Stephon Marbury Signs with CBA Team**



"Bonzi played 14 games and was the 2nd leading scorer in the league with an average of 34.3 points, second only to Gabe Muoneke,"
i really can't hate of this dude.

Marbury To Make $25K A Month In China

Jan 19, 2010 7:26 AM EST

Stephon Marbury has taken a significant pay cut to play in the Chinese Basketball Association.

A source told Yahoo! Sports that the guard will make $25,000 a month playing overseas. Marbury earned a $22 million in the NBA last season.

Prior to signing with Shanxi Zhongyu, Marbury turned down several European offers and a deal with the Celtics.

"Marbury's salary is not an astronomical figure because by coming here he also hopes to open up the Chinese market and sell his shoes," Shanxiexecutive Wang Xingjiang said.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

marionthebarberian said:
KenJi714 said:
Originally Posted by haiti5

at bonzi puttin up 2K10 created player numbers
The Chinese players are soft as hell. Just watch at the Olympic, they let American players drive in and dunk with ease

what are you talking about?

they played us really really good the 1st half.. Americans are just better than chinese, it has nothing to do with thembeing soft.

your biased... and the chinese basketball team is soft lol

how is that being biased?
Originally Posted by ssgefiestoakagerger

^ COTdamn, son...

Check out his resume, at first glance, I thought that list was the United Nations for a quick minute

This dude was an international player no pun.

Fort Wayne Fury (2000)
[h3]Stephon Marbury: Global for the long haul[/h3]
January, 7, 2011
Jan 7



By Henry Abbott

New York magazine's Ben Sin caught with Stephon Marbury in China, and found the former Knick star had all kinds of interesting stuff to say, mostly about the expected duration of his stay in the People's Republic:
Just last month, Ricky Davis, Steve Francis, Javaris Crittenton, and Mike James were all cut by their respective Chinese clubs for various reasons. "Those guys weren't cut because they couldn't play," [Marbury adviser Cyril] White says, pointing out that Crittenton averaged 25 points a game with his club, Zhejiang Guangsha. "It's because those guys wouldn't, or couldn't, adjust to China. Steph is not making China adjust to him, he's adjusting to China."

Many see Marbury's China stint as a result of karma for a selfish athlete who burned one too many bridges with NBA ballclubs. It's easy to assume he's in basketball purgatory: playing for a salary that, by NBA standards, is a mere pittance (reportedly $25,000 a month) and living a detached existence, speaking through translators and eating hotel food on a daily basis. But Marbury argues that his journey east is less a last resort than a choice. Considering his uneventful integration into a role as a backup guard for the Celtics in the '09 season and a relatively injury-free past, it does seem possible that he could have continued playing in the NBA. And it's true that if he had to go overseas, he could have chosen to play in one of many beautiful European cities, where the cultural divide is smaller and the distance from home shorter. He's not trying to recapture his days as an alpha player: He's averaging a healthy but modest sixteen points and six assists a game this season while sharing the ball and frequently letting teammates dominate the action.

He says he simply wanted to go to China because he sees playing there as a smarter financial decision. ...

Marbury says he expects to stay in China for decades. He's got a new Chinese-character tattoo of his name on his left arm -- just below his famous "Coney Island's Finest" inking. "I'm not looking to come here, make a quick buck, and go home," he says. "I'm looking to be here for the long haul. I'm not expecting Starbury to blow up in the next year, we're going to infiltrate the market slowly. My kids are learning Mandarin; one day they'll be running this company."

Another important thing I learned from that article: Marbury's team is called the Foshan Dralions. Dralion = Dragon + Lion. Who's going to beat that in a fight?
Originally Posted by throwback1718

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

My son Steph always been smart with the money.

one thing I always been able to say with dude. Madman or not.
What I always say...Everybody can laugh at dude but hell laugh his way to the bank
True dude always seemed like he knew what he was doing when it came to the business side of things. I got this from his Wikipedia so I don't know about how accurate it is, but he seems to be pretty charitable as well.

In 2001, Stephon donated $250,000 of the money derived from Pepsi sponsorships to help victims of September 11.

In 2005, Marbury donated between $500,000 and $1,000,000 to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

In 2007, Stephon donated $4,000,000 to New York City, $1,000,000 each to the NYPD, FDNY, EMT, and New York City Teacher's Fund.
Originally Posted by SlimCharlieBrown

True dude always seemed like he knew what he was doing when it came to the business side of things. I got this from his Wikipedia so I don't know about how accurate it is, but he seems to be pretty charitable as well.

In 2001, Stephon donated $250,000 of the money derived from Pepsi sponsorships to help victims of September 11.

In 2005, Marbury donated between $500,000 and $1,000,000 to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

In 2007, Stephon donated $4,000,000 to New York City, $1,000,000 each to the NYPD, FDNY, EMT, and New York City Teacher's Fund.
He also gave a pair of starbury's to every kid who played PSAL ball in the city. And Ninjahood.
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