Tallest buildings in the World Lined up

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

Originally Posted by DL2352

The concept of the city of Dubai just makes no sense to me at all. Just because they have money and tall towers, is that all that people see when they think of Dubai? I think of their strict, Islamic laws, the constant 100+ degree weather, the damage those man-made islands are doing to the ecosystem, and the simple fact that it's a cotdamn desert town in the Persian gulf. No thanks.

I've lived there, you get used to the heat just as you get used to the heat in Southern California. Strict, Islamic laws? True, but only if you're Islamic. I'm Catholic and there is a huge Catholic church there if you thought the whole country was Islamic.
Word. If you're not Muslim, you're in the clear.



Let's say the year round heat, social climate, and desert setting weren't a problem, why would anyone, who had a choice, want to go to Dubai? What does Dubai offer that no other place offers? Tall buildings?
Your ignorance permeates through ever line of your post

If you simply typed in Dubai into "wikipedia" you would be able to make a more intelligent post on this topic instead of being slapped around with stone faces and condescending responses.

On that note,

Please do research in the future before posting on subjects you have little to no knowledge about. It saves someone the trouble of educating (or "sonning") you on the subject at hand and research saves you the trouble of covering up for your own warranted embarrassment. Simply typing Dubai into the google search engine and pressing enter doesn't require much effort, so on behalf of NT. I did your "research" for you.


Dubai has a lot of tourist attractions to offer such as this indoor ski resort.


You could have posted something along the lines of "What does Dubai have to offer other than it's tourism industry. But you didn't. I', expecting you to downplay anything positive about Dubai or dismiss the ski resort as insignificant. That's fine, beause I'm not here to assume the burden of proof.

I'll end my post on that note; let's return to the OP's original topic

P.S., Even if your post was a failed joke it still reeks of ignorance. I'm not personally attacking you, simply commenting on your post.

Dude just got sonned.
That article you posted about the couple having sex on the beach and getting arrested, I'm sureany couple of any religion/race would get arrested if they had sex on a public beach.
Social climate? I can tell you first hand, Dubai is not overrun by one type of people, it reallyis a melting pot of a lot of cultures. I had friends that just moved from the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, England, France, Canada and hell, even the USof A. So if you were trying to infer a racist social climate in the United Arab Emirates, you failed.
Oh and what does Dubai have to offer?
Off the top of my head, world class beaches, world class water parks, an annual world fair, amazingfood, women of all races, lots of places to see and do honestly.

Serious question though, have you even been there?
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Man, one day I'll visit Dubai... one day.

Trst me, it's not really as amazing as people make it out to be. You'll only be able to enjoy the better parts if you have alot of money to throw awaytoo.
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

Originally Posted by DL2352

The concept of the city of Dubai just makes no sense to me at all. Just because they have money and tall towers, is that all that people see when they think of Dubai? I think of their strict, Islamic laws, the constant 100+ degree weather, the damage those man-made islands are doing to the ecosystem, and the simple fact that it's a cotdamn desert town in the Persian gulf. No thanks.

I've lived there, you get used to the heat just as you get used to the heat in Southern California. Strict, Islamic laws? True, but only if you're Islamic. I'm Catholic and there is a huge Catholic church there if you thought the whole country was Islamic.
Word. If you're not Muslim, you're in the clear.



Let's say the year round heat, social climate, and desert setting weren't a problem, why would anyone, who had a choice, want to go to Dubai? What does Dubai offer that no other place offers? Tall buildings?
Your ignorance permeates through ever line of your post

If you simply typed in Dubai into "wikipedia" you would be able to make a more intelligent post on this topic instead of being slapped around with stone faces and condescending responses.

On that note,

Please do research in the future before posting on subjects you have little to no knowledge about. It saves someone the trouble of educating (or "sonning") you on the subject at hand and research saves you the trouble of covering up for your own warranted embarrassment. Simply typing Dubai into the google search engine and pressing enter doesn't require much effort, so on behalf of NT. I did your "research" for you.


Dubai has a lot of tourist attractions to offer such as this indoor ski resort.


You could have posted something along the lines of "What does Dubai have to offer other than it's tourism industry. But you didn't. I', expecting you to downplay anything positive about Dubai or dismiss the ski resort as insignificant. That's fine, beause I'm not here to assume the burden of proof.

I'll end my post on that note; let's return to the OP's original topic

P.S., Even if your post was a failed joke it still reeks of ignorance. I'm not personally attacking you, simply commenting on your post.

Dude just got sonned.
That article you posted about the couple having sex on the beach and getting arrested, I'm sure any couple of any religion/race would get arrested if they had sex on a public beach.
Social climate? I can tell you first hand, Dubai is not overrun by one type of people, it really is a melting pot of a lot of cultures. I had friends that just moved from the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, England, France, Canada and hell, even the US of A. So if you were trying to infer a racist social climate in the United Arab Emirates, you failed.
Oh and what does Dubai have to offer?
Off the top of my head, world class beaches, world class water parks, an annual world fair, amazing food, women of all races, lots of places to see and do honestly.

Serious question though, have you even been there?
. If that's your definition of sonning... Alrighthere we go.

First of all, what is this knowledge you guys have about this place that I don't possess? Like I haven't read up on this city
I was just as wowed as everyone else was when I first saw the images of thePalm islands and the World islands. Those man-made islands I had thought were amazing are actually doing a ton of damage to the surrounding ecosystem.

You guys should brush up on your reading comprehension as well. I clearly stated "What does Dubai offer that no other place offers?" Indoorski-resort?
You guys do know it's not the first nor will it bethe last one. Honestly, if that's your best argument for Dubai, that they have an indoor ski-resort in the middle of the desert, you've already lost.The fact of the matter is, while Dubai is a city that offers many luxuries to those that can afford it, one can easily find what's there in other citiesthat would be a lot more fun to visit/live in. Luxury shopping? Why not Italy where the Mediterranean climate is much more appealing than the 100+ degreedesert weather? "World class beaches"? Why not an actual world class beach as opposed the the artificial ones you find there? Your girl better coverup too because bikini's are a no go. I posted the "sex on the beach" article because it garnered a lot of news coverage and I thought it would bemost familiar with NT'ers. You're right in thinking that you'd get in trouble anywhere for having sex on a beach but to be thrown in jail for threemonths?

I'm not knocking anyone for thinking Dubai is this great place, like some real life Shangri-la or something. I use to think it'd be pretty sweet to gothere myself. It's just the truth is contrary to that thought. This place is NOT that great and I don't see why anyone with that kind of money wouldwant to waste it by going there. Trust, if I had that kind of dough, I'd be flying to Europe, Asia, or some tropical island, not to the Middle East

I didn't even touch on the economic situation there because I honestly didn't think it was necessary to mention. We all know the world's in arecession. We're hurting here in the US. You think they're invulnerable to this over there? Watch as most of those towers you guys are
about cease to complete construction, word to the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea

http://www.newsweek.com/id/172641Dubai's Last Hurrah from Newsweek

Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Downfrom NY Times

Some Rules to Follow While In Dubai from Frommers
Originally Posted by ev209

dubai is was a crazy city

People are fleeing Dubai by the droves.

That A-rab (no offense) money has slowed to a trickle.

Construction on many of those towers has come to a screeching halt midway, standing half completed under the baking desert sun...no signs that it will ever becompleteed.

The man-made World map beach that they were building is now sinking underwater and the hotel is incomplete.

A lot of those super-luxury cars that we would post pics of, were actually driven to the airport and left abandoned by people trying to break out...unable topay off their liabilities and feeling from the Dubai debtors jail.

Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai SpiralsDown

An abandoned car in a parking garage in Dubai. One report said 3,000 cars were sitting abandoned at the Dubai Airport.
most of these arent finished yet, and some arent even started yet.
i predict several of these never get built at all.
Originally Posted by DL2352

. If that's your definition of sonning... Alright here we go.

First of all, what is this knowledge you guys have about this place that I don't possess? Like I haven't read up on this city
I was just as wowed as everyone else was when I first saw the images of the Palm islands and the World islands. Those man-made islands I had thought were amazing are actually doing a ton of damage to the surrounding ecosystem.

You guys should brush up on your reading comprehension as well. I clearly stated "What does Dubai offer that no other place offers?" Indoor ski-resort?
You guys do know it's not the first nor will it be the last one. Honestly, if that's your best argument for Dubai, that they have an indoor ski-resort in the middle of the desert, you've already lost. The fact of the matter is, while Dubai is a city that offers many luxuries to those that can afford it, one can easily find what's there in other cities that would be a lot more fun to visit/live in. Luxury shopping? Why not Italy where the Mediterranean climate is much more appealing than the 100+ degree desert weather? "World class beaches"? Why not an actual world class beach as opposed the the artificial ones you find there? Your girl better cover up too because bikini's are a no go. I posted the "sex on the beach" article because it garnered a lot of news coverage and I thought it would be most familiar with NT'ers. You're right in thinking that you'd get in trouble anywhere for having sex on a beach but to be thrown in jail for three months?

I'm not knocking anyone for thinking Dubai is this great place, like some real life Shangri-la or something. I use to think it'd be pretty sweet to go there myself. It's just the truth is contrary to that thought. This place is NOT that great and I don't see why anyone with that kind of money would want to waste it by going there. Trust, if I had that kind of dough, I'd be flying to Europe, Asia, or some tropical island, not to the Middle East

I didn't even touch on the economic situation there because I honestly didn't think it was necessary to mention. We all know the world's in a recession. We're hurting here in the US. You think they're invulnerable to this over there? Watch as most of those towers you guys are
about cease to complete construction, word to the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea

http://www.newsweek.com/id/172641Dubai's Last Hurrah from Newsweek

Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Down from NY Times

Some Rules to Follow While In Dubai from Frommers

Okay, I wasn't even arguing the economic situation in Dubai though, I never saidanything about being it a money wonderland over there.� And it's true, anywhere in the world right now is struggling economically, thanks for pointing thatout by the way.�
You didn't even mention your ignorance in your first post though, nor the ignorance you justspilled in your last post...
Let's see, Florida is a popular tourist spot, raking in about $60 billion a year off of tourismalone, yet people still go there despite the hot humid weather which is similar (I can personally vouch for this) to Dubai.
What exactly makes you think every beach in Dubai is manmade?� I was actually referring to worldclass beaches to Dubai that occurred naturally...
And bikinis being illegal in Dubai? Please.
"Muslim society or not, tourism is hugely encouraged here, and it is not illegal (in Ajman orDubai or Abu Dhabi or Fujairah at least) to wear a bikini on a public beach."� Or were you referring to wearing bikinis to a mall or park perhaps?�That's taboo anywhere.
Before all you guys cream in your pants, you do realize that damn near all the buildings on the first page have yet to be completed.

The 1K+ building in Dubai has just been PROPOSED, not even started yet.

The second one on the list, they had to halt construction midway through because they ran out of money (its still the tallest building in the worldalready..and it's like half done
: )

With the state of world as it is right now, I'm willing to bet more than half of those buildings currently proposed/in construction/whatever won't everbe completed. Most of them are just examples of blatant fiscal irresponsibility and countries doing it for bragging rights. SMH
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

Before all you guys cream in your pants, you do realize that damn near all the buildings on the first page have yet to be completed.

The 1K+ building in Dubai has just been PROPOSED, not even started yet.

The second one on the list, they had to halt construction midway through because they ran out of money (its still the tallest building in the world already..and it's like half done

With the state of world as it is right now, I'm willing to bet more than half of those buildings currently proposed/in construction/whatever won't ever be completed. Most of them are just examples of blatant fiscal irresponsibility and countries doing it for bragging rights. SMH
Your right on the first one. In fact, that building most likely will not be built. Just not realistic or practical at this point. Even for Dubai,it never had much of a chance. Maybe somewhere down the line. However you are wrong about the second building. Burj Dubai has been completely topped out and isat it's peak height. Work being done now is just mostly cladding and interior work.
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by DL2352

. If that's your definition of sonning... Alright here we go.

First of all, what is this knowledge you guys have about this place that I don't possess? Like I haven't read up on this city
I was just as wowed as everyone else was when I first saw the images of the Palm islands and the World islands. Those man-made islands I had thought were amazing are actually doing a ton of damage to the surrounding ecosystem.

You guys should brush up on your reading comprehension as well. I clearly stated "What does Dubai offer that no other place offers?" Indoor ski-resort?
You guys do know it's not the first nor will it be the last one. Honestly, if that's your best argument for Dubai, that they have an indoor ski-resort in the middle of the desert, you've already lost. The fact of the matter is, while Dubai is a city that offers many luxuries to those that can afford it, one can easily find what's there in other cities that would be a lot more fun to visit/live in. Luxury shopping? Why not Italy where the Mediterranean climate is much more appealing than the 100+ degree desert weather? "World class beaches"? Why not an actual world class beach as opposed the the artificial ones you find there? Your girl better cover up too because bikini's are a no go. I posted the "sex on the beach" article because it garnered a lot of news coverage and I thought it would be most familiar with NT'ers. You're right in thinking that you'd get in trouble anywhere for having sex on a beach but to be thrown in jail for three months?

I'm not knocking anyone for thinking Dubai is this great place, like some real life Shangri-la or something. I use to think it'd be pretty sweet to go there myself. It's just the truth is contrary to that thought. This place is NOT that great and I don't see why anyone with that kind of money would want to waste it by going there. Trust, if I had that kind of dough, I'd be flying to Europe, Asia, or some tropical island, not to the Middle East

I didn't even touch on the economic situation there because I honestly didn't think it was necessary to mention. We all know the world's in a recession. We're hurting here in the US. You think they're invulnerable to this over there? Watch as most of those towers you guys are
about cease to complete construction, word to the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea

http://www.newsweek.com/id/172641Dubai's Last Hurrah from Newsweek

Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Down from NY Times

Some Rules to Follow While In Dubai from Frommers

Okay, I wasn't even arguing the economic situation in Dubai though, I never said anything about being it a money wonderland over there.� And it's true, anywhere in the world right now is struggling economically, thanks for pointing that out by the way.�
You didn't even mention your ignorance in your first post though, nor the ignorance you just spilled in your last post...
Let's see, Florida is a popular tourist spot, raking in about $60 billion a year off of tourism alone, yet people still go there despite the hot humid weather which is similar (I can personally vouch for this) to Dubai.
What exactly makes you think every beach in Dubai is manmade?� I was actually referring to world class beaches to Dubai that occurred naturally...
And bikinis being illegal in Dubai? Please.
"Muslim society or not, tourism is hugely encouraged here, and it is not illegal (in Ajman or Dubai or Abu Dhabi or Fujairah at least) to wear a bikini on a public beach."� Or were you referring to wearing bikinis to a mall or park perhaps?� That's taboo anywhere.
What ignorance? What is it you know that I don't know about that place? You've been there? Cool. I don't need/want to because of allthe reasons I listed.

And to compare Florida to Dubai is asinine. Florida is in the continental US and you don't need a visa to go there. It's also vastly cheaper to go toFlorida than it is to Dubai, hence the healthy tourism. You make it sound like I'm against hot weather
. I'm not! I love Hawaii as much as the nextguy but I'll be damned if I'm flying halfway around the world to the Middle East to enjoy this man-made oasis.

I'm not just pulling things out of my %%# and calling it fact. I linked to Frommers, which is pretty reputable as far as travel is concerned, and they saidthat Dubai doesn't allow bikinis on the beach, as well as drinking outside, or even PDA, word to John Legend
Tha Burj Dubai is INSANE..

Its crazy around 10 years ago, I think the Sears Tower was the tallest, now that has been well and truely succeeded. Whats next?
Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

at how far the CN Tower in Toronto fell off

According to this, the CN Tower is still the tallest FINISHED building...
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