Super Bowl XLII: YOU GOTTA bELIeve!!!!!!!! Greatest Super Bowl in History?!?!?

well thank you Giants, now we'll NEVER hear the end of Mercury Morris.....!!!!

but for real, congratulations to the Giants and their fans. You played a good defensive game. Weupset the Rams, now we get upset. Red Sox lose game 6. Yankees lose 3-0 lead. It just happens..... That's sports for ya....tip the cap and move on.
great game

never rooted for a team i was never a fan of this hard

belicheck not getting a ring

guess seau gotta repeat the semester
Wow, Jints just won the Super Bowl.

Can't put this into words right now. Most amazing feeling of my life thus far. And still young...
Congratulations to the New York Giants, and their faithful fans. Nobody gave the Giants a chance, including me. They were the best team today.
i don't hate the patriots, i just hate some people on that team, esp. bellichick. how u gonna leave when the game isn't over? u won 3 SBs already. be aman and congratulate the other team.

what a bunch of pathetic wussies.

eli didn't win this; the MVP was the defense. WOW.

Now we have to listen to some crackhead Mercury Morris all the damn time.

I am so pissed for that reason alone.
Another great underdog story, I love it.

Arrogance/Being Over Confident only gets you so far.

Humble and Laid-back always wins.

"the turtle might be not be fast, but he gets the last laugh".

and there you have it people.

great game.

my mom is disspointed...she's from Boston. ahhh well, there'salways 2009.

NYG - 17
NEP - 14.
Dear New York Giants franchise,

Thank you for the win tonight.


bkmac, a New York Jets fan.
i wonder what brady has to say about his ankle....he looked way off...awesome job by the whole Giants D, cept for Webster at the end...
It feels great as a Giants fan. My friends and I were going nuts in the dorm watching it. I just couldn't believe it happened. Eli's pass when heescaped the pressure like that I was
freaking out...

I was wearing my Armstead jersey... and I know someone mentioned that they didn't believe me, not that my fanhood needs questioning and I know I don'tpost in Sports often so it may not be clear if I'm a fairweather fan or not... but I've had this jersey for awhile so it should be obvious I'm aGiants fan, and I will be wearing it all week...

Go Giants
i stayed out this post the whole game to focus on my team and we did it. It is with great appreciation i present to you the NFL superbowl champions, the NewYork Football Giants

Did anyone notice how the clock sped up with like 1:20 remaining? I had to rewind that to make sure.

It was going crazy fast. Was I the only one who spotted that?!
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