Stingiest things you've seen other people do?

Funniest thing I ever saw was at Denny's. Dude asked for a water and the server said "would you like a slice of lemon?" The waiter brought him a water with a slice of lemon and the guy asks "can you bring me 7 or 8 more slices" this dude made his own lemonade instead of buying it. Genius!
dudes who sneak away to smoke a personal but always pop up when your smoking
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

dudes who sneak away to smoke a personal but always pop up when your smoking

Unacceptable. I only smoke alone or with my homies. None of that !!%#*+ coming out of the wood works when crip is being blown..
Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"

-About 2 years ago, my car battery died at the mall, and the parking lot was empty so I couldn't get anyone to jump start my car. So I called up my friend since he's basically my neighbor and because we only live about 15 minutes away from the mall. His response? "Can you call AAA first? I don't want to use up so much gas"
Called up my friend who lived 35 minutes away and he came by and helped me out with no hesitation

-Last month, the SAME thing happened. My car key somehow fell off my keychain, so I was stuck at the BART station which is about 30 mins away from home. I called up this same friend (I had forgotten what he had done before) and asked him if he could pick up my spare key and bring it to me. His response: "That's a really far drive. Can't you call AAA? If that doesn't work out I'll leave in 30 minutes" I didn't even respond. It was 40 degrees and I was outside wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt (since it was warmer during the day), freezing my @#$ off. I was definitely not gonna wait 2 hours for AAA to show up. I just hung up and called a cab to get my key and come back. Total cost: $200

Haven't talked to him since. There are way too many stories of his family's stinginess and selfishness but these 3 pissed me off the most
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Funniest thing I ever saw was at Denny's. Dude asked for a water and the server said "would you like a slice of lemon?" The waiter brought him a water with a slice of lemon and the guy asks "can you bring me 7 or 8 more slices" this dude made his own lemonade instead of buying it. Genius!

 my aunt did this once at a restaurant. 

no shame.
Not gonna lie, I do some stingy things here and there, but I try to keep it to myself.
I'm usually tolerant the first time around someone is stingy, but I try not to be around those kind of people afterwards. I've found out through roommates and roommate stories in college that a stingy mentality says a lot about that individual, in a not so good way. There's a clear line between stingy and rude/shady, to me at least.
This thread makes me grateful for having non-stingy friends.
And to contribute to this thread, a female friend of mine went on a first date with some guy to the movies. She says they went to buy tickets at one of those automated teller booths, and the dude hesitated to see if she was gonna pull out her card to pay for her own ticket. To make it worse, once the guy figured out he was buying, he proceeds to try and buy child's tickets. She never saw that fool again.
sillyputty wrote:

Man you can do better, this was a  low one even for you.
"Rev" run is a joke and you know it,and he is greedy

You always find the worst examples.

Most believers do not have that mentality.
I pray and I act, I prayed and acted on the two indigents I helped today.
Faith and acts bruh, they go hand and hand.
Originally Posted by odog24

i knew this guy who would call chipotle and tell them they made the wrong order and they would offer him some free food

This is just plain stealing

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"

-About 2 years ago, my car battery died at the mall, and the parking lot was empty so I couldn't get anyone to jump start my car. So I called up my friend since he's basically my neighbor and because we only live about 15 minutes away from the mall. His response? "Can you call AAA first? I don't want to use up so much gas"
Called up my friend who lived 35 minutes away and he came by and helped me out with no hesitation

-Last month, the SAME thing happened. My car key somehow fell off my keychain, so I was stuck at the BART station which is about 30 mins away from home. I called up this same friend (I had forgotten what he had done before) and asked him if he could pick up my spare key and bring it to me. His response: "That's a really far drive. Can't you call AAA? If that doesn't work out I'll leave in 30 minutes" I didn't even respond. It was 40 degrees and I was outside wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt (since it was warmer during the day), freezing my @#$ off. I was definitely not gonna wait 2 hours for AAA to show up. I just hung up and called a cab to get my key and come back. Total cost: $200

Haven't talked to him since. There are way too many stories of his family's stinginess and selfishness but these 3 pissed me off the most

I dont want to believe you.


Did she pay her?
My mom would have went to her house and burnt the 2 dollars in her face.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"

-About 2 years ago, my car battery died at the mall, and the parking lot was empty so I couldn't get anyone to jump start my car. So I called up my friend since he's basically my neighbor and because we only live about 15 minutes away from the mall. His response? "Can you call AAA first? I don't want to use up so much gas"
Called up my friend who lived 35 minutes away and he came by and helped me out with no hesitation

-Last month, the SAME thing happened. My car key somehow fell off my keychain, so I was stuck at the BART station which is about 30 mins away from home. I called up this same friend (I had forgotten what he had done before) and asked him if he could pick up my spare key and bring it to me. His response: "That's a really far drive. Can't you call AAA? If that doesn't work out I'll leave in 30 minutes" I didn't even respond. It was 40 degrees and I was outside wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt (since it was warmer during the day), freezing my @#$ off. I was definitely not gonna wait 2 hours for AAA to show up. I just hung up and called a cab to get my key and come back. Total cost: $200

Haven't talked to him since. There are way too many stories of his family's stinginess and selfishness but these 3 pissed me off the most

smfh @ "can you call AAA" who the hell even says that??? smh!!!

but yo

more stories from dat family?
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

My dude ordered two entrees from d&bs, lots of food, someone asked for a chicken finger and son proceeded to tear one in half

that aint stingy, thats being real.
- People who don't order food but take it upon themselves to take food off your plate, without asking of course.

I have a friend that asked me to watch his dogs while he was on vacation for about three days and was going to give me $100 since he lived about 15 minutes away and had four dogs at the time. This included feeding them, cleaning their area of any excrement and walking them around. On the second day one of them decides to bite me and it actually draws blood from my hand, her fang pierced the area between my thumb and index finger. I could actually see some of my flesh dangling. When he gets back I tell him what happened and he decides to then say "So, is $80 okay?"


I give him the stone face and proceed never to do anything for him again. He ended up being on of those "friends" that hit you up only when he needed something, never hearing from him for months on end. 
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"

-About 2 years ago, my car battery died at the mall, and the parking lot was empty so I couldn't get anyone to jump start my car. So I called up my friend since he's basically my neighbor and because we only live about 15 minutes away from the mall. His response? "Can you call AAA first? I don't want to use up so much gas"
Called up my friend who lived 35 minutes away and he came by and helped me out with no hesitation

-Last month, the SAME thing happened. My car key somehow fell off my keychain, so I was stuck at the BART station which is about 30 mins away from home. I called up this same friend (I had forgotten what he had done before) and asked him if he could pick up my spare key and bring it to me. His response: "That's a really far drive. Can't you call AAA? If that doesn't work out I'll leave in 30 minutes" I didn't even respond. It was 40 degrees and I was outside wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt (since it was warmer during the day), freezing my @#$ off. I was definitely not gonna wait 2 hours for AAA to show up. I just hung up and called a cab to get my key and come back. Total cost: $200

Haven't talked to him since. There are way too many stories of his family's stinginess and selfishness but these 3 pissed me off the most

smfh @ "can you call AAA" who the hell even says that??? smh!!!

but yo

more stories from dat family?
Shoefreakbaby, that @#$@% left that message on our voicemail. My mom just ignored it

My friend's mom:
-We were in the movie theater, and my friend got hungry. She immediately brings out apples and starts cutting them with a knife, and then she brings out a tupperware full of food

-Speaking of tupperware, we were all invited to another one of our family friends' marriage anniversaries at a restaurant. My friends mom busts out the tupperware and starts scooping up all the leftover food in the buffet line
People are just looking at her like

-Camping trip: Sprays her kids all over with insect repellant. My friend (a different one, not her son) and I ask if she can spray us too, and she literally uses the spray like a cologne bottle. Sprays each of us once on the chest and once on the back

-Even her own family isn't exempt from her stinginess. She planned a surprise party for her cousin's 30th birthday, and the "cake" was 3 muffins put together side by side, with one candle on each

I could write page after page of this @#$%. I'm gonna stop because just thinking about it gets me mad

I know you might be asking "Why does your family even interact with them?" Her husband is a really good guy (the exact opposite of her) and one of my dad's best friends from college
Originally Posted by Skateboard

People taking a bunch of mints from a waiting room.

People refilling their poland spring bottles.

Dudes who don't bring anything to a dinner party, then proceed to take 3-4 helpings of food.
youre supposed to take a bunch, thats what theyre there for
first off, why did you choose poland spring? lmao, anyways whats wrong with refilling it with water at a water fountain?

ummm, maybe they dont cook, and its a dinner party. . .  the host is supposed to provide the food

but my friend would drive 4hrs out the way to mash out on some chick, but he wouldnt drive to the mall, what i look like pickin up a grown man to go to the mall?

and i bet my girl for something stupid but i was so sure i bet 5 hundo and lost, but im a man of my word so i pay up, dont you know this heffer wouldnt pay up on a 50 dollar bet i just won last week, and shes for real not paying
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

People picking at my meal before I even have my first bite.
People who don't pay their share of taxes.
I had a friend who went to red lobsters and he didn't order anything but he ate biscuits, salad, entree from everybody, dessert and basically everything from the 4 course meal from everybody. He didn't even pay taxes.
so we basically invited dude, didn't eat and ended up eating 1/3 of all our meals and he didn't pay a dime. Cheap friends are whack as hell.

I absolutely positively HATE when bum @+% dudes pick at my food. One time we were having a group dinner at Denny's and I knew there was a guy who always touches our food and eats some. When my food arrived (Sampler
) I coughed on everything, Spit my tongue all over the plate for over 20 seconds and licked every chicken strip and cheese stick. Tell me why this clown watched me do all that and he STILL picked and ate off my plate smh...
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Family friend that I've known since childhood/his mother:

-3rd grade: I used to carpool with him, and sometimes our parents would take us to Taco Bell after school. So one day, his mom gets me 2 crunchy tacos and a bean burrito (not because she was stingy, but that's what I asked for) which back then came out to about $2 total. That same night, my grandpa died, and we booked a next-morning flight out of the country for the funeral. This @#$@% (my friend's mom) calls my mom up and says "Before you leave, can you pay me back the $2 for your son's food?"

-About 2 years ago, my car battery died at the mall, and the parking lot was empty so I couldn't get anyone to jump start my car. So I called up my friend since he's basically my neighbor and because we only live about 15 minutes away from the mall. His response? "Can you call AAA first? I don't want to use up so much gas"
Called up my friend who lived 35 minutes away and he came by and helped me out with no hesitation

-Last month, the SAME thing happened. My car key somehow fell off my keychain, so I was stuck at the BART station which is about 30 mins away from home. I called up this same friend (I had forgotten what he had done before) and asked him if he could pick up my spare key and bring it to me. His response: "That's a really far drive. Can't you call AAA? If that doesn't work out I'll leave in 30 minutes" I didn't even respond. It was 40 degrees and I was outside wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt (since it was warmer during the day), freezing my @#$ off. I was definitely not gonna wait 2 hours for AAA to show up. I just hung up and called a cab to get my key and come back. Total cost: $200

Haven't talked to him since. There are way too many stories of his family's stinginess and selfishness but these 3 pissed me off the most

smfh @ "can you call AAA" who the hell even says that??? smh!!!

but yo

more stories from dat family?
Shoefreakbaby, that @#$@% left that message on our voicemail. My mom just ignored it

My friend's mom:
-We were in the movie theater, and my friend got hungry. She immediately brings out apples and starts cutting them with a knife, and then she brings out a tupperware full of food

-Speaking of tupperware, we were all invited to another one of our family friends' marriage anniversaries at a restaurant. My friends mom busts out the tupperware and starts scooping up all the leftover food in the buffet line
People are just looking at her like

-Camping trip: Sprays her kids all over with insect repellant. My friend (a different one, not her son) and I ask if she can spray us too, and she literally uses the spray like a cologne bottle. Sprays each of us once on the chest and once on the back

-Even her own family isn't exempt from her stinginess. She planned a surprise party for her cousin's 30th birthday, and the "cake" was 3 muffins put together side by side, with one candle on each

I could write page after page of this @#$%. I'm gonna stop because just thinking about it gets me mad

I know you might be asking "Why does your family even interact with them?" Her husband is a really good guy (the exact opposite of her) and one of my dad's best friends from college
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Shoefreakbaby, that @#$@% left that message on our voicemail. My mom just ignored it

My friend's mom:
-We were in the movie theater, and my friend got hungry. She immediately brings out apples and starts cutting them with a knife, and then she brings out a tupperware full of food

-Speaking of tupperware, we were all invited to another one of our family friends' marriage anniversaries at a restaurant. My friends mom busts out the tupperware and starts scooping up all the leftover food in the buffet line
People are just looking at her like

-Camping trip: Sprays her kids all over with insect repellant. My friend (a different one, not her son) and I ask if she can spray us too, and she literally uses the spray like a cologne bottle. Sprays each of us once on the chest and once on the back

-Even her own family isn't exempt from her stinginess. She planned a surprise party for her cousin's 30th birthday, and the "cake" was 3 muffins put together side by side, with one candle on each

I could write page after page of this @#$%. I'm gonna stop because just thinking about it gets me mad

I know you might be asking "Why does your family even interact with them?" Her husband is a really good guy (the exact opposite of her) and one of my dad's best friends from college

 Trust she is taxing the interest on the 2 dollars your moms owe her.
And comparing it too todays taco bell prices.


Three muffins, not even cupcakes but muffins 

Im surprised each one had a candle.

And I bet you her house hold income combined, is six figures or close to it.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

My boy took his fries' cup from Five Guys and filled it up with soda without rinsing it out the cajun fry seasoning out first  
.  I would've bought him a soda sheesh.  


Orders appetizer and a cup of water.
-Starts drinking your drink - "it's cool, you get free refills"
-Finishes appetizer and looks at your main course "you look full, are you gonna finish that"
i remember in high school this girl walked into spanish class with a box of crispy cremes. she had a whole bakers dozen all for herself. a few of us asked and got shot down quick. in one period she finished all 13 donuts too like it was nothing.
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