Taking Prayer Requests (life gets tough sometimes)

If you could help me out with a prayer that would be amazing.
I do things without thinking about the consequences, nothing dangerous like fighting and stuff just choice like quitting a job i know i need and partying tomuch when i know i need to stay home and study. I guess im asking you to pray for me for Self control. A lot of things im fixing right now slowly have been acause of terrible self control. Also i can not commit to anything. My name is Joshua Buggs. Thanks man and God bless.
GOOD LOOKS OP! its a shame when ppl. come on here to help others and fellow members come with this childish nonsense,even after he asked not to.

well OP you can spend a prayer out for me im going thru a tough time relationship wise and money wise. me and the BM broke up and im trying to get us backtogether for awhile now. i really do care/ love her. i know now that i put her thru some stuff and shoulda been there more, i just wanna be happy with myfamily again. and after getting robbed at gunpoint ive got this hatred in my heart for these dudes but im not bout to risk my life by going to jail over 3600.that i now have to payback.
The future looks dark and I don't see it getting any brighter. Family going throught somethings and I just feel lost.
I prayed for you. God's always there keeping you company even when you don't feel like he is. He knows the deal man.
Originally Posted by anDown Goes Frasier

GOOD LOOKS OP! its a shame when ppl. come on here to help others and fellow members come with this childish nonsense,even after he asked not to.

well OP you can spend a prayer out for me im going thru a tough time relationship wise
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who givesgenerously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." - James 1:2-5
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

thanks, bro, D been hitting ppl in the mouth, spitting on folks, just acting ignorant... he needs a helping hand...
I already knew it was coming...before I came in this thread
i need a prayer that i will find out what im going to do with my life,its like im stuck in limbo right now,im on pace to be a dentist but im just doing it forthe cash and im not really happy,i wake up everyday feeling like im wasting my life and i need some kind of direction right now
Originally Posted by frankthekingdtx

i need a prayer that i will find out what im going to do with my life,its like im stuck in limbo right now,im on pace to be a dentist but im just doing it for the cash and im not really happy,i wake up everyday feeling like im wasting my life and i need some kind of direction right now
I mean no offense by this, I just want to to think about it for a little bit. You aresitting in front of the greatest information database in the history of mankind. I think it would be way more efficient to google 'help changing careers' than it is to hope a stranger is talking to God for you. Take some initiative inyour life.

I know the phrase "God only helps those, who help themselves" is nowhere to be found in the Bible. But if you believe that God gave you free will,then that means you have the choice to stand up and make a change or just sit around and wait on Him. Maybe this post is the answer to a prayer. Either way Ihope it motivates you, because it just sounds like you need to stand up and some take action on your own. Tomorrow's not guaranteed.
dear god, i would love to thank you for all the good you have brought to my family and knowing you are always there no matter what. please protect myfamily,friends, and i from all harm and help all the people in need. i would also love to thank you for all the times you always answered my prayers. pleasehelp me and everyone financially especially in the time we are living now. please help me with college and finding the right job for me and please forgive mefor all the bad stuff i have done in my life and help me become a better person so i would be close to perfect. thank you god for all the things you have donein my life aswell as jesus for giving me all the love he has to offer.. amen
First off i want to thank God for everything. Also that my mom can find a job. She tries to not show it, but i know she is struggling without one. Also that iget through my second half of college. Amen
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