Steve Young is way ahead.. of any analyst on ESPN .. .it's not even funny...

Steve Young is an excellent analyst. ESPN is lackluster overall in their pre-game though.
lol @ the 55 minutes quote...i was seriously sitting there like...did he just say 55 mins?

steve gave him the stone face too
Tony needs to stay on PTI (no hate but game coverage isn't his strong point)
Originally Posted by cantonayceboy

Steve: You gotta play 4 quarters. The Ravens played 3 and a half.
Sal: Emmitt?
Emmitt: The Ravens played 55 minutes *leans back in chairs*


Steve is good even tho he comes across as a lame at times. He made an appearance on MNF a couple weeks ago and him and Jaws were talking about what makes anNFL QB and then Young goes off and starts throwing subliminals at Jamarcus Russell by pretending to be a scout and saying "OHHH! He can throw the ball 70yards from his KNEE! Let's give him 60 million and make him the number 1 pick!!". Being a Raider fan, I was almost offended.
i like allen the most as an analyst. young is pretty good too, but i can see he hates the pats deep down. its good to have balance. on the other hand, you havesean salisbury who jocks the pats pretty hard. jaworksi is pretty good, but im still a little pissed that he got on moss for taking plays off when no WR in theleague goes 100% for 70 snaps a game.
but yeah....allen, jaws, and young are pretty good. the mnf crew minus jaws and young is horrendous. kornheiser is a total db, i know hes only there for color,but the dude is just annoying.
He said something about the catch my Gaffney to Harrison in the postgame show that had me cracking up. Something like "he didn't look like he caughtit but we can't change that now."
I like Steve Young as an analyst. Jaws and Steve Young are the best. Only problem I have with Steve Young is the fact that he gets so hateful on some teamswhen he analyzes. Jaws be too dramatic sometimes when he talks and that's what gets me but his knowledge is just
Emmitt just needs to learn how to speak English.

ESPNews, though. They got really good analyst. I starting to like Shaun King a lot. He's on point. Allen, too. They should host the NFL primetime. Hoge,Salisbury and Shlereth needs to go (Shlereth is best of these three though, doesn't say much but...). I can't bare to watch Hoge and Salisbury, theyare really bad.

Qadry Ismail
he's not too bad

ESPNews analysts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NFL Primtime analysts
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