Steve Jobs Died...

that's insane, i mean, we knew his health was getting pretty bad but still.. it's shocking.

on a related note Jesus Diaz must be on suicide watch. Hopefully he quits gizmodo.

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn, where does apple go from here?
what do you mean where does Apple go from here? He already resigned in the summer. It's like he knew this day was coming soon
RIP Steve Jobs. In the way technology blends with commerce & the way we live our lives with technolgy, no one has contributed more than him. The iPod changed the way we listen to music & the music business, the iPhone is pretty much the standard to which smart phones are measured by, & same with the iPad. What other tablet is better?

With his type of genius, there is always eccentricity whether it's wearing the same thing every day or telling a student emailng Apple for help with a research paper (story here) to leave Apple alone himself.

man, i'm gonna miss him, he seemed like a good dude.. granted I never knew him personally but he was definitely very business savvy and made a lot of new innovations to the tech. game. RIP.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn, where does apple go from here?
what do you mean where does Apple go from here? He already resigned in the summer. It's like he knew this day was coming soon

oh damn, I didn't even know that.

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs

say what you want about Apple and Pixar, but to deny the influence he and the company have over thousands of companies and millions of individuals is crazy. You have to respect that and its not something that can be disputed.
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