SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

This has to mean John Stewart is going to be a an actual, reoccurring, on air character for the foreseeable future. That's such a get for WWE.

No Lobster Head cash-in.
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whats gonna happen with the US title now ? no one cares about the poor US belt everyone is just all about seth holding both..
When Orton walked to the wrong with underwear and a t shirt. But had that gold.

My man looked like a million bucks
Im so happy I dont have to return my Never Shuts Up t-shirt when it arrives on Tuesday 
Jon Stewart sold the entire heel turn like **** . Though he made it obvious with the new facial hair . LOL
I just hope this doesn't end up with Sheamus getting the WHC off Rollins and Seth is just the US Champ
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