Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

Yo cool game irock and balluhjay, you were beasting with bowser. Yo anyone down to play later on, bout to go to church first. I'll be on soon so just addmy code and join the room...
CRI GG's, but STOP PUTTING ON WEAPONS!!! putting on weapons is like being first on mario kart and some wack dude in last place uses a special item thateffs everything up and now your 2nd or 3rd place =(
I've added EVERYONE on the East that took long lol. Add me if you haven't already east coasters.
Yo are too sick with was killin me.

I'm slowly startin to get better with Game and Watch.
Originally Posted by rowbot626

CRI GG's, but STOP PUTTING ON WEAPONS!!! putting on weapons is like being first on mario kart and some wack dude in last place uses a special item that effs everything up and now your 2nd or 3rd place =(

lol PERFECT how you in first place and the blue shell comes outta nowhere on the final lap from some dude trailing way behind and hecosts you the match...

i don't mind weapons if it's a 4 way or w/e or if i'm playing for fun but if we playing 1 vs. 1...what's the pointof weapons? the most i could bargain with is Final Smash only turned on (LOW!) but that's it...i hate playing 1 vs. 1 with items turned on so if y'allhave that option...please save the trouble and don't bother playing against me

i'll be playing in a bit so if you have me added...give me some time and i'll be on...

i'm updating the players' list as of now
^^^ my bad I hate how it saves your settings from playing offline. I was messin around with everyone's final smashes cause I was bored. I hate items too,lol. I think I eventually changed it didn't I?
Slightly OT: speaking of Mario Kart..anyone pickin up Mario Kart Wii? Lookin like the best one in the series.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by rowbot626

CRI GG's, but STOP PUTTING ON WEAPONS!!! putting on weapons is like being first on mario kart and some wack dude in last place uses a special item that effs everything up and now your 2nd or 3rd place =(

lol PERFECT how you in first place and the blue shell comes outta nowhere on the final lap from some dude trailing way behind and he costs you the match...

i don't mind weapons if it's a 4 way or w/e or if i'm playing for fun but if we playing 1 vs. 1...what's the point of weapons? the most i could bargain with is Final Smash only turned on (LOW!) but that's it...i hate playing 1 vs. 1 with items turned on so if y'all have that option...please save the trouble and don't bother playing against me

i'll be playing in a bit so if you have me added...give me some time and i'll be on...

i'm updating the players' list as of now
haha blue shell that what i was thinking about.. i heard mariokart wii suppose to be the best online on wii bc they get rid of the friend code stuff.hopefully theres a update on smash bc friend codes are super annoying and plus when your playing random people its only a 2 minute point battle >=(
Good stuff Kats. Your Kirby is legit. I was the Lucario and Peach. My bro was the Sheik and Samus. Anybody looking for a match on the WC hit me up JayJunkie(AARON or JUNKE) - CA - 0817 3407 2447
Originally Posted by JayJunkie

Good stuff Kats. Your Kirby is legit. I was the Lucario and Peach. My bro was the Sheik and Samus. Anybody looking for a match on the WC hit me up JayJunkie (AARON or JUNKE) - CA - 0817 3407 2447

GG's your lucario is pretty good. I never got to play your bros samus with kirby, but kiby v. peach is not a good look. My boy was a pro tourney playerwith her in meele and he's attempted to main her in brawl. He's pretty much convinced she's nerfed beyond repair (at least against kirby) Ididn't expect to win that match, after i suicided at 0% and said eff it i'll go down 2 and give myself a challenge. So no diss on that match, Iwasn't discounting your skill. Lag got bad at the end prolly my fault my net has been screwy all day.
.........everytime i signed on no one was online all this 30 something people n no one online can some of you guys pm me your aim names
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

nice matches row, close one at the end. Tell your brother to get off the internet.
funny thing is he just came back home right now and went straight to the net. ill be back on in 30min or an hour or until he falls asleep.
Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

.........everytime i signed on no one was online all this 30 something people n no one online can some of you guys pm me your aim names

maybe because your name isn't on the list?

drop the full i've stated before
Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

.........everytime i signed on no one was online all this 30 something people n no one online can some of you guys pm me your aim names

I would like to play you, but now that spring break is over I can't always stay up late on the weekdays. My FC is in my sig but I'm pretty sure youadded me, I'll always be online on friday night + the weekend.
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