Strangers, again...

Josh is a simp and like your typical NT'er in the Thread About Yambs. I can't believe I watched his beta behavior for 16 minutes. Dude probably didn't eem smash.

Good watch, though. Thanks OP.
cathy nguyen is so pretty 
I detest the term "simp" when used improperly and overly used by these squares nowadays. If you don't know where the term originated from, S T F U is how i feel.......
Josh is a simp and like your typical NT'er in the Thread About Yambs. I can't believe I watched his beta behavior for 16 minutes. Dude probably didn't eem smash.

Good watch, though. Thanks OP.
.  What did I just watch?  Dude needs to be real and say after the honeymoon phase, he got comfortable and she had another dude on deck...
My ex gf showed me this like a year ago. She said, "let's never get out of the honeymoon stage"

:lol: did that end quickly
I liked that.

Dude was trying to communicate with his chick and trying to take her opinion into consideration. I wouldn't consider that being a beta male, even though I feel like he could have been a little firmer at times.

I like the fact that they for the most part communicated throughout, which seemed to help in ending the relationship on somewhat good terms. That is usually the problem we all have. People will either not communicate and it end it abruptly, causing one partner to be shocked and then devastated... or in other instances a person will just cheat, get caught, and that obviously doesn't end well.

Overall it was a good video.
It was pretty good actually. A good point was made.

When you decide to be with someone, you're practically setting yourself up to make the choice between staying together for a really long time, or breaking up. These's really no in between.

Dude wasn't a simp, in my opinion. Believe it or not, a guy can be in a committed relationship with a woman and still have balls. Most of the dudes talking that "he's a simp" **** are too insecure with themselves; afraid that no one can truly love/accept you because deep down you can't stomach/accept/love yourself. The day comes where the player-est player realizes he's lonely and would trade the majority of the women on his list of sex partners for one person he can converse with, be himself around, and not just have thoughts of smashing on the noggin.

To my NT'ers that are in serious relationship or married, what is the commonplace you find during arguments? Most of us makes think logically, opposed to our female counterparts that are driven by emotion. In most cases, our logic, no matter how sound it may be, doesn't resonate with our women and they continue to let their emotions cloud their reasoning. More times than none, we give in for the sake of ending an argument (even when we know deep down we were right; some times your woman will realize this along the road and apologize). So at what point is it that you guys tend to just say "**** it" (for lack of a better word), and just let your women have the argument? I mean, this is the person you love... Your favorite girl and what not. So you know you don't want to go without her.

I know. :frown:

I liked that.

Dude was trying to communicate with his chick and trying to take her opinion into consideration. I wouldn't consider that being a beta male, even though I feel like he could have been a little firmer at times.

I like the fact that they for the most part communicated throughout, which seemed to help in ending the relationship on somewhat good terms. That is usually the problem we all have. People will either not communicate and it end it abruptly, causing one partner to be shocked and then devastated... or in other instances a person will just cheat, get caught, and that obviously doesn't end well.

Overall it was a good video.

Agreed 100%.

It was pretty good actually. A good point was made.

When you decide to be with someone, you're practically setting yourself up to make the choice between staying together for a really long time, or breaking up. These's really no in between.

Dude wasn't a simp, in my opinion. Believe it or not, a guy can be in a committed relationship with a woman and still have balls. Most of the dudes talking that "he's a simp" **** are too insecure with themselves; afraid that no one can truly love/accept you because deep down you can't stomach/accept/love yourself. The day comes where the player-est player realizes he's lonely and would trade the majority of the women on his list of sex partners for one person he can converse with, be himself around, and not just have thoughts of smashing on the noggin.

To my NT'ers that are in serious relationship or married, what is the commonplace you find during arguments? Most of us makes think logically, opposed to our female counterparts that are driven by emotion. In most cases, our logic, no matter how sound it may be, doesn't resonate with our women and they continue to let their emotions cloud their reasoning. More times than none, we give in for the sake of ending an argument (even when we know deep down we were right; some times your woman will realize this along the road and apologize). So at what point is it that you guys tend to just say "**** it" (for lack of a better word), and just let your women have the argument? I mean, this is the person you love... Your favorite girl and what not. So you know you don't want to go without her.

I just had this discussion with my homeboy. He was telling me sometimes you gotta just give in and she'll realize she was wrong later. It all depends on the type of argument. Argument on music, tv, something that shouldn't affect us, I'll let her have it. If its something serious that I know will cause long term effects such as disrespect, finances, trust issues, etc I'd rather keep it going until she sees it my way.
me and my girl dont argue and she is cool as hell...shes the best one out of all the girls id seen in my younger 26 shes 30 in august.

she doesnt even trip when i say that i will eff the ish outta chicks on TV..

it feels good to not fight over anything and everything..

why do people stay in crappy relationships, you can tell if you are compatible within the first week..

i will admit i stayed in some relationships with little chickenheads just for the she let me in her muddhut..
a simp is someone who uses material things to get women...or is that a trick? the act of trickin, correct?
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