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yall ****** need to pull your skirts down talkin bout hotline bling puts you in your feelings lol man what!

if yall dont get off the booboo
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O Jesus I guess its the beta hour. I see why y'all dudes in these situations getting shot down now, just makes so much sense.
Man only one dude said it gets him in his feels. Relax with your false bravado, you sound stupid. ****** can't even discuss a song that plays every damn where.
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I'm fat so chicks love me during the winter time

neeeeeeeeegrow please


you be lyin hahahahahha
Lmao you and Henn be ******* up my toll game

Who calls themselves fat when they aren't? That's a female trait.

I started playing video games post-sex when I was with one of my exes. Had the volume low and was whispering on the mic. I look back after a half hour or so and my girl was gone from the bed. I found her outside locked in her car crying her eyes out. There were no post-sex video games after that.

One of the girls I'm seeing now plays games with me though so she doesn't care :pimp:
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Is it just me or are all chicks crazy.. Even my side chick is a lunatic.

Can't front I'm talking to this old fling from middle school that's a teacher now and she's the most normal girl I talk to but she is so bland and boring.. Why all the funny goofy chicks have to be going through **** mentally that make it virtually impossible to have steady relations with them?

Mental health is a real issue smh
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Who calls themselves fat when they aren't? That's a female trait.

I started playing video games post-sex when I was with one of my exes. Had the volume low and was whispering on the mic. I look back after a half hour or so and my girl was gone from the bed. I found her outside locked in her car crying her eyes out. There were no post-sex video games after that.

One of the girls I'm seeing now plays games with me though so she doesn't care :pimp:
View media item 1293305Was she crazy ?
We'd all have dime girlfriends if we wanted a crazy girl. Not saying all dime girls are crazy but it definitely is related. 3 dates in and you're like wtf am I getting into...
I've realized myself that the prettiest girls are so ****** in the head. I'll be with a really attractive woman and think "I'm really lucky right now, my game is on point" only to find out this chick is on depression meds, was touched by an uncle, tried to commit suicide, kills cats for fun, etc. Then it's like "ohhhh, so that's why you're single.......................so what that mouf do?"
I can honestly say I've had two dimes. Like undisputed dimes, and yes they both have been on meds, suicide all that. I had another on deck a couple weeks ago went out with her a few times and called it... Exactly like the first two.

Give me a dope *** 7 and I'm a way happier man. I can't deal with the depressed *** dime girls anymore.

Damn it feels good to have the baddest girl in the ___ but it isn't worth your sanity.
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HATE cuddling. Truth be told, after I nut, all I want to do is play 2k, or watch a movie by myself. Chicks that get up and leave are appreciated.

I fake sleep and eventually just go to sleep to avoid the awkward convos women want to have after sex. Especially if you put it down.

What's Halloween looking like this weekend fellas? Supposed to be a mansion party in college park, md with the Thots on my end.
I've realized myself that the prettiest girls are so ****** in the head. I'll be with a really attractive woman and think "I'm really lucky right now, my game is on point" only to find out this chick is on depression meds, was touched by an uncle, tried to commit suicide, kills cats for fun, etc. Then it's like "ohhhh, so that's why you're single.......................so what that mouf do?"

Depression runs in my family but I guess I got lucky and the gene skipped me. My mom and sister are on meds for depression/bipolar and my dad and I have never had that problem. Since I've been dealing with it, and have seen my dad deal with it, for my entire life it doesn't phase me that much. Almost all of the girls I've been with have had that wild, fun side. But then you realize there's a tradeoff because you also have to deal with their "****** up in the head", not so much fun side.

My last ex was the only seemingly "normal" one. But even she showed some signs of craziness and it was stressful to be with her sometimes.

I'm also not gonna call all these girls "crazy" and act like I'm not just as wild. I just like to think I have some consistency in the crazy **** I do :lol: It's the unexpected moods that can throw you for a loop.

But I know what you're saying because the girl I'm with now had a bunch of pills sitting on the kitchen counter when I went to her place one day and I was like, "adderall." She said nah they were her meds and she had to have them there or she'd forget to take them. Then this past weekend we went on a road trip and she forgot them and was just not quite herself and complaining about forgetting the meds. She had a lot of anxiety until we started drinking and went out at night. She's cool though. I wouldn't say she's clingy because last night she came over at 6 to smash and was gone by 7. Got right up and left after, no cuddling. But when I'm with her she is kind of overbearing like always trying to kiss me, hold me, touch me constantly. I made the mistake of calling my ex overbearing once for being the same way and she started crying and we got in a big fight. Can't win :lol:
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I'm the Savior complex type so I eat that craziness up.
I think i've only had 1 normal chick in my life and as others have said that's a bit boring...
I'm not proud of being the savior complex type because im tired of dealing with these bat S crazy women... but at the same time it keeps things interesting.

I really have been trying to steer away from it though. but my "good guy" personality draws them in... and the yambs.... welll.....let me just tell you .... awesome.

I am actively looking for a chill chick., one i went out with last week seems like she could be... just not as attracted to her.
Yeah the hot crazy ones will hit you with the "you don't know how much I need you and how you are in my life right now". Do not have issues of your own or get vulnerable with her though, she running for the hills when she realizes you're not superman (then come back, then run again). It's like a calm persona attracts crazy/issues. Learning to hone that persona to your advantage regardless is amazing though, so you're not swayed by their theatrics or attempts to get under your skin. I believe they call that growth. If you develop that patience, ignore the bull sometimes and remain steadfast, you can actually help make her a better person and mold her to your liking though.
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Yeah bro. Once you crack the formula on those girls it's like nothing to pull them. I got that aura or whatever don't talk too much and do my thing. They all think they are the most bad *** people on the planet. Once they realize you don't give af and aren't intimidated by them it's game on. I do not have the patience for girls on meds anymore. I just can't do it. They just drag you down. It might be good for a while but give it a year and you're gonna look back like, all my problems are her problems and kick her to the curb. And it isn't gonna be an easy kick to the curb. You're gonna get death threats and all that. :lol:

I can sense a bi polar girl from a mile away now. Last girl I just looked into her eyes and saw it. Bam... A few months later it came out, I was spot on. Her and her mom.
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^Real talk. You could be the sharpest cat mentally/emotionally but they will still bring you down eventually.Two years ago I was on vacation with my fam at the beach. It was at the time my crazy ex (post smash video game story) and I were really going through it. I was trying to fix things because I loved her. We were together two years and my dad had seen her act out and be out of control numerous times. I told him what I just told you guys in this thread, that I thought I had been dealing with her pretty well because of the way my mom and sister are and that I was working on mending things with her. Then he hit me with something crazy. He told me something like, "I think it's time you move on. If I had known how severe your mother's depression/bipolar would be before I married her...I'm not sure I would have." Basically admitting it had taken a huge toll on him, and obviously he has no regrets because things are fine now and he has my sister and I, but, I think that says a lot about women with depression/bipolar. My dad has dealt with a lot throughout the years. I feel sorry for him I moved away and left him alone with my mom and sister.
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I've realized myself that the prettiest girls are so ****** in the head. I'll be with a really attractive woman and think "I'm really lucky right now, my game is on point" only to find out this chick is on depression meds, was touched by an uncle, tried to commit suicide, kills cats for fun, etc. Then it's like "ohhhh, so that's why you're single.......................so what that mouf do?"
Real talk man. You care about them too, it's not like you're like "yeah she's just crazy" you feel bad you want to help and you can't. She would be chill for months then it's just like oh **** brace yourself it's gonna be a rough couple weeks.

I'm sure your dad knows better than any of us dudes. I'm gonna stay happy now and keep that stuff away from me. It's hard though. I'm sure another will come along. They always do... And you can never smash and dash these types.
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