dam I jammed a finger and stretched my shoulder playing ball today.

got wrecked in g2. These dorks take this game too seriously.

I mean I don't have problems with throwing but them tools be throwing at every chance they get and I have to resort to tiger uppercuts to counter it thenit just becomes a bad habit..
Originally Posted by Stargalaqtic

St4rgalaqtic Vs. Chicago Bully

St4rgalaqtic Wins - close game gg chicago.
add me, i'll play you weds night, midterms right now arghhhhhhhhhhh

i've noticed that character selections are a lot different in champ mode. balrog, zangief, and el fuente's are much more prevalent. ranked matchesi'm always going against ryu and ken, but there's a different 'crowd' in champ mode. not sure if i like it either. the balrogs are the worst.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

dam I jammed a finger and stretched my shoulder playing ball today.

got wrecked in g2. These dorks take this game too seriously.

I mean I don't have problems with throwing but them tools be throwing at every chance they get and I have to resort to tiger uppercuts to counter it then it just becomes a bad habit..
u do know u can dash outta throws right??
played my first nter last nite; murks. But yea; he got murked 4-0.

add me psn: itschrislee

and the championship mode; its a mixed bag; i do like the blind select; but theres still the same type of players from the ranked matches. The"turtle" players, its just not fun when the dude just projectiles jumps back block and stays there. I have more fun playing player matches since itlets people play without worries
Player matches > *

Eff a ranked or champinship game, nothin' but "turtle" players and cheesers.

These ranks mean nothin', just play the game for fun.
Gamecrazy called me on Saturday said my Street FIghter TE controller came in, Im happy I blew 150 plus tax on one, it worth it!!!
Rank matches are funny, championship mode is garbage, dudes going hard cheesin
Still looking for a TE Stick for the 360 in NYC... if anyone knows how/where I can get one please throw me a line...
lol people stay making alibis on losses. excuses come plenty
. "cheesing" or whatever yall claim doesnt exist in the sf world. the objective ofthe game is to win, you don't roll over and die for your opponent do u?

to me CE mode is
, the games are hella intense.
^ They aiin't excuses if I'm actually WINNING these matches, I can counter their dumb running away and cheesing easy.

My complains are the QUALITY of the games I'm playing. Why would I want to play a whole 99 seconds per round of keep away and staying on each corner?Player matches are just more fun to play, straight up.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

^ They aiin't excuses if I'm actually WINNING these matches, I can counter their dumb running away and cheesing easy.

My complains are the QUALITY of the games I'm playing. Why would I want to play a whole 99 seconds per round of keep away and staying on each corner? Player matches are just more fun to play, straight up.
word.. ure right there, but once u advance to the next level g-2 and up, its a whole nother crop of players out there, solid as hell.
I would hope so, I haven't bothered to get to g-2 yet I've been busy with these $10 games from Best Buy.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

lol people stay making alibis on losses. excuses come plenty
. "cheesing" or whatever yall claim doesnt exist in the sf world. the objective of the game is to win, you don't roll over and die for your opponent do u?

to me CE mode is
, the games are hella intense.

i still want to play you and beat you with your own TE stick.....
Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

lol people stay making alibis on losses. excuses come plenty
. "cheesing" or whatever yall claim doesnt exist in the sf world. the objective of the game is to win, you don't roll over and die for your opponent do u?

to me CE mode is
, the games are hella intense.

i still want to play you and beat you with your own TE stick.....
we can do it anytime... too bad the hub doesnt have a sfiv cab
, we could duel it out there. im terrible on the stick so far.

the hub better not purchase a sfiv cab, or else it would be over for my grades/classes.
for some reason im hoping that mvc2 gets announced and all the fanboys will go and play that and leave the true street fighter players to 4. hopefully no moreboring turtle matches
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