I mean that Justin uses all of the basic moves for characters to deal out lots of damage, example being him dominating Ed Ma's Gief using Rufus withoutlinking into a lot of combos. I thought he used Boxer effectively as well for one or two hit shots to get back in matches.
Daigo the beast!

Wong's Balrog>>>>>>>>>> Gootecks
That was nuts. Wong taking that L with Abel in the first game made the boxer run 20 times better

I think jwong is corny at times, but he gets a
for pulling out the stars and stripes Apollo creed costume.

I need to take pics of the hotel lobby right now. A never ending sea of geeks who haven't showered all weekend.
all the folks gambling don't knowwhat the hell is going on.



:HAT for proving that boxer can be a high calibur character
oh yah, justin choked a few times with boxer!

he missed a headbutt to ultra for starters (the commentators thought he was saving it, but I think he shoulda used it)

he had a lot of opportunities to string combos after the dash uppercut

props to not overusing the headbutt like many players do including myself

he shoulda used TAP more to armor break daigo's FA's

I dont even think he used the sweep dash punch?

and he held back a lot on the overhead

that rog guy from Puerto Rico was demolishing people yesterday!

LMAO when that black commentator was hyperventilating/freaking out

to whoever the girl was giving justin wong tips and cheering for him i.e. "relax Justin!", "go justin!", a bunch of other stuff Ican't remember... it just seemed like her voice stuck out over everyone

and another
for Justin thinking that he won the championship and standing up after beating daigo and sending him to the losers bracket
justin wong is one hell of a player, but his antics and celebrations before the match was even over was in my opinion just disrespectful. justin vs daigoridiculous skills there. amazing fight.
Just got back from Vegas. and all I can say is wow. That was by far one of the best runs ive seen. To see all those people cheering for Justin was dope sincethe hate for him is strong. (I.E. his Third Strike match at the begining of the day.) I just watched the videos again on youtube, and they dont do that runjustice. The energy in the hall was amazing.
Originally Posted by hlf man hlf amzng

justin wong is one hell of a player, but his antics and celebrations before the match was even over was in my opinion just disrespectful. justin vs daigo ridiculous skills there. amazing fight.
true but there are other people who are really disrespectful. i wish i can post the vid but i dont wanna get banned
Originally Posted by thaisativa1

oh yah, justin choked a few times with boxer!

he missed a headbutt to ultra for starters (the commentators thought he was saving it, but I think he shoulda used it)

he had a lot of opportunities to string combos after the dash uppercut

props to not overusing the headbutt like many players do including myself

he shoulda used TAP more to armor break daigo's FA's

I dont even think he used the sweep dash punch?

and he held back a lot on the overhead

that rog guy from Puerto Rico was demolishing people yesterday!

LMAO when that black commentator was hyperventilating/freaking out

to whoever the girl was giving justin wong tips and cheering for him i.e. "relax Justin!", "go justin!", a bunch of other stuff I can't remember... it just seemed like her voice stuck out over everyone

and another
for Justin thinking that he won the championship and standing up after beating daigo and sending him to the losers bracket
Just watched the videos on youtube.

He missed twice I think. Both times commentators thought he was saving it. He ended winning the first time though, not the second time. \I'm almostpositive he didn't throw any dash sweep punches. And yeah, that chick was mad annoying.
Originally Posted by thaisativa1

he missed a headbutt to ultra for starters (the commentators thought he was saving it, but I think he shoulda used it)

he shoulda used TAP more to armor break daigo's FA's

I dont even think he used the sweep dash punch?

and he held back a lot on the overhead
Its better to save the ultra because when you combo into it the damage is reduced. If you save it you always have the threat of having an ultrathat you can connect for more damage. Also Daigo's got crazy reflexes he would have seen those a mile away and punished it. Justin knows this.
Word someone post up the links or tell me what to type into the search box for youtube because when I type in EVO all types of crap pops up that aren'teven EVO...
This dude Daigo... would you guys say he's the best Streetfighter player in the world?

Dude is nasty though... and classy unlike that fat piece of stinking turd !@+! J. Wong...
Originally Posted by jae oh en

That was nuts. Wong taking that L with Abel in the first game made the boxer run 20 times better

I think jwong is corny at times, but he gets a
for pulling out the stars and stripes Apollo creed costume.

I need to take pics of the hotel lobby right now. A never ending sea of geeks who haven't showered all weekend.
all the folks gambling don't know what the hell is going on.
i stopped by for a quick sec before hitting the seafood buffet which was

didn't see much except for a ton of geeky dudes lmao. that place did stink tho

wasn't focused on evo while in vegas, i was there for a cousin's bachelor party. seen blake griffin in the venetian and kevin durant at XS (place isdope)

gotta go back soon
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