what?

2 were in Vegas. 1club, 1 pool party. 3rd was a friend of HS friend (HS was majority Asian).

The one I'm working on is from ok cupid.

Due to my HS being hella Asian I come across a lot just from mutual friends. Also my profession gives instant credibility a lot of times where they may not be down with a black dude normally


Nothing specific. I don't approach different races differently. I wouldn't even say I have game. If the chick is physically attracted to you just be fun to be around and read when you need to go in for the kill.
examples? please.

iono i can't really say any examples, but uhhh...."aye feel on my shirt *feels on shirt* Cotton? Nah boyfriend material :wow: "

best example i could think of, i usually just take a joke i heard in a movie or from a friend and kind of tweak it
I was cleaning out my cpu and came across a document i made couple years back after reading some PUA books and taking notes on how to pick up random women (not friends of friends). Some of it worked now that I look back at it :lol:. I guess this could be put on the first page or w.e, but i'll just put it in the spoiler......

Night/Bar Openers:

Let me guess, you’re…..
Hey I need a female opinion on something (mustache joke, facial hair, cheating, sex, etc)
You look like you’re having more fun than anyone else here
My friends and I were joking about who seeks the most attention in a club

Fun Date Convos:

-Cooking Recipes
-Future Goals/Regrets
-Crazy friends
-College stories

Fun Date Games:

Horoscope/Fake Palm Reading Test - just to initiate touching her, make up BS about her life, # of kids, etc
Strawberry Game - psychological game asking her questions (google) that tests her skankness

Texting/Flirt Convos :

-Pick a subject rate out of 10
-I don’t think I’m your type.....
-Hey, I’m just ___________ and texting you.
-Wow _______ , just scrolling through my phone and realized it sucked I had to leave
-I wish I were there right now….
-Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you crossed my mind
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I also can't decide if 21 questions is good or not.. I think face to face no because it will go to fast if u don't have any more to talk about...but it can work out to your advantage if u can play off each answer with a story or some facts

but that game on text can be dragged out for like an hour or more and gives u time to pull thoughts together.
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Fellas, got my 1st white girl last night....i usually dont go for the white, but i decided to get this once chick's number on sat...got shorty to come over last night but she gave be some bs bout its her rule not to give up yambs on the first night, but convinced her to suck and swallow :smh: :lol: ...dummies will be dummies regardless of color :pimp:
Fellas, got my 1st white girl last night....i usually dont go for the white, but i decided to get this once chick's number on sat...got shorty to come over last night but she gave be some bs bout its her rule not to give up yambs on the first night, but convinced her to suck and swallow
...dummies will be dummies regardless of color
I need to find me a nice Spanish chick fellas.  Today feels like a good day to go searching.
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