Swoosh! Inside Nike - Feb. 12th CNBC 10:00 EST

YES. For confidentiality reasons, we don't allow anyone to take pics of the inside of our stores. Most employees don't know that, but the ones that dowill enforce it. It is company policy. As far as Campus goes, you can only take pics of the lobby of each building, as well as the outside, as that is the onlyplace the "public" is allowed. But in actuality, this is a CLOSED CAMPUS. No one is allowed to walk around unless you'rean employee, a family member of an employee, a vendor, or have business with Nike. Security WILL confront you if you look like youshouldn't be there. Guarantee that. We've caught a few adidas people trying to sneak around.

I'd have to agree with RockDeep, it looks much better during warmer weather. The sights are much nicer to the eye.

We have other "extensions" of the Campus all around the area as well, not to mention leased buildings.

For SinnerP:

wow, thanks MenofOregon again!

love the whole mystic aspect of the ik... good stuff...
The inside of the 'Kitchen' is a "mess", as a few like CWK, will be able to tell you. A "mess" of sketches,designs, drawing boards, prototypes, paper, toys, comics, cars, magazines, etc. etc.. Anything that would help to inspire the designers with their creationsand thinking.

But the most "secretive", most "mysterious", most "mystique" room has to be by far Mr. Knight's old office.
Originally Posted by MenofOregon

But the most "secretive", most "mysterious", most "mystique" room has to be by far Mr. Knight's old office.

Care to elaborate? Whats 'rumored' to be in there?
I dont know how OLD it is.. with him still having Lunch in the Mia from time to time. He is a great down to Earth guy. Saw him on the Elevator once and heasked "what my name was young man' And saw him again ON the same Elevator and said Hello ____ I was like Dag... Mr. Knight knows my name.

Only the encounter with MJ was as exciting and I am a grown ACE man....I don't get in awe of folks...but MJ and Mr. Knight have their own Mystic if youwill...
RockDeep that's exactly how Mr. Knight is hahaha! He'll ask that same question haha. For some incredible reason he can associate andremember people's faces. Definitely a down to earth guy! He does have this powerful "aura" about him when you see him. But yet, he seems sogenuine. Kinda weird to explain. I have yet to see MJ around.

His old office use to be atop the John McEnroe Building. Since there have been two CEO's since he stepped down, he has moved his office to the Mia HammBuilding. That would pretty much explain why he has lunch in there and not in the Boston Deli anymore. He kind of wanted to "step away" and give thenew CEO that sense of "full responsibility" by giving up his old office location.

This is just the entrance/beginning to his old office; and the only part anyone would ever see:

SinnerP, ONLY A HANDFUL of people have been fortunate enough to have been in his old office. There was a "front part" to his office,and then there was the "back part" of his office. That's where the "mysterious, mystique part" kicked in. Lots of "different,unusual" items to be seen. Pretty dim and soothing lighting. A pretty peaceful and inner sanctum for him. People have told me it didn't look like aregular CEO's office because of the Japanese furniture and other "unique items" he had in there. Mr. Knight has a fondness for the Japaneseculture ever since his first trip to Japan. He loves it. They say you even had to take your shoes off when you went in there.
On a side-note, Tinker Hatfield has designed the new baseball uniforms for the Oregon Ducks. As if there was any doubt he would do that project haha. Should beinteresting to see. Duck fans, keep an eye out for the unveiling!
The campus looks and sounds great... I wish I could go there sometime... can't wait for the show tho.

MenofOregon and RockDeep thanks for some really nice info and stories
MenofOregon and RockDeep, .Thx for all detail inf
I wish that i can visit 'Kitchen' ! it's the dream place for all designer!
Surprised to see this image was included in that trailer:


I'm sure that some of the info. in that show will "surprise" some of you. Should be a good one.
I hope I remember. i have the worst memory when ti comes to shows.

Campus DEFINITELY looks like an awesome place to visit if youre really into Nike like that. I still remember my very 1st trip to niketown when I was young. Iwas AMAZED and figured it was easily the dopest place on earth.
I was fortunate to go up and check out JB in the Rice building and it was pretty cool. Saw the now infamous sample room and everything. I also got to check outthe Armstrong and a few others. I definitely had a great time there. I was also suprised at how down to earth everyone was. I had the OG XVs on(still myfavorites) and I got both good and bad comments on them. In fact, the person that showed me around said,"You're actually wearing THOSE¿"

I still keep in touch with that person now. We check in from time to time to see how each other is doing. Like I mentioned earlier, I had a great time andcan't wait to go back again. If you guys have ever have the opportunity to go, by all means TAKE IT. You will not be disappointed.
Just a little FYI. On Campus, you can get a haircut, have your dry cleaning done, take your kids to day care, get a massage, pick a place to eat, get a healthevaluation, and engage in a workout of your choice. Pretty sweet deal!
What would happen if air randy happend to walk around the nike campus?

He can get into Y3 no problem but beaverton might be a problem
Originally Posted by MenofOregon

Just a little FYI. On Campus, you can get a haircut, have your dry cleaning done, take your kids to day care, get a massage, pick a place to eat, get a health evaluation, and engage in a workout of your choice. Pretty sweet deal!

Yeah, I hear since the employees work such long, odd hours Nike wants them to have all of these conveniences on hand so employees don't have to worryabout other errands during their work day.

Where the hell is Kobe?

Don't worry, they're probably only covering the MOST important figures in the brand's history
I was able to tour campus last spring. I must say....it was like a playground at lunchtime on a Friday. People were playing soccer, sand volleyball,running.....all kinds of activity. I was like, do you people work!? lol. Someday I will work there. Someday soon

NCTwin is right - its an experience you will never forget.
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