Stoudemire Spending Reported $100,000 to Learn From Hakeem Olajuwon

Everyone looks at post moves from the context of a quicker player like a guard executing them and then exceptional quality of these types of moves are noticeable than the subtleties of how a larger bulkier player uses his size, and leverage to create space and get off quality shot attempts, this seems easier but the concentration required is just as difficult.

For sheer quality of footwork you gotta look at Louis Scola.

The half spin he puts on lamar odom at 1:09 is filthy.

Z-Bo a bigger guy uses, always finds a way to place body using well timed drop steps and shoulder bumps to shield his defender from getting to the ball, and when defenders start expecting the power move, hell faint the shoulder and fade on the shot, combine that with his ridiculous concentration dude is the pinnacle in power post moves in the L right now.

1:46 watch spin enough times to get him sealed on his back so he can got to his left hand.

again 1:07 isn't flashy but watch him seal off roy, with a quick pivot.

Carmelo loves to shoot midrange jumpers, but don't sleep on this dudes power post game, he'd be a far more dominant player if he cut way down on his whole jab step a million times then take a jumper thing he loves to do so much.
What is it today with these guys who need to "learn" post moves from past legends?
I mean it just shows these guys aren't being thought right at school/college level but are still able to get away with it cus of their athleticism yet as they age it all comes home to roost.
Take Dwight Howard he obviously got away with dunking all over guys when he was younger but without fundamental post skills all that talent can go to waste.

Simple the current generation of basketball players aren't being taught the basic fundamentals of the game.

They get onto AAU teams where their team coaches see they got size & athleticism and coach them to rely on it. Instead of working on a player post game, passing, mid range game, foot work, set plays, and using a players off hand.

Then also factor in kids see what they see on highlights on SportsCenter, And 1 Mix Tapes, and the EBC stuff and they mimic and try to do that stuff instead of practicing the fundamentals of the game.

By the time a high school kid gets to college it's to late for a college coach to try to break their habits and to actually coach them because a player knows that if they are projected to be a NBA lottery pick they are only staying 1 year in college and then declaring for the NBA Draft.Kids nowadays have the Kanye "Can't tell me nothing attitude" in them and will ignore a college coach trying to teach them.

That's why Euro players even though they get the label of "BEING Soft" know the fundamentals of the game and have a more complete game by the time they get to the NBA. Where in Europe they play in pro leagues.Compared to a high school kid here in the US playing on AAU sponsored teams.
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