Tattoos in Corporate America

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by FOOLIO

just wear long sleeves. I'm 19 and have a half sleeve on my forearm, my rationale is that if its a job where I'm wearing short sleeves, its a job that won't care about whether I'm tatted.

Lol. but alot engineers and people like that wear mostly wear polo shirts with company logos.
i work in a corporate place that is VERY casual (jeans, t shirts and shorts) but its still conservative. i feel like if i had some tattoos (even non visible) and co workers found out, they'd have something to say. its just that kind of atmosphere.
I worked with corporate dude that had a least one full sleeve goin...
after a year maybe, no one in house seemed to care & dude rocked short-sleeve Dwight style dress shirts daily showing off the tats

but when he had to go meet with client, or clients came to us for a meeting - he always wore long-sleeves, always
i don't know that anyone told him to, i think he was just smart enough to figure protocol out himself & complied

i never made fun of dude for the obvious conformity, seeing as he considered himself the rebel type
didn't care really ya know
I don't even care to be honest. I have a sleeve and I'm a PT major and I pretty much know I'll find work with a decent salary and
more than likely run my own practice in the future.
I always wear long sleeves so my tats aren't a problem in the office until...

When summer hits I'm the only one wearing long sleeves still to hide some of my ink
by the time you get comfortable enough in your job to get sleeved up...

you not eem gonna want them anymore....

#teamNoTat doe...

Originally Posted by Oasis

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

You're black and you already have a lot working against you. Take whatever negative perception you associate with a white guy having tattoos in the office and multiple it by a 10. Hide your pieces bro.
So much truth to this, take heed to this OP.

fareal... lets keep it real... you get to a certain level in corporate professions that you're going to be judged for being black. that's just the way it is...
folks act like segregation and racism just stopped 50 years ago... heeeeeck no, fambs...

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

FOOLIO wrote:
just wear long sleeves. I'm 19 and have a half sleeve on my forearm, my rationale is that if its a job where I'm wearing short sleeves, its a job that won't care about whether I'm tatted.


connection has been made between user name and post...
I work for a chemistry lab on campus and my boss has casually let it slip that any potential employees with visible tattoos, gauges, body piercings or "abnormal hair" would not be seriously considered for employment. Lucky for me I have none of those
I can only imagine the attitude of employers for more serious jobs
I have no tats occasionally have considered getting one but not seriously but as a physician I could never get one that could ever possibly be visible.
How would you honestly feel if your DR came in with a sleeve or tat on his neck? Not a good look and even worse in the eyes of older patients.
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Neck and Face are no no, hands are no no too. Outside of that Unless you wear polos to work I don't see it being an issue. If you play golf though, older cats will give you a side eye I will say.

Speakin of older fellas, i was at the gym minding my business lifting, next to me is an older dude, id say about 40-50 range, I have both of my upper arm tatted and i caught him staring at it and then shaking his head like son was in disappointment. I shrugged it off but def. expect stuff like this but do not let it get to you.

It was your horrible form. Not your tatts, buddy.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

i work in a corporate place that is VERY casual (jeans, t shirts and shorts) but its still conservative. i feel like if i had some tattoos (even non visible) and co workers found out, they'd have something to say. its just that kind of atmosphere.

My work environment is similar to this...except its mostly casual on fridays....environment is more relaxed since its a bunch of recent graduates and people 23-30...I'm just not sure how higher management would react, being that I am black, and what people mainly associate tattoos with
If you walk around like it's wrong for you to have tattoos, then people will look at you like you're wrong for having them.

If you walk around like you don't give a !@##, people won't give a !@##.

My 2 cents.
I work in a corporate setting @ a Software company. I have both my arms sleeved up and have no problems. Been working @ my job for 8 years.
Any current teachers wanna weigh in?

A brotha has a tat below the elbow.
Nothing thuggish.
As a fellow Black man that understands th e corporate environment, why would you want to have one more thing going against you when you are trying to advance. So what if you won't get fired for a tattoo, that doesn't mean that you won't be one of the first to get laid off or turned down for a promotion.
To many people tattoos still have a negative connotation, I've always thought if it can't be covered with a t shirt I wouldn't get it. Maybe its a bad mindset to have but I always think for me as a minority you are working every day to be accepted and to ease the pre conceived notions some of these old people have.
Originally Posted by cguy610

As a fellow Black man that understands th e corporate environment, why would you want to have one more thing going against you when you are trying to advance. So what if you won't get fired for a tattoo, that doesn't mean that you won't be one of the first to get laid off or turned down for a promotion.

I've always taken this into consideration....My company is corporate, but not rock a suit everyday conservative.  My thought process was that if I ever went through with the tattoo, would it prevent me from rising within a company...and @ this point its in the air, in comparison to an old colleague who is the same age...and is an Analyst for a large bank, and he has a sleeve, and I don't feel it wouldn't stop him from advancing, but @ the same time myself and anyone who had ink would probably have to work harder for promotions
Originally Posted by F3rN7

To many people tattoos still have a negative connotation, I've always thought if it can't be covered with a t shirt I wouldn't get it. Maybe its a bad mindset to have but I always think for me as a minority you are working every day to be accepted and to ease the pre conceived notions some of these old people have.

It's not a bad mindset. You're just thinking about more than "Hey this %#*@ look hard on my arm yo!"
Originally Posted by cguy610

As a fellow Black man that understands th e corporate environment, why would you want to have one more thing going against you when you are trying to advance. So what if you won't get fired for a tattoo, that doesn't mean that you won't be one of the first to get laid off or turned down for a promotion.

This is the sad reality.
You gotta ask yourself if you've earned your position first and foremost. I know plenty of corporate dudes with sleeves. Everything except hand, neck, and face can be covered. If you have value to the company, you can really do whatever you want. When I worked for stanley tools this one guy had his hair long, lips tatted on his neck, and was a absolute douche. Boss hated him, but son was efficient, and was bringing in bank. Certain things you gotta earn, especially in the corporate world, if being yourself is something they will view in a negative way, you gotta be valuable enough for them to overlook that. But anything that can be covered in proper attire is straight, some might look at you sideways, but if it becomes a issue that your job is in question they were looking for reasons anyway. 
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by F3rN7

To many people tattoos still have a negative connotation, I've always thought if it can't be covered with a t shirt I wouldn't get it. Maybe its a bad mindset to have but I always think for me as a minority you are working every day to be accepted and to ease the pre conceived notions some of these old people have.

It's not a bad mindset. You're just thinking about more than "Hey this %#*@ look hard on my arm yo!"
I know I hope for the day where we accept each other and not pre judge off of looks but reality is reality.  A couple years ago I had someone email my manager saying I looked unapproachable and stand off !$+ its at that time I started seeing the corporate game is a big song and dance so even when I haven't felt like it I smile at everyone and say "hello" no matter what kind of mood I'm in.
Originally Posted by az5950

I'm in NC, from NY but i graduated from A& mindset was that I should probably wait a little, but I only plan on staying @ this job for 2 years @ the max...its an entry level position, and I took it just for the main concern would be in two years, when I apply to a larger company

Saw the post looked at the SN and was like oh +$% this my boy.... Seek what up son? U should've just hit me bro. U know I have had my half sleeve from wrist up for a good 3 years now and I have literally never had a problem with it. Right now I'm working more in the education setting as a career counselor but it's really no biggie. It's actually funny when people find out I'm sleeved up now cause so many people don't expect it from me. Trust me bro of u want it do it. Prepare for the long sleeve lifestyle but it ain't so bad
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