Originally Posted by Guppetto

How does one pull off a 3 button super with one of those pads. I had the original 6 button Genesis controller like the pads shown and while you can easily push two buttons, pressing three seems almost impossible without removing one hand from the controller.
it has shoulder buttons also. which i imagine can be mapped to have all 3 P/K's assigned to one button.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

gd luck playing with a pad if u playing 3rd strike or sfiv on pad. it's impossible to execute all the mechanics 110% like u can on a stick.
Not everyone is a tourney pro. I do fine online with even 360 pad on 3s, but of course get murked on the regular by the tourney guys with sticks.
Went 5 : 25 against the top JP player on Xbox Live though who is 1st overall.

That's why I went with a TE stick when I found somebody who even had preorders left.

Pads are fine for people who need a better D-PAD on 360 or a cheaper replacement/2nd controller anyway, yeah for PS3 too. Some people even like collectingcontrollers, IE those SF anniversary Nuby products. Even had Guile among the Ryu and Ken and Chun-Li I believe.

And who don't want to take a chance on faulty sticks 1st batch from Mad Katz that you don't know about until its rubbed raw on the actualmotherboard(or green chip set equivalent) of the stick there as reported by SRK forums and Kotaku et al. Mad Katz didn't step it up for the $80 product andthat's a wash, getting people heated about it.

Nor is everyone going to break warranty and mod it up to fix it.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

ummm, how do I do this?
It never asked me if i wanted to install itwhen I put in the game
throwing is also light punch + light kick, focus attacks are medium punch + medium kick and hard punch + hard kick.. how u gonna link combos if u playing onpad?
I need the stick

but Im scared I might get a defective one..... anyone know if Best Buy will be getting it?
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

ummm, how do I do this?
It never asked me if i wanted to install it when I put in the game
Where can I find this?
Originally Posted by DC5 06

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

ummm, how do I do this?
It never asked me if i wanted to install it when I put in the game
Where can I find this?
i got the standard and super moves down...

still working on the ex ones, not sure why i am struggling on them, ive done all the other moves.. any help here would be appreciated!

on the 360 btw

the fightpad is so dope, glad i got it.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by DC5 06

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

ummm, how do I do this?
It never asked me if i wanted to install it when I put in the game
Where can I find this?
is anybody here interested in the collectors version? w/o the game?

i got it today, not really digging the bonus stuff, so if anybody wants the extra costumes, the 2 bonus discs, art book, and c. viper figuring, just lmk, pm me

for 360 of course!
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

Good look Boost. After playing for 15 minutes I had already been thinking how OD the loading times were. Definitely have to do this.
I'm having no problems at all with the normal 360 controller, but maybe it's just me. The left shoulder buttons help alot. Anyone wanna take an L rightnow hit me up

GT - DaPlayM8ker
Originally Posted by DC5 06

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by DC5 06

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If any of yall get the PS3 version, PLEASE install the optional 2GB of data. There are virtually no load times, everything is seamless, including online loading, it's def WORTH IT.

ummm, how do I do this?
It never asked me if i wanted to install it when I put in the game
Where can I find this?
These @%+%*@$***!$+ almost screwed me out of my PS3 CE!

So I go up to GameStop to pick it up, before I even say anything the guy goes "Street Fighter"? I'm like "yeah, CE". So he ask me if Ireserved the game and I said "yup". I give him my cell number and than he ask for my receipt. I hand my receipt and he over looks it and goes"ok, we got your 360 copy" and proceeds to walk away and I'm like "wait... I preorder PS3 sir". Than he's like "PS3, are yousure" and I tell him that I am. He checks my receipt and says "nah, it says 360 right here". I look at my receipt and tell him, "no itdoesnt, where does it say 360". He than points to my receipt and says "see this number right here, "20" is 360, PS3 is "27".I'm thinking how am I suppose to know that?! Anyways, I'm like "ok, that's nice, I order PS3 though" and he tells me they don't haveany PS3 CE's and all they have are 360 CE's and regular edition of PS3. I'm like "I don't want those, I want my PS3 CE" and he'slike "sorry sir, I can sell you only a regular PS3 version or a 360".

Now I'm getting pissed, "what do I do than, I order PS3 CE" and he says "I don't know what to tell you". So than I siad "$#$@that, find me a damn PS3 CE back there... I reserved that !#%%". Than he like "sir, calm down, unfourtanetly we don't have anymore and we'renot getting a second batch, but ill check if we have any in back". So I'm chillin infront, long line of people waiting on me. 10mins later he'slike "nope, we don't have any, just regular editions... shall I ring you up". Than I was like "!%$, I reserved it though, what part of thegame is that". I guess he didnt get my slang because he said "part of the game? In street fighter". I told him, "fine, I'm gonnacontact GameStop Corp and see what they can do". He than looks at my reciept and goes "plus you reserved it on Feburary 11th, we didn't have anyPS3 CE availble at that time". I said "the $#$@? I reseved that !#%% back in December, I CAME on Feburary 11th and put $20 more down". Thanhe's like "let me check my system", he checks, TA the @%!$%+$ DA... he sees where I did reserve in December. So he tells me he's gonna checkwith the district manager who happen to be here. So he made me wait again, 15mins... and FINALLY, he comes out with a PS3 CE. He's like "its a goodthing my district manager is here because I couldn't give you this CE" He apolgizes for the inconvience and tells me to enjoy my game,


Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

He's like "its a good thing my district manager is here because I couldn't give you this CE" He apolgizes for the inconvience and tells me to enjoy my game,
Why couldn't he give it - did he even say? Probably his or something and he was being shady.

Employees taking theirs and putting it up under the counter or in back when its on someone's preorder. SMH

'd @ the

"What part of the game is this?!"

"This game, Street Fighter?"
As posted in the ps3 thread......... Copped SFIV @ Game stop today the CE version..
See you online

ps..Boost what Gamestop was that?
that feature where you play arcade mode and can be challenged online is sorta cool. but i swear some of these guys are like the jerks back in the day who wouldsee you playing by yourself and put their money in the machine...then theyd wait and right when you about to win the match in arcade mode, they push start andjoin in.

i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match
i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match

jae, you can turn that off... i did, it gets kind of annoying, its in the options under arcade options or xbl settings
Originally Posted by jae oh en

that feature where you play arcade mode and can be challenged online is sorta cool. but i swear some of these guys are like the jerks back in the day who would see you playing by yourself and put their money in the machine...then theyd wait and right when you about to win the match in arcade mode, they push start and join in.

i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match
How do you turn it back on?
Gamestop, no reserve, would have gotten it for my XBOX 360 but didn't want to get RROD'ed out ofnowhere. Seems liek most dudes get RROD'ed as soon as a hot game comes out
. Anyway PSN ID is KccP43ver I'm trying to get into the mix with y'all NT dudes as soon as I get used to the controller. I have extensive SFexperience from back in the days. I only hope the controller can stand up to constant usage, it feels a little flimsy, should have gotten the top of the lineone. We'll see.


Originally Posted by jae oh en

that feature where you play arcade mode and can be challenged online is sorta cool. but i swear some of these guys are like the jerks back in the day who would see you playing by yourself and put their money in the machine...then theyd wait and right when you about to win the match in arcade mode, they push start and join in.

i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match
I hear you. I didn't realize I had that feature on when some random Blanka challenged me. Needless to say, I sat on him with my Honda. I wastrying to finish the arcade mode before I jumped into MP. Dudes will never learn.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Gamestop, no reserve, would have gotten it for my XBOX 360 but didn't want to get RROD'ed out of nowhere. Seems liek most dudes get RROD'ed as soon as a hot game comes out
. Anyway PSN ID is KccP43ver I'm trying to get into the mix with y'all NT dudes as soon as I get used to the controller. I have extensive SF experience from back in the days. I only hope the controller can stand up to constant usage, it feels a little flimsy, should have gotten the top of the line one. We'll see.

i feel you man, i need to nail this thing down or something i keep picking it up tryin to pull moves off.
still trying to pick up the te stick eventually, hopefully it turns up at some best buys tomorrow.
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