SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

If Ziggler is gonna get his HBK on, he better do it now, cause he's already 35

Damn, really?

Hope they bring up Balor soon. He's around the same age.

Ditto. You'd be surprised at out old/young some of these dudes are. Usos and KO are 30 & 31. Cesaro's 34. Sheamus is 37. Ryback is 33. Barrett is 35. CROWN FAVORITE Big Show is 43 and needs to LEEEEEAVE :lol:
Owens is the only guy on the roster who actually needs his moveset trimmed down. EVERY move is a finisher or signature :lol:
I miss the Voper, the not friends with anyone Viper. He's been too happy go lucky for my liking these past few months, way too friendly

Dude is one scoop slam away from one of these again.

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heard raw is good tonight.. just tuned in and saw the dudleys came back. nice surprise.. I know theres a new Wyatt that segment just started
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