Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

Animal Thug Animal Thug

I vaguely remember you posting a website that chronicles almost every single event that occured that leads up to today's situation. Still got that link?

Yes brother, here it is:

Please share it with any as many people who are uninformed as possible. It is a 20 year old article that only exemplifies todays conditions brought upon by the rogue entity called Israel.

it was also written by Jewish scholars, so there is no biased reports or point of views given.

as some of you know, I created the Israel-terrorism thread back in 2014 when nearly 1000+ innocent Palestinian lives we’re taken by rogue entity called Israel’s terrorism and genocide. It was heartbreaking then, and even more heartbreaking now. Nothings change, and things have only gotten worse.

and remember: all of this is Being paid for by your American tax dollars.
Article from May 12th, 2021:

"Gaza’s death toll has risen to 65, including 16 children, according to the health ministry. More than 300 people have been wounded. Six Israeli civilians, including two children – one of them a six-year-old – have been killed by rocket fire and dozens wounded."
Article from May 12th, 2021:

"Gaza’s death toll has risen to 65, including 16 children, according to the health ministry. More than 300 people have been wounded. Six Israeli civilians, including two children – one of them a six-year-old – have been killed by rocket fire and dozens wounded."
Only time America cares about the children are when they are white children. Otherwise they don't give a ****. In fact they will give them another 20 Billy in the next budget to have them do the same thing.
Not to defend anyone but is there any actual source for this?

Good post. Have to be careful what is posted without facts. I, myself, need to do better with this, also.

Mix info:

In 1998, Schultz was awarded the "The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" from the Jerusalem Fund of Aish Ha-Torah for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel".

"I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist,” United States President-elect Joe Biden declared in April 2007, soon before Barack Obama chose him as vice president.

Thirteen years later, Biden’s views on Israel have become more nuanced but unchanged. “Israelis wake up every morning facing an existential threat from their neighbors’ rockets from Gaza, just like this past week,” he told over 18,000 Americans at the 2020 AIPAC Policy Conference.

The woman is an American journalist.

There is a more apt word for this: colonialism.

Wow man, the details in this vid are hard to listen to. Such brutality and unfairness. This journalist was only there for a month, imagine what goes on in a year? :smh:
Glad a thread like this exists. I'm sure there are other people of Jewish descent on NT, but since I'm a regular poster I figured I pitch in.

My background is an observant Middle Eastern orthodox Sephardic jew. My family comes from Iran/Baghdad/Uzbekistan/USSR regions where millions of Jews lived way before WW2. Currently, half my family lives in the U.S. The other half in Israel.

The political corrupt power in Israel right now is completely in the wrong. Point blank.

There are a lot of Jews down for the cause, the Zionists in Israel don't represent them all. Praying for my brothers in Palestine

Thank you. Zionism was created post WW2 by secular, many atheists even, none practicing Jews. After what they went through and saw from the Holocaust they thought that Jews cannot survive anywhere else and it was a danger for Jews to survive under a none Jewish government. So they created this movement.

Not one orthodox or religious rabbi gave permission or agreed with this idea. A majority of religious or practicing jews do not support the idea of Zionism because it is not based on the Torah. It's based on modernizing the definition of a Jew (which for us the only definition of being a Jew for thousands of years has been the Torah). They were trying to redefine Judaism by making Israel a state. As soon as the state was established, a lot of Jews supported bc of their most recent suppression by the Nazis so it was accepted from a "united" front. Dont get it confused though, the majority of secular (non-religious) Jews are Zionist and are completely wrong for thinking this way.

We don't believe in Zionism, it is an idea of anti-Torah and is the opposite of what identifies us as a Jew. Based on the Torah, it is not our land until the messiah comes. Therefore a lot of very religious orthodox Jews in Israel dont pay taxes and live in poverty there because technically you are not allowed to pay taxes (based on the Torah) if it is not your land.

Since then Israel has been illegally taking parts of the Palestinians part of the land. Leaving a lot of Arabs homeless, on top of what already was going on from the extremist sides from previous small wars.

It’s not about Jerusalem. Israel doesn’t want to give the Palestinians the right to exist.

Sadly, the corrupt political powers that currently exist in Israel have this agenda. They'd do anything to declare it "our land". History shows thatt land is won/conquered through war/power and it seems like the decades of suicide bombings from the Arab extremists, the extreme gentrification and poor treatment from the Israelis, and the obvious religious hatred compounding from this violence is all combining into war from both sides again.

Sadly, I think a permanent peace treaty will never exist.

Personal opinion, not all. Back in 2018, a poll was taken:

The majority of Israeli Jews — 56 per cent — believe that they are the "chosen people" according to a poll conducted by Haaretz. That figure is considerably higher amongst the political right in Israel, at 79 per cent. But again, this isn’t about religion…

Correct. We do believe we are the "chosen people". Chosen people means that G-d offered the Torah and its laws to all religions but only we accepted it. Strictly religious-based. That doesn't mean we feel we are better than anyone.

Of course, there are those that have an "I'm better than you" mindset, but don't let those Jews dictate the other ones from all over the world. Sad part is, most of those people aren't the orthodox Torah observant ones. It's the secular or reformed ones that don't observe any law and only project their Judaism when they feel offended or when it offers a positive return.

I was talking about that the other day, when you’re oppressed as much as the Palestinians are - I don’t see how you can’t become an extremist living in that area. When your children are laying dead in your arms from daily bombardment, people showing up to take over your land - and the world wonders where the mindset comes from.

Its no justification at all, but suppression does things to your psyche and being faced with it as much as this conflict has caused for Palestine, it’s no wonder that part of the world has such a high rate of extremism.

Just look at what Israel is doing, maybe it’s because of their suppression from the Nazis? It seems like an unbreakable cycle.

I agree. It's an unbreakable cycle. It starts with children and both sides have been oppressed for a long long time now. Children are literally raised to hate each other by some families.

Too many Jewish children have been killed by suicide bombings by Hezbollah and Hamas. Too many Palestinian children have died from being in the direct line of fire. The extremist Arab groups live among the innocent, so Israel says ok we found a leader living in a building by a school and they'd drop an airstrike there. It's completely disgusting and will 100% ruin your psyche. People's personal experiences define their hatred towards other groups.

“white” Ppl trying to take land , it’s always the same story that sparks **** up

Jews dont refer to themselves as white. Just as Jewish. A large majority of Jews have Middle Eastern (pre 1900s Iraq/Iran), Russian (USSR days), Egyptian (mainly Morroco) descent.

European Jews (1900s) and those that immigrated to Israel after war dont consider themselves as white either. This is not a white supremacy thing.

Are Palestinian people considered white? Middle eastern?

No. Most Palestinians that I know regardless of where they immigrated from (mostly Jordan, Syria, or Egypt) refer themselves as Arab.

Been educating myself past few days. Whats wild is this aint even a fair fight. The casualties between the two are FAR different.

Saddest part. I didnt like the Trevor Noah segment either because he was comparing the casualties in a way where he made it sound like it would be fine if 50 more innocent Jewish kids died to even out the number. Too many innocent are dying point blank. Palestinians dont have bomb shelters (argument here from Israel extremist side is that their money goes to Hezbollah and Hamas for weapons). So if 2000 rockets are fired at Israel, maybe there will be 5-10 casualties because literally everywhere in Israel there are bomb shelters in place from previous acts of terrorism and war.
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