Some said it happened before but the show may have jumped the shark now.

Heigl is washed. She'll look good dressed up and giving orders though.

I recall she tried to make thst comeback a year or two ago on NBC or CBS and it got cancelled befire the first season finished airing.
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If they're really feeling bold they can try introducing a new young genius type character to fill Mike's spot.

Pair him up with Katrina for that romance.

But that might be too obvious.
Harvey doing that reluctant breakup with British shrink so he doesn't come off like a total scumbag when he bangs Donna again :lol:

Also I'm gonna need Mike to start showing the homey Dule Hill some ******* respect.
I'm about to re-watch some episodes, I never remembered Harvey smashing Donna. I do think he's in love with her though, ever since she left and he had those panic attacks, neither of them can admit it for whatever reason
They never showed them smashing specifically but in one of the flashback eps after Harvey as a Jr associate won a big case that Donna helped in they alluded to it by him going in to her apt.

Since then its been well known but never spoken on that they smashed.
I guess it would make them both look bad if they pursued a relationship while climbing the ladder. More surprised Lewis knew about it
Last season finally, glad it's ending, been bad last few seasons but I gotta stick with it just cause

Nevermind, saw this Mike and Rachel last season, ya after this, I can't watch
Last season finally, glad it's ending, been bad last few seasons but I gotta stick with it just cause

Nevermind, saw this Mike and Rachel last season, ya after this, I can't watch
This is still season 7.

There's gonna be a s8 without Mike and Rachel. No word on that being the final season. They actually may want to reach s10 or revamp the show with Harvey, Alex, Louis, and Donna.

There's also gonna be a spinoff show with Jessica Pearson as the main character which is why she's still showing up in Suits this season.
Damn Mike served Oliver. Son stay putting on the big boy pants before he's ready trying to bark on onnsomebkdy.

Louis was such a simping lame.
This show should have ended when Mike went to jail. That was a perfect finish.

Also, this show would be 10x better if it was on HBO or Netflix where anything is game.

I do think it's funny they sneak in F-bombs now. Louis even got a HJ last episode :lol:
Why is the psychiatrist still upset at Harvey, he told her everything and confirmed he didn't have feelings for Donna. Also that Lewis **** was shameful​
Season 1 Lewis and Season 7 Lewis are two totally different characters.

I also hate that the character is supposed to be chubby now. He was solid looking season 1 now he's a chubby simp.

They coulda made this character something great. Now he's just an emotional schmuck.
These last two episodes have been great by far. I've gotten used to the Deus Ex Machina of the show by now. But I think the stories have been compelling and interesting.
Felt like they rushed the 2 hour finale. The build up of the season was all about the wedding and it lasted all of 10 minutes and they didn’t do any sort of send off for Mike and Rachel.
I wouldn't want them to do a cheesy sendoff and I hate wedding episodes so it worked for me... quick and painless.
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